Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 668 The Ten Thousand Transformations Hidden Dragon!

The royal beast in the cage was lying in the cage dying, and its body was bound by layers of dark silver chains.

There was a long needle stuck on his back, and a medicine bottle hanging high above the long needle.

This scene reminded Fang Mu of the infusion drip he got for a cold and fever in his previous life.

The beast in this cage is obviously a trapped beast that cannot even move, but there is still a look of unruliness in its eyes.

The fierceness and dominance in his eyes were stronger than those dragon-type beasts Fang Mu had seen before.

This dragon-type beast is controlled here in this way, which shows that this dragon-type beast must be extremely precious.

Otherwise, the Huishou Chamber of Commerce would not do such troublesome things for no reason.

Gu Ting kept observing Fang Mu while taking out the exhibits one by one. After discovering that Fang Mu was interested in this dragon-type beast, Gu Ting hurriedly introduced it to Fang Mu.

"Your Excellency Jianmu's Myriad Transformation Hidden Dragon is actually not the original exhibit. I came here this time and brought some good things that the Huishou Chamber of Commerce has not brought out before."

"This Ten Thousand Transformations Hidden Dragon happens to be one of them!"

"The Ten Thousand Transformations Hidden Dragon is different from ordinary dragon-type beasts. Ordinary dragon-type beasts are inherited through blood."

"The Ten Thousand Transformations Hidden Dragon is an insect-like beast. By chance, it swallowed a large amount of the blood and flesh of the main dragon species. Only the spinal cord in the dragon's spine could evolve into the Ten Thousand Transformations Hidden Dragon under the nourishment of heaven and earth."

Fang Mu had already used the Shadow of the Fool's innate magical power [Eye of Omniscience] to explore the data of the All-Transformation Hidden Dragon when Gu Ting introduced it.

The Ten Thousand Transformation Hidden Dragon is indeed what Gu Ting said. It requires an insect-like beast to absorb a large amount of the blood of a dragon-like beast, and even swallows a lot of dragon marrow to complete its transformation.

And this transformation also requires a lot of objective conditions.

For example, the bloodline of this insect-like beast must be very strong.

Otherwise, not to mention sucking the dragon followers, when eating the flesh and blood of the dragon-type beast, the energy in the flesh and blood would have exploded and died!

There are a thousand insect-like beasts that have the opportunity to achieve this, and it would be great if one or two can successfully transform.

The Wanhua Hidden Dragon is a beast with extremely strong combat capabilities and is good at using elemental energy for close combat.

The most amazing thing is that the Wanhua Hidden Dragon itself is a beast without attributes, and its own attributes will change according to the content of elements in the environment.

This allows the Wanhua Hidden Dragon to always have a large amount of elemental energy to use in battle.

To a certain extent, this special feature of the Wanhua Hidden Dragon prevents the Wanhua Hidden Dragon from being subject to attribute restraints in battle.

In addition to its combat capabilities, the Wanhua Hidden Dragon can also enhance other dragon beasts.

When you are present, you can effectively improve the energy recovery speed and self-healing ability of dragon beasts.

This Ten Thousand Transformations Hidden Dragon is more suitable for Fang Qin than Fang Mu.

It is true that several dragon tails of the Fulong Nightmare Tiger have the bloodline of the main dragon, but the Fulong Nightmare Tiger itself is a tiger-type beast, not a dragon-type beast.

The amplification ability of the Wanhua Hidden Dragon against dragon beasts is ineffective against the Fulong Nightmare Tiger.

All the royal beasts contracted by Fang Qin are dragon beasts. Contracting the Ten Thousand Transformations Hidden Dragon with Fang Qin can greatly improve Fang Qin's strength and strategic value.

Fang Mu has decided to capture this Myriad Hidden Dragon!

There is one thing that needs to be asked clearly before taking down the Ten Thousand Transformations Hidden Dragon, and that is why the good Huishou Chamber of Commerce treats the Ten Thousand Transformations Hidden Dragon like this.

Even an evil beast doesn't need to be controlled like this, right?

Most of the medicines that are continuously delivered to Wanhua Hidden Dragon's body have a calming effect.

Gu Ting had already guessed that Fang Mu would most likely ask him this question, and Gu Ting said it very seriously.

"Your Excellency Jianmu, this Myriad Transformation Hidden Dragon has an extremely strong temper. Not even a gold-level beast can break through this black iron cage."

"Not to mention this Myriad Transformation Hidden Dragon, which is only at the silver level!"

"It is impossible for the Ten Thousand Transformations Hidden Dragon to hurt people in its cage, and we are not afraid of the Ten Thousand Transformations Hidden Dragon hurting people."

"What we are afraid of is that this Myriad Hidden Dragon will harm itself!"

"Due to poor management and control, the Dark Silver Locks that suppressed elemental energy were not used to bind the Wanhua Hidden Dragon, which caused the Wanhua Hidden Dragon to absorb the fire elemental energy and burn the chains bound to it."

"This Myriad Transformation Hidden Dragon almost killed me!"

"Since that incident, we have adopted this method of controlling the Wanhua Hidden Dragon."

"The medicine transported into the Wanhua Hidden Dragon's body is a nutritional medicine prepared by a senior architect of our Huishou Chamber of Commerce. It also contains calming and paralyzing ingredients."

"If you don't find a suitable contractor for the Ten Thousand Transformations Hidden Dragon right away, I suggest you control the Ten Thousand Transformations Hidden Dragon in the same way!"

Fang Mu nodded with understanding.

It is true that due to their temperament and bloodline, some beasts can't stand the restraint and engage in self-mutilation when captured by humans.

For example, the small animals that Fang Mu collected from the wild with the expedition team in his previous life were basically not suitable for being kept in containers and would often die.

Being able to find this Ten Thousand Transformation Hidden Dragon in his eyes is considered a great blessing.

Otherwise, this Myriad Transformation Hidden Dragon will remain in this state for who knows how long in the hands of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce.

The Chamber of Commerce with such precious beast-controlling beasts will never take action at will.

"What is the price of this Ten Thousand Transformations Hidden Dragon?"

Gu Ting did not immediately make a quotation to Fang Mu, but said to Fang Mu after pondering for a long time.

"Sir Jianmu, if you are interested in this Myriad Transformation Hidden Dragon, I can give this Myriad Transformation Hidden Dragon to you!"

"This is once again my sincere apology to you!"

When Fang Mu heard this, he didn't even think about it, so he just shook his head and said.

"I won't just trade this beast with you. Your willingness to bring more collections from your Huishou Chamber of Commerce has already made me agree with your Huishou Chamber of Commerce."

"Purchasing these beasts at a fixed price will also give your Huihui Chamber of Commerce more funds to help me collect the beasts I want."

Hearing what Fang Mu said, Gu Ting felt a little regretful. Fang Mu obviously did not admit his feelings.

But at the same time, Gu Ting also breathed a sigh of relief. This Myriad Transformation Hidden Dragon was extremely precious.

By asking Gu Ting to give away such a precious thing directly, Gu Ting had to consider how to explain it to the other managers of the Beast-Whispering Federation after he returned.

Gu Ting has several competitors in the Beast Whispering Federation, and these competitors will put pressure on him after this incident occurs.

If Gu Ting wanted to please Fang Mu, he could only choose to pay out of his own pocket, and paying out of his own pocket for Gu Ting to gift the Ever-changing Hidden Dragon to Fang Mu would put great pressure on Gu Ting himself.

"Sir Jianmu, you should know that although I am the person in charge of the Hui Beast Chamber of Commerce, I am also a speaker of the Beast Language Federation."

"I am not the only speaker of the Beast Federation. The lowest price I can offer you is 1.2 billion world coins."

"No matter how you look at it, this Myriad Transformation Hidden Dragon is comparable to the four natural disaster-level fire attribute ghost-type beasts."

Fang Mu felt that Gu Ting's offer was quite fair, and he did not counter-offer with Gu Ting at all.

"I want this Myriad Transformation Hidden Dragon. I will settle the settlement with you afterwards. You can continue to bring out other exhibits!"

Upon hearing this, Gu Ting hurriedly continued to move the exhibits out one by one. Among the exhibits that Gu Ting moved out one after another were several natural disaster-level ghost-type beasts.

It's just that this natural disaster-level ghost-type beast is not suitable for Fang Mu and the people around Fang Mu at the moment.

However, Fang Mu still decided to keep these natural disaster-level ghost beasts as reserves for the Infinite Tower.

Maybe it will come in handy again in the future.

Anyway, there will be strong men and outstanding members of the younger generation joining the Infinite Tower one after another.

At this moment, there was a buzzing sound that made Fang Mu's eardrums swell and ache.

Wang Longfei was shocked by the buzzing sound and screamed out.

Gu Ting quickly looked at Fang Mu and Wang Longfei apologetically.

"Sir Jianmu, this is an evil beast on display at our Huishou Chamber of Commerce. The sound just now was the sound of its wings."

"This guy usually only flaps his wings once a day. I didn't expect him to flap his wings suddenly."

"Fortunately, there are a lot of sound-insulating spiritual materials added to this cage, otherwise the sound of its wings would probably make people's ears ring!"

Fang Mu didn't care about this and didn't listen to Gu Ting's introduction.

Under the investigation of the Eye of All-Consciousness, Fang Mu discovered that this evil beast was called Samsara Mingshu Cicada.

There are two criteria for judging an evil beast. One is that the evil beast itself has infinite reproduction ability, and the other is that an individual evil beast can continuously cause irreversible damage.

The ability of the Samsara Cicada obviously belongs to the latter, but compared to the former, the destructive power of the Samsara Cicada is not less at all.

The Samsara Cicada has no vision or hearing, and only has the ability to sense the energy around it.

The Samsara Cicada will instinctively fly to the target with the strongest energy within its range, then land on the target's body, and then pierce the target's body with its abdominal needle.

Immediately afterwards, the Samsara Cicada will exert its special ability to reincarnate the target connected to itself.

Let the living body return to the way it was when it was born.

The energy accumulated during the growth of the living body will be introduced into the body of the Samsara Cicada. The Samsara Cicada will feed on part of the energy and then release the remaining energy in the form of song beams.

Causes energy vortex and big explosion.

The Samsara Cicada will use the propulsion force of the explosion to fly to an extremely distant place, and then start looking for food.

And those creatures who are trapped in reincarnation due to the influence of the Samsara Cicada are not like their lives restarting, because the lifespan of the creatures trapped in reincarnation will not continue to increase.

On the list of evil beasts, the danger rating of the Samsara Cicada is A.

If the Samsara Ming Shu Cicada had extremely strong reproductive capabilities, the Samsara Ming Shu Cicada would be rated as a super S-level dangerous evil beast.

The reason why Samsara Cicada is able to rely on explosions to move forward is because Samsara Cicada has the ability to be immune to elements.

What the Samsara Cicada is afraid of is physical attacks. This allows the Samsara Cicada, which only flaps its wings once a day, to cause at least nearly thirty explosions!

The more Fang Mu studied the Samsara Cicada, the more he felt that it had the value of a contract.

When the Samsara Chanting Shucicada is in Fang Mu's hands, it will not be used as an ordinary beast, but as a secret weapon by Fang Mu.

When facing a strong person, using Samsara Cicada will most likely have unexpected effects.

The current level of the Samsara Cicada is low, and maybe it will be able to gain other abilities as it evolves and improves its level.

As each exhibit was taken out, the number of exhibits exceeded sixty.

Fang Mu knew that Gu Ting's things were almost gone.

Fang Mu suddenly saw Gu Ting saying to himself as if he was offering a treasure.

"Sir Jianmu, I have a beast here that was obtained by our Huishou Chamber of Commerce through special channels."

"I will give you this royal beast only if you agree to become a worshiper of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce."

"This beast has a great background. You must have heard of it."

Gu Ting didn't dare to show off to Fang Mu. After saying these words, he took out a potted plant.

Planted on this cyan jade pot is an orchid with flowers and leaves as long as arrows.

This orchid only has four or five sparse orchid leaves. Fortunately, the orchid leaf that grows out has a pink-purple flower spreading its wings like a butterfly.

Fang Mu recognized the name of this plant-like beast without using the Eye of Omniscience.

"It turns out to be Mudie Fairy Orchid! The inherited beast of Mudie Fairy Valley!"

Gu Ting wasn't actually that surprised when Fang Mu called out the name Mudie Xianlan.

The reputation of Mudie Xianlan, an ancient force's inheritance of beast control, is very resounding, and Mudie Xianlan has image data to the outside world.

The growth of the Butterfly Fairy Orchid requires the absorption of pure spiritual energy, making it extremely difficult to improve the rank of the Butterfly Fairy Orchid.

Fortunately, the Butterfly Fairy Orchid can absorb the energy of plants with the same bloodline to complete its own evolution and bloodline improvement.

This makes every inheritance in Mudie Immortal Valley extremely cruel.

The successive Valley Masters of Mudie Immortal Valley all rose up on the sea of ​​blood of their compatriots, but this method can ensure that the Valley Masters of Mudie Immortal Valley are all peerless strong men.

"Your Excellency Jianmu, our Huishou Chamber of Commerce was able to obtain this Mudie Fairy Orchid by chance. Mudie Fairy Valley did not know the existence of this Mudie Fairy Orchid. Otherwise, I am afraid they would have sent people to get the Mudie Fairy Orchid from us." Lan took it away."

"There is no doubt about the power of the Butterfly Fairy Orchid. With the Butterfly Fairy Orchid, you can control the butterfly beasts at will."

"Every Valley Master of the Mudie Immortal Valley has hundreds of butterflies flying together in battle, basically reaching the level of invincibility at the same level."

"If you are interested in the Butterfly Fairy Orchid, Master Qixing will cultivate the Butterfly Fairy Orchid for you through pure spiritual energy. The upper limit of the Butterfly Fairy Orchid may not be as high as that of Mudie Fairy Valley, which absorbs the energy of plants of the same bloodline. The upper limit of what the approach can achieve is lower.”

Speaking of this, Gu Ting quickly added.

"Don't worry, I took out this Mudie Fairy Orchid with absolutely no intention of antagonizing you and Mudie Fairy Valley. If this news really spreads, even if the Mudie Fairy Orchid is no longer in the hands of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce."

"Mudie Immortal Valley does not dare to target you because of Lord Qixing, but it will definitely target the Huishou Chamber of Commerce!"

Fang Mu's heart was indeed moved the moment he saw Mu Die Xianlan.

If Fang Mu wants to contract the Butterfly Fairy Orchid, he does not need to use the contracted blood at all. He only needs to plant the Butterfly Fairy Orchid on the green field with the exclusive characteristic of Eden Fantasyland.

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