Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 679 Toxoplasma fern!

The Dragon Federation is one of the few federations in the human world that has a battle network. Fang Mu has frequently participated in exhibition matches on the battle network and is a frequent visitor to the exhibition matches. He has experienced the enthusiasm of the audience many times.

But the audiences at the Silver Hall and Gold Hall exhibition matches on Battle.net back then were dwarfed by the audiences in the Second World Battle Hall now!

Fang Mu looked up and saw the audience seated wherever he looked.

It was hard for Fang Mu to imagine how many people were waiting for the next battle at this time, but the previous experience allowed Fang Mu to quickly calm down.

However, Lu Ye, who was Fang Mu's opponent in the first exhibition match, was not so lucky. At this time, Lu Ye had never seen anything like this.

Listening to the roaring sound of the audience, Lu Ye felt as if his breathing was beginning to be blocked.

His heart was pounding non-stop, as if it could burst out of his own heart at any time.

Lu Ye subconsciously paid attention to Yan Luo as his opponent. Lu Ye found that Yan Luo as his opponent seemed not to be affected in the slightest by such a situation.

This made Lu Ye subconsciously feel that either Yama Luo was an idiot, or Yama Luo was used to such big scenes.

Obviously it's impossible for an idiot to make it all the way to the Hall of Fame promotions.

Regardless of whether Yama can complete the promotion of rank, Yama will be a figure recorded in the history of the second world.

The war hall in front of you was opened just for Yama!

While Lu Ye was so nervous that his whole body was shaking, he also felt great pressure on the indifferent opponent in front of him.

Before Lu Ye could react, Lu Ye only heard a pleasant and cold male voice.

"The duel has already begun as soon as we enter the arena. Why don't you summon the beast first?"

This cold male voice made Lu Ye realize that he had been stunned for too long because of the atmosphere at the scene. This really went against his qualities as a duelist.

Lu Ye felt a little embarrassed. As his opponent, Yan Luo could actually summon the beast to attack him when he was stunned.

If Yama attacked rashly, he would definitely be caught off guard in his current state.

But what Yama just said was really not saving face for himself!

Lu Ye quickly summoned his own beast. A young plant first appeared at Lu Ye's feet, and then the young plant spit out a large amount of gray-green liquid.

The plant itself also began to reproduce rapidly, and soon a green belt of more than five square meters was formed at Lu Ye's feet.

Immediately behind this young plant is a huge cactus about eight meters tall and covered with thorns.

Under normal circumstances, the demonization of plant beasts will produce flower spirits. This huge cactus has obviously mutated in the process of evolution, and has actually become a humanoid existence that can move freely!

As usual, Fang Mu took the lead in summoning the Body-melting Tyrant and the Heart-Constrained Woman. The audience in the battle hall started to discuss the battle between Fang Mu and Lu Ye passionately.

"I didn't realize that Yan Luo was such a gentleman at such a young age. He also knew how to be courteous to his opponent and did not launch a sneak attack! If I encounter an opponent who is older than me and who knows how much stronger than me, I will definitely strike first!"

"Please, this is an exhibition match. Do you understand what an exhibition match means!? Do you want to gain popularity if you come up and attack your opponent while they are stunned?"

"Judging from the strength of the beasts on both sides, it is obvious that the aura of Lu Ye's beasts is much stronger than that of Yama's beasts. I think Yama has no chance of winning in this duel! This palace-level promotion competition is really too difficult. It’s so embarrassing!”

As the saying goes, a layman can only watch the excitement and an expert can tell the truth. Those who have an understanding and vision of fighting have discovered that Yan Luo's fighting ability is much higher than that of Lu Ye.

At this time, the number of people in the war hall must have exceeded ten million. Everyone entered the second world through the time dream beast link. There are no so-called venue restrictions in the second world.

The audience members who had just been transported to the battle hall felt great pressure, and it took a long time to adapt to the pressure.

As a duelist, Yama stood in the center of the battle hall, where tens of millions of eyes gathered. If it had been a normal boy of seventeen or eighteen, his hands and feet would have already become weak here!

Although the two dead creatures of Yan Luo are at the diamond level, their training is undoubtedly much more refined than Lu Ye's training of beast masters.

And the quality of these two beasts of Yama have reached legendary quality!

Although Lu Ye's two beasts are of high rank and high quality, they are only of epic quality, which is a step behind Yama!

It's just that the gap in rank cannot be made up by quality. Is it because Yama Luo is so calm when facing his opponents because he has some confidence and trump cards? ?

Fang Mu has already used the Shadow of the Fool's innate magical power [Eye of Omniscience] to detect Lu Ye's two beasts.

[Name of the beast]: Toxoplasma fern

[Royal beast species]: Mycophyllaceae/Mycophyllum genus

[Beast Control Level]: Diamond Level (7/10)

[Beast Control Type]: Wood Type

[Beast Control Potential]: Diamond Level

[Beast Control Quality]: Epic quality


[Bacteria Mist]: The leaves emit a mist rich in a special kind of fungus. When the mist comes into contact with an object, it will generate slippery and tough hyphae to bind and fix the target.

[Fungi Thorns]: This special type of fungus can cling to the surface of objects. If the target it is attached to contains energy, it will absorb the target's energy and grow thorns inward. The thorns have a certain blood-sucking effect.

[Fern Fungus Outer Armor]: When using fern fungus on the designated target, the fern fungus will form a layer of fern fungus armor on the target. The fern fungus spines that originally grew inward will grow new fibers when attacked by energy. Armor pieces have the effect of buffering attacks and improving defense.

[Bacteria Mist Fluorescence]: The bacteria mist released by itself has a certain fluorescent effect, which can make the hidden targets around it appear and mark the hidden targets with fluorescent marks.

[Fern Blanket Protection]: The fern blanket can split infinitely when your target on the fern blanket is attacked. The fern blanket will bear damage for your target. The clone that dies when it takes damage will restore energy to your plant-based beast.

Exclusive features:

[Fern Carpet]: Quickly divide itself, and divide into large numbers of individuals to form a fern blanket that spreads around, increasing the speed of fern fungus generation.

[Healing Fern Liquid]: The bacteria mist and the juice secreted by the body are combined with each other. It has a strong therapeutic effect on plant-based beasts and can be used to heal living bodies. (When curing an animal-type beast, the biological potential of the animal-type beast will be overdrawn, resulting in irreversible consequences).

The Toxoplasma fern's ability to control the beast is quite good and can be noticed by Fang Mu. It has five abilities: offense, concealment breaking, defense, treatment, and assistance.

It is very rare to have a pentathlon beast like this, but if there are not enough resources for it to consume, contracting such a beast will put a great burden on the contractor in terms of training.

Once the training is not good and the five aspects are too mediocre, this beast will be limited in battle.

If it were not for the exclusive characteristic of the epic quality of Toxoplasma fern [Healing Fern Liquid], it would cause harm to the animal beasts when treating them, and would later affect the origin of the animal beasts, just like drinking poison to quench thirst.

Just by virtue of the Toxoplasma fern, the beast Lu Ye, it should be very popular among the younger generation of team stations.

Lu Ye's other beast-controlling monster, the Power Palm Immortal Monster, doesn't have much special features in terms of skills and exclusive characteristics.

It is a beast that fights using brute force and the spikes on its body.

The skills and exclusive characteristics basically improve the endurance and defense of the monster, allowing the offensive beast to be used as a tank.

The battle with Lu Ye made Fang Mu have a clear feeling, that is, although Lu Ye's beast control ability is strong, Lu Ye's ability to control these beasts is not good.

Obviously, compared to Fang Mu, who was grouped into the diamond level at the age of under twenty, the opponent he matched with during the battle was less capable of developing beasts.

The reason why this happened was undoubtedly because of resources, which made Fang Mu intuitively feel the importance of resources to the growth of a beast master.

Treating Fang Mu, Luye originally thought that the two royal beasts he summoned were hidden cards, but in Fang Mu's case, they turned out to be bright cards.

Fang Mu clearly grasped the abilities of Lu Ye's two beast-controlling beasts. In this battle, both the Hidden Walker and the Zombie King of the Dead Realm were restricted due to the abilities of the Toxoplasma Ferns.

The Dead Land cast by Zombie King of the Dead Realm cannot affect the fungi released by the Plasmodium Fern.

These fungi will attach to the dead ground to block the dead ground, and Fang Mu cannot guarantee that these fungi will really not be able to absorb the dead air.

The Stealth Walker's invisibility effect was also severely manipulated by the Toxoplasma Ferns.

Fang Mu always felt that it was extremely accidental to meet a beast master who was so restrained.

It seems that the person in charge of the Second World War Hall put a lot of thought into selecting his opponents.

Since the Zombie King of the Dead Realm and the Hidden Walker can no longer play a role, there is no need for Fang Mu to summon these two beasts.

Just like the Plasmodium Fern can restrain the Death Realm Zombie King and the Stealth Walker, Fang Mu also has a dead creature in his hand that can restrain the Toadstool Ferns.

Fang Mu raised his hand slightly, and the Corpse Fragrance Godmother, dressed in a gorgeous death dress, appeared in front of Fang Mu.

Different from the weird and ferocious appearance of the reserved woman, Corpse Fragrance Yeast has a beautiful appearance, kind eyes and sarcastic mouth.

It can be said to be the most beautiful among all the dead creatures in Fangmu.

The corpse-scented yeast let out a sharp roar, and the aura of the dead surged violently on his body, and even his long hair became furious!

The kindness in Corpse Fragrance Godmother's eyes turned into cruelty at this time, and the Corpse Fragrance Poison Domain spread with Corpse Fragrance Godmother as the center.

The corpse scent poison domain released by the Corpse Scent Godmother is different from the death aura released by the Zombie King in the Death Domain. The corpse scent of the Corpse Scent Godmother feeds on the living, and fungi are also nutrients of life that can be turned into corpse scent.

These fungi do not have certain defense capabilities like large life forms when infected by corpse scent. They will immediately become containers of corpse scent and release a large amount of corpse scent outwards during the process of being decomposed by corpse scent.

Lu Ye didn't know the abilities of Corpse Fragrance Godmother, so he didn't feel much sense of crisis in his heart, but he looked at Fang Mu with a strange look.

Oh my god, what normal person would contract five undead creatures?

The death energy released by five dead creatures infects the body. How many life potions are needed to baptize the body in a day?

At this time, the audience in the auditorium frequently exclaimed in surprise when they saw the Corpse Fragrance Godmother summoned by Fang Mu.

"No, Yama actually has a beast that he hasn't summoned before! This dead creature looks so good! It looks almost like a human!"

"It looks like this is probably a zombie-hunting beast. It's really not easy to train a zombie-hunting beast to its current state!"

"Yam Luo did not summon the two dead creatures that he had only summoned once or twice before, but summoned this one. This dead creature probably has a strong ability to restrain plant-type beasts."

The discussion in the audience had no way of affecting Fang Mu, but it kept disturbing Lu Ye's mind.

At this time, the corpse aura released by the Corpse Scent Godmother finally officially collided with the toadstools released by the Toadstool Fern through the skill [Bacteria Mist].

The collision was like a flame meeting gasoline, and the corpse smell spread far away at an extremely fast speed through the fungus mist.

Only then did Lu Ye realize that something was wrong with the situation. He could not control Yama as he wished but was manipulated by Yama.

My own bacterial mist somehow strengthened the field released by the dead creature released by Yama.

Although he realized that something was wrong, Lu Ye still maintained excellent fighting qualities, and quickly used the skill [Fern Fungus Outer Armor] to condense an extremely tough fungus armor on the surface of his strange palm fairy beast.

In the battle, the Toxoplasma fern only plays a supporting role, and the strange power of the palm beast is the key to Lu Ye's victory.

Before the corpse fragrance fell on the strange power palm beast, Lu Ye had already summoned his own natal beast.

Under the influence of his natal beast, Lu Ye's figure actually melted into the fern blanket under his feet and became part of the fern blanket.

This situation was so weird that the audience let out a new round of exclamations after Fang Mu summoned the Corpse Fragrance Godmother.

Fang Mu already knew when Lu Ye summoned the natal beast that Lu Ye had changed like this because the relic of the natal beast was taking effect.

The attached relic allows Lu Ye, as a beast master, to attach to the beast like a possessed beast and become one with the beast.

The advantage is that as long as this beast-controlling immortal Lu Ye can survive.

But such a natural beast control also has a negative effect, that is, once combined, it cannot be separated for a long period of time, allowing the beast control master to restrict himself.

The corpse fragrance finally spread to the body of the strange power palm beast. The corpse fragrance clung to the body surface of the strange power palm beast like maggots attached to bones.

Under the protection of the fibrous fern armor, the corpse fragrance is temporarily unable to invade the body of the strange palm fairy beast.

But the strange force palm immortal beast had already collided with the body-melting tyrant, and the two behemoths began to collide fiercely.

During the confrontation, as long as a hole is broken in the fungus armor of the strange power palm beast, the corpse incense can penetrate into the body of the strange power palm fairy and start destruction.

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