Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 700: Tunxu Promotion!

Lian Dai, who felt something was wrong the more she looked at it, asked Fang Mu.

"Xiaomu, these two king-level extraterrestrial creatures gobble up low-level extraterrestrial creatures everywhere, won't there be any side effects?"

As a contractor of Tunxu Jing and Tianyuan Qiongyan, Fang Mu is very aware of the situation of Tunxu Jing and Tianyuan Qiongyan.

Tunxu Jing and Tianyuan Qiongyan are in excellent condition, and the accumulation of energy in their bodies gives them the possibility of further improvement in strength!

"Aunt Dai's extraterrestrial creatures can be said to be the best way to increase their strength by devouring their own kind. This can be confirmed by the current situation of these two king-level extraterrestrial creatures!"

"Are you wondering why other extraterrestrial creatures here haven't devoured their own kind? I have had similar doubts."

"I think this situation is probably because these extraterritorial creatures are restricted by certain rules, which allows these extraterritorial creatures to restrain their desire to devour their own kind."

"As long as we continue to explore, sooner or later we will find the key!"

Seeing that Fang Mu had also discovered this, Lian Dai secretly thought that this was not because she was being careless.

In the past few days of exploration, Lian Dai saw more than a million extraterrestrial creatures. Basically, there were no juveniles among these extraterrestrial creatures, which made Lian Dai very confused.

Such a large number of extraterrestrial creatures certainly cannot be created out of thin air, but have some special breeding method that is unique to this dimensional world.

Lian Dai did not tell her questions to Fang Mu, but continued to explore with such questions in mind.

After exploring for another day, this place was about 800 kilometers away from the space channel. Lian Dai discovered that the extraterrestrial creatures here had lost their tendency to gather in the middle.

The number of extraterrestrial creatures has obviously increased.

"Xiaomu's place should be beyond the influence of those three strange flowers."

Fang Mu nodded after hearing this.

The Evil Haunted Emperor's Mother Flower can no longer affect this place. Otherwise, given the ability of the Evil Haunted Emperor's Mother Flower to attract extraterrestrial creatures, the extraterrestrial creatures here would have already started migrating.

"Aunt Dai, actually we only started to understand the ecology of this dimensional world in a true sense when we got here."

After finishing speaking to Lian Dai, Fang Mu issued instructions to Tianyuan Qiongyan and Tunxu Jingshou respectively.

"Tunxu Jing, you hide under the earth and move forward with us at our speed, trying your best to contain your aura."

"Tian Yuan Qiongyan, completely release your breath and control all the extraterrestrial creatures you see!"

"If a king-level extraterrestrial creature appears, it will definitely respond to your breath."

"Aunt Dai, the two of us will explore the road at the speed at which Tianyuan Qiongyan devours it, and dig out more spiritual materials we encounter along the way."

Lian Dai couldn't help but sigh as she played with the trapped spirit box that Fang Mu had given to her a few days ago.

"The energy composition of extraterrestrial creatures like Xiaomu is different from ours, but many materials produced in this dimensional world are extremely useful to us, especially many spiritual materials contain spiritual energy!"

"The Imperial Beast Court's unwillingness to open the passage must be precisely because the Emperor Beast Court realizes the value of the dimensional world."

Fang Mu secretly searched through the exclusive feature of the Shadow of the Fool [Dimension King's Landing]. Fang Mu found that after so many days of exploration, the progress of exploring this dimensional world has not reached 0.1%.

This made Fang Mu know that the area of ​​this dimensional world must be extremely wide, and the resources contained within it far exceeded his and Lian Dai's expectations!

"Sooner or later, Emperor Dai Beast Court will pay the price for being so short-sighted because of its previous choices."

"The Imperial Beast Court will definitely continue to explore the dimensional world in the future. I can control the relevant exploration situation from the Emperor Beast Court."

Lian Dai had already guessed that Fang Mu must have an extremely reliable informant in the Emperor Beast Court, otherwise it would be impossible to know so much internal information about the Emperor Beast Court.

"Xiao Mu found that the most convenient way to explore the dimensional world is through these powerful king-level extraterrestrial creatures."

"If it were our sea clan's legion, we might not be able to explore the passage that is hundreds of miles in diameter now despite the resistance of these extraterrestrial creatures!"

"If Lord Qixing can cultivate more king-level extraterrestrial creatures in the future, you will be able to complete the development and exploration of this dimensional world without anyone else."

Fang Mu shook his head after hearing Lian Dai's words.

"Aunt Dai can explore the dimensional world very quickly with these king-level extraterrestrial creatures, but if you want to develop the dimensional world, you need to introduce the civilization of our world into it."

"That's not something I can do with these extraterrestrial beings."

As soon as Fang Mu finished speaking, Lian Dai's expression suddenly became serious.

At this moment, a roar sounded from a distance, and a guy with more than ten huge armor plates on his back like a chrysalis was posing in an offensive posture, provoking Tianyuan Qiongyan who was releasing his breath.

The more than ten armor plates on the back of this insect chrysalis rubbed against each other, making a violent sound.

Judging from the aura, it is obvious that this is a king-level extraterrestrial creature!

The armor behind this king-level extraterrestrial creature cannot help it fly, but the huge thrust it generates during incitement can help this chrysalis move quickly.

Fang Mu used the Shadow of the Fool's innate magical power [Eye of Omniscience] to investigate this king-level extraterritorial creature, and found out that the name of this king-level extraterritorial creature was the Ringing Armored Chrysalis.

Its fighting method is to use the sound blades and sound bombs emitted by the friction of armor plates, as well as the poisonous spikes hidden inside the chrysalis to fight against the enemy.

The combat ability is somewhat single, but there is no denying the lethality of the toxins hidden in the needles in the body.

Mingjia Thorn Pupa obviously regards Tianyuan Qiongyan as an intruder in his territory, and is demonstrating against Tianyuan Qiongyan.

Fang Mu signaled Tianyuan Qiongyan to continue to intimidate the thorn-armored pupa and guide it to attack.

The eyes on the jellyfish-like canopy of Tianyuan Qiongyan suddenly lit up, and a terrifying aura hit the ringing armored pupa.

The strength of Tianyuan Qiongyan is stronger than that of Mingjia Thorn Pupa, but Mingjia Thorny Pupa is not afraid of Tianyuan Qiongyan and launches a desperate counterattack against Tianyuan Qiongyan.

As the armor on its back vibrated at high speed, the Ringing Armor Stinging Chrysalis crashed towards Tianyuan Qiongyan.

Before the Mingjia Spiny Pupa could hit the Tianyuan Dome, the Tunxu Jingjing lying in wait below the ground jumped out and knocked over the Mingjia Spiny Pupa, and fixed its limbs on the Mingjia Spiny Pupa.

The big mouth on the limb of the turtle gnawed the body of the Singing Armor Spiny Chrysalis.

But at this moment, Tun Xu Jing's limbs were pierced by the poisonous stings released from the body of the Mingjia Spiny Chrysalis. Also pierced was Tun Xu Jing's body.

The poison was injected into Tun Xu Jing's body, causing Tun Xu Jing's movements to slow down.

Facing creatures of the same level or stronger than oneself, poison is indeed the best way to defeat the enemy. This applies not only in the dimensional world, but also in the beast-controlling world and Fang Mu's previous life.

Fang Mu's mind echoed with the sound of swallowing the ruins.

Tunxu Jing was speaking an obscure language, but Fang Mu could understand the meaning of Tunxu Jing's words.

"Master, the toxins from this thorn-armored pupa are disintegrating my body. I can feel that this thorn-armored pupa comes from the same source as me."

"Evolved from organisms with the same genes in their infancy."

"By letting me swallow the Chrysalis pupa, I can avoid the poison's influence on me. Not only that, I can also inherit the poison, and even get the chance to be promoted."

"The blood you let me swallow before has successfully opened the genetic lock that I imprisoned. I hope that you, Master, can help me!"

This was the first time Tunxu Jing made a request to Fang Mu after being contracted by Fang Mu. If he hadn't really reached the point of bloodline transformation, Tunxu Jing would not have said such words to Fang Mu.

Fang Mu had no intention of contracting another king-level extraterritorial creature. Even if Fang Mu had any intention of contracting another king-level extraterritorial creature, the Ring Armor Thorn Pupa could not meet Fang Mu's requirements.

If this Ringing Armor Thorn Chrysalis can help Tunxu Jingxuan's bloodline transform and advance in rank, it will be equivalent to realizing its own value.

I did something beneficial to Fang Mu.

Even if he fails to succeed in the bloodline transformation and is promoted, it is enough for Tunxu Jing to obtain the ability to attack through poison through the ringing armored pupa!

"Swallowing Ruins Jing, I will let the Heavenly Abyss Dome Eye attack the Ringing Armor Thorn Pupa and assist you in devouring the Ringing Armor Thorn Pupa."

"Remember that no matter what problems arise during the devouring process, you must ask me for help as soon as possible. Don't let your own origin be harmed during the fight with the Ringing Armor Thorn Pupa!"

Yanxu Jing received Fang Mu's response. The big mouth of his body was pressed against the body of Mingjia Thorns, and he tore the body of Mingjia Thorns with big mouthfuls, completely ignoring the fact that Mingjia Thorns pierced into his body during the struggle. sting.

The two launched the most primitive and fierce fight.

"Master, as long as I successfully swallow the venom injected into my body, it will help me accept the genes of the Chrysalis. This Chrysalis has been injecting venom into my body and has the intention of turning me into meat and absorbing me."

"The power of the Mingjia Spiny Chrysalis mainly comes from these back plates on the back. Master, if you can help me break these back plates to restrict the movement of the Mingjia Spiny Chrysalis, I will be able to complete the devouring of the Mingjia Thorny Chrysalis!"

When Fang Mu heard this, he did not bother Lian Dai, but instead gave instructions to Tianyuan Qiongyan, asking Tianyuan Qiongyan to launch energy pulses to attack the vibrating armor plates behind the Mingjia Spiny Chrysalis.

The ring armor thorn pupa entangled in the swallowing sword is like a target, and the energy pulse emitted by Tianyuan Dome Eye impacts on these armor pieces.

The armor of the Ring Armor Stinging Chrysalis is hard enough, and the sonic boom caused by the vibration of the armor offsets part of the energy pulse.

Several energy pulses hitting the armor failed to break the armor, but the eyes on the Tianyuan Qiong Eye umbrella shot out energy pulses extremely fast.

Each eye is like a machine gun, pouring out crazy firepower.

The back plates of the Ring Armor Spiny Chrysalis were all broken under the bombardment of successive energy pulses, and a large amount of reddish-brown liquid flowed out of the armor plates.

A pupa with shattered armor is like a crab that has had its pincers cut off, and can only let the devouring snails eat away at it bit by bit.

The strength of Mingjia Thorn Pupa is slightly weaker than that of Tunxu Jing, but as the body is eaten away by Tunxu Jing bit by bit, the energy in Tunxu Jing's body jumps.

This energy kept repairing the wounds on Tunxu Jing's body, and at the same time, it was also transforming Tunxu Jing's body.

Lian Dai couldn't help but said in surprise when she saw this scene.

"Xiaomu, the strength of this king-level extraterritorial creature under your control has reached the peak of order, and it actually showed signs of promotion by devouring another king-level extraterritorial creature!"

"It's so easy for this extraterrestrial creature to improve its strength!"

Lian Dai's tone contained deep worry.

Fang Mu knew what Lian Dai was worried about. If the strength of these extraterrestrial creatures could be promoted so easily, then the danger of this dimensional world would definitely be much greater than expected!

Fang Mu explained to Lian Dai.

"Aunt Dai, it is indeed easier for extraterrestrial creatures to improve their strength than we thought. It is not like our world where they have to endure so much hardship in order to improve their strength."

"But this king-level extraterrestrial creature was promoted because it was already in the opportunity of promotion. Devouring this king-level extraterrestrial creature with armor on its back is just a trigger."

Lian Dai felt a lot more relieved after hearing this.

Fang Mu is not worried that the life in this dimension is too strong. First of all, the extraterrestrial creatures in this dimension will not intentionally devour a large number of their own kind.

Secondly, Tunxu Jing was able to find this opportunity mainly because of the bloody aging provided by Fang Mu.

Without those bloody aged wines, it would be impossible for the Ruin Swallowing Jing to complete the transformation even if it swallowed ten Singing Armor Thorn Pupas!

"Aunt Dai, this king-level extraterrestrial creature, is showing signs of transformation, which is a great thing for us!"

"Once it completes its promotion, it will be easier for us to explore this dimensional world."

"We need to wait here for a while. His promotion is likely to cause a lot of noise. At that time, we hope that Aunt Dai will try her best to help block the aura released by his promotion!"

"Otherwise, I'm a little worried about attracting powerful extraterritorial creatures and causing unnecessary trouble."

After hearing Fang Mu's words, Lian Dai quickly released her aura and enveloped Tunxu Jing with her aura.

However, the aura released by Tunxu Jing's bloodline transformation and promotion was too huge, and Lian Dai was unable to completely cover it up.

It can only reduce the impact of the Ruin Tun Jing's rank promotion as much as possible.

After Tunxu Jingxun finished devouring the armor-piercing pupa, something like armor plates faintly grew out of Tunxu Jingxu's back.

Tunxu Jing's body doubled in size from its original size, and the aura he released made Tianyuan Qiongyan quite frightened.

If it weren't for Fang Mu's order, Tianyuan Qiongyan would no longer be willing to stay by Tunxu Jingshou's side.

At this time, two days had passed since Tunxu Jing had just devoured the Ringing Armor Thorn Pupa, and the urgent voice of Tunxu Jing sounded in Fang Mu's mind again.

"Master, my gene lock is in a semi-open state. It requires a lot of flesh and blood energy and distortion energy to activate the gene lock."

"With the gene lock in a semi-open state, not only am I unable to move, but I am also unable to release energy outside my body."

"I need Tianyuan Qiongyan to help me gather the creatures here and let them line up around me for me to devour. Only then can I make up for the energy gap!" (End of this chapter)

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