Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 709 Mixed Devouring Nightmare Beast!

"I won't be polite to you anymore. Thank you for your willingness to lend a helping hand!"

"If the Evil King really completes the absorption of the sixth source of pollution and recovers his emotions, I will tell the Evil King of your help to him!"

"The Evil King will definitely be grateful to you from the bottom of his heart!"

When Fang Mu heard this, he spoke to Qi Qi in a very serious tone.

"Senior Qi Qi, I am willing to do this for your sake. You don't need to be so polite to me."

"We are all members of the Star Wheel and should help each other."

"Besides, when I wanted to explore the ancient battlefield, you knew the situation and didn't go to compete with me again."

"If you want to rob me, I will definitely lose everything in this ancient battlefield!"

Fang Mu didn't mean to be polite at all when he said this. Fang Mu invited Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun to protect him while exploring the ancient battlefield.

Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun are indeed very powerful, but their strength is only in order, while Qi Qi's strength has already entered the divine realm.

If Qi Qi sets out for this ancient battlefield in the Panfeng Federation, even if Fang Mu is lucky enough to get the map of the ruins, he will not be able to obtain the inheritance of the ancient battlefield.

The full moon pendant and the small purple-black tower helped Fang Mu a lot. Without the full moon pendant, Fang Mu would not have become a hero so quickly, even with the help of the brilliant golden honey and the sacred object Chong Ying Jing Jing Carp. Two-pointed star beastmaster!

There is no way to control Yisi, the vampire queen.

Every step of Fang Mu's development before is related to the future results and achievements in many things. Fang Mu inherits Qi Qi's feelings from the bottom of his heart.

Qi Qi rubbed the simple ring on his hand and said after being silent for a long time.

"Fang Mu, even if you can't help this time, I will definitely go through fire and water if you come to me for something in the future. I can repay your favor today!"

It is not easy to make a strong man in the realm of gods owe favors. Qi Qi's words are extremely weighty.

Shu Liangjun would have been shocked by this three months ago, but now Lian Dai, who is also a powerful person in the divine realm, has become Fang Mu's protector.

Even without Qixing, the Saint Founder, Fang Mu still has two powerful men from the divine realm by his side.

Not only that, Fang Mu can also command a king-level or above dimensional creature that is comparable to a powerful person in the divine realm.

Shu Liangjun saw with his own eyes the promotion of Tunxu Jing.

"Capricorn, please tell me the specific location. I can save a lot of time by teleporting through the beast."

Compared with the name Shu Liangjun, I think it is more convenient to call myself Qi Qixinglun's code name.

First of all, he and Qi Qi have been members of the Star Wheel for hundreds of years, unlike Fang Mu and Qi Qi who have only been together in the Star Wheel for a few months.

Secondly, Qi Qi's strength is a level higher than his own, so it is impossible for Shu Liangjun to call Qi Qi senior like Fang Mu.

And calling them "Your Excellency" seems too alien to each other.

Qi Qi told Shu Liangjun the location, and Shu Liangjun summoned his royal beast Kongzhi Luoman and took Qi Qi and Fang Mu to teleport directly to the inner city of Germination City where ancient Germination was located.

The outer city of Germinal City is like a black market. Many forces will sell stolen goods in the outer city of Germinal City and sell some materials banned by major forces.

Different from the chaos in the outer city of Germination City, the inner city of Germination City is basically composed of members of the ancient Germination Headquarters who have contracted pollutants.

Shu Liangjun blatantly set this place as a teleportation location, which attracted a lot of attention.

It's like someone entered your home directly through the window!

The members of the ancient sprouting headquarters immediately released their own pollutants, preparing to encircle and suppress the guys coming out of the space portal.

Qi Qi took the lead to walk out of the space door, and Fang Mu and Shu Liangjun followed Qi Qi out of the portal.

Qi Qi frowned and looked at these elites from the Ancient Germination Headquarters living in the inner city without saying anything. They just waved their hands. These elites from the Ancient Germination Headquarters hurriedly bowed to Qi Qi and then dispersed.

Among the ancient sprouting forces, only the World Weaver Walker and the Evil King can act arbitrarily. Otherwise, even if a member of the Eight Evil Species brings someone into the inner city, they will have to report it!

"The situation of King Fang Mu Xie is a bit special. Now his whole body is shrouded in polluted energy, and he has entered a half-animal form due to the influence of pollutants."

"Although he is still conscious enough, he cannot control his own contaminated energy."

"When you are investigating the situation of the Evil King, I will personally protect you and prevent you from being affected by the contaminated energy escaping from the Evil King's body!"

Qi Qi finished speaking to Fang Mu and turned to Shu Liangjun.

"Taurus, just let me take Fang Mu there. I will arrange for a few people to entertain you and take you around the inner city of Germination City."

Qi Qi's purpose for saying this is very obvious. Except for Fang Mu, who wants to explore the situation of the evil king, Qi Qi does not want Shu Liangjun to know about the situation of the evil king.

Under normal circumstances, Shu Liangjun would definitely respond directly. The situation of the evil king can be said to be the top secret in the ancient bud.

It is not appropriate for an outsider to understand the top secrets of ancient sprouts.

However, he did not come here as a member of Xinglun, but as a protector of Fang Mu, and Qi Qi did not know this.

Shu Liangjun looked at Fang Mu, and when Fang Mu nodded to him, Shu Liangjun spoke.

"Good Capricorn, I will follow your arrangements."

"You must remember to protect Fang Mu. Pollution energy is extremely corrosive to living things. You must not let this pollution energy affect Fang Mu's safety!"

Qi Qi had long sensed that Shu Liangjun's attitude toward Fang Mu was unusual, but he didn't ask any more questions. He just nodded to Shu Liangjun solemnly, indicating that Shu Liangjun knew better.

Qi Qi arranged for three of his own servants to receive Shu Liangjun. As the servants of World Weaver Walker, their status is not lower than that of the Eight Evils.

After the three chamberlains left with Shu Liangjun, Qi Qi pointed toward the palace in the distance.

"King Fang Muxie is inside, let's go there now."

"After you finish reading the situation of the Evil King, you can ask your master after you go back. I hope you can give me a direct answer!"

"The Evil King can't last much longer. If I can't help the Evil King with external help, I'd better prepare early!"

Qi Qi's words were extremely serious and a bit decisive, as if he was making a request to Fang Mu.

"Senior Qi Qi, please take me to see the situation of Senior Evil King. I will be able to give you an answer before night."

"It's just that even if my master can help Senior Evil King, it will probably take at least a week before he can do it!"

Fang Mu can explore the higher-dimensional world without any rush through the exclusive feature of the Shadow of the Fool [Peeping in the Realm], but he must take into account the four legions stationed in the dimensional world led by Long Ze.

In addition to transporting the radar red taro and magic mirror banana delivered by the Huishou Chamber of Commerce, Fang Mu will speed up the construction of the infrastructure of these four legions in the dimensional world.

We also need to transport the supplies that Liandai didn't have time to sort out before. This matter cannot be delayed.

What Qi Qi is most afraid of is being dragged away without giving an answer.

Most of the architects Qi Qi had come into contact with were of this urination, and it took Han Ming a full year and a half to give him a reply.

In Qi Qi's mind, Qixing's reply within half a month was considered fast, and he never thought that he would be able to respond to him tonight.

Qi Qi had already thought of all the ways he could think of before. No matter what the outcome Qixing told him, Qi Qi was relieved of his burden.

If Qixing can't help the Evil King, Qi Qi can only protect the Evil King with his strong and powerful origins in the divine domain and risk his life for the Evil King!

Although doing so would affect Qi Qi, Qi Qi did not want his old friend to turn into dust in the world at the most critical step.

"Fang Mu's week is a bit too fast. The Evil King himself also needs a period of preparation to calm down the pollutants as much as possible!"

"The pollutants in his body are now in an active stage. It is extremely dangerous to absorb the pollution sources at this stage. It is better to set the time in one to two months."

Fang Mu secretly said that the time was just right. If he could spare one to two months, he would not only be able to finish all the things at hand, but also complete the exploration of the higher-dimensional world.

Entering this sealed space, Fang Mu felt an extremely violent evil energy rushing towards him.

The energy in Qi Qi's body was also extremely evil, but this energy protected Qi Qi's body very stably and did not let Fang Mu be affected in any way.

Walking up the hanging ladder towards the upper floors, the energy fluctuations coming from the outside became stronger and stronger.

Fang Mu could vaguely feel that if his body came into contact with this energy, he would probably undergo changes in a very short period of time without protection.

Qi Qi raised his hand and pushed open a heavy door. Looking at the scene inside the room, Fang Mu's pupils suddenly shrank.

A giant creature nearly a kilometer tall is curled up in this room.

No wonder there is no one in this tall building, but the evil king wants to be inside.

This huge curled up monster was covered with a thick layer of purple-black wrinkled skin, and the wrinkled skin was covered with irregular scales.

The huge head resembles both a crocodile and a calf, with two long, winding horns growing one behind the other on top of the head.

The polluted energy has shown a ripple-like texture on this strange giant beast.

"Qi Qi, are you here?"

A hoarse but magnetic voice came from the mouth of this giant beast. From this voice alone, Fang Mu could feel the evil king's extreme depression.

The pollution fluctuations produced by this special-grade pollutant after absorbing five pollution sources are eroding the evil king's mind.

Qi Qi frowned after feeling the situation of the Evil King.

"Ling Kang, your condition has worsened again!"

"Did your Hybrid Nightmare Beast deepen the fusion with you?"

"What percentage of your fusion with the Hybrid Nightmare Beast is now?"

The evil king did not reply to Qi Qi immediately, but looked at Fang Mu who was following Qi Qi.

"Qi Qi has a guest, why don't you introduce him to me?"

Hearing this, Qi Qi secretly said that she was a little too worried about Ling Kang's situation, and even forgot to introduce Fang Mu and Ling Kang to each other immediately.

"Ling Kang, his name is Jianmu. He is a disciple of the Holy Founder Qixing and also my friend."

After finishing speaking to Ling Kang, Qi Qi turned to look at Fang Mu and introduced to Fang Mu.

"Fang Mu is the evil king named Ling Kang. He looks like this now because his origin was affected by his super pollutant hybrid beast."

"How do you want to explore his situation later? I will ask him to cooperate with you!"

When the evil king heard Qi Qi's introduction, he no longer rejected Fang Mu. Even if he had no feelings, the evil king knew that Fang Mu was here to help him.

It's just that he understands his own situation, and the evil king no longer has any hope for his physical condition.

Especially now that the degree of integration with his own Pollutant Mixed Nightmare Beast has been improved again.

Fang Mu was quite surprised, because Fang Mu was a special-grade pollutant contracted with contracted blood. Those special-grade pollutants were extremely well-behaved here and would not affect Fang Mu at all.

I didn’t expect that pollutants would have such a huge impact on a top powerhouse!

As expected, every one of these guys who contracted pollutants is walking on the edge of a knife.

Fang Mu did not exchange too many pleasantries with the Evil King, but went directly to the topic.

Fang Mu knew very well that no matter how many pleasantries he made at this time, it would be better to gain the favor of Qi Qi and the Evil King than directly solving the Evil King's current predicament.

Fang Mu himself is not a traditional creator at all. If Fang Mu were to investigate the situation of the evil king, Fang Mu would not be able to figure out the reason.

Fang Mu simply used the [Eye of All Knowledge] to investigate the evil king.

Seeing that the Evil King's condition was so serious, Fang Mu felt a little uneasy, fearing that his abilities would not be able to help the Evil King.

But after using the [Eye of Omniscience] to explore the Evil King and discovering the reason why the Evil King would fuse with pollutants and suffer backlash, Fang Mu felt relieved.

The Evil King will combine with his pollutant-devouring nightmare beast because the evil king's pollutant-devouring nightmare beast failed to completely control the fifth source of pollution when it devoured the fifth source of pollution.

The fifth source of pollution has not been completely integrated with the hybrid beast, and the fifth source of pollution is still emitting pollution energy.

These polluted energies corroded the Evil King's body for a long time, causing the Evil King's body to undergo such changes.

To solve the problem, you only need to strengthen the Evil King's special-grade pollutant-devouring nightmare beast, so that the hybrid beast can suppress and absorb the fifth source of pollution again, and completely master the fifth source of pollution!

If you want to strengthen the mixed-devouring nightmare beast, you only need to use the high-purity pollution energy extracted from a large number of pollution sources and pollutants in Fang Mu's hands.

As long as the mixed-devouring nightmare beast is strengthened and completely controls the fifth source of pollution absorbed, everything will be solved!

With the evil king's strength, the body can slowly recover on its own.

Although Fang Mu saw through the Evil King's situation through the [Eye of Omniscience], Fang Mu certainly couldn't tell the Evil King's problem at once.

Fang Mu pretended to ask the Evil King to cooperate with him in the investigation, and then said in a rather confident tone.

"Such a situation must have occurred because the special-grade pollutants contracted by the evil king failed to completely control the fused pollution sources."

"Just let the contracted pollutants regain control of the source of pollution!"

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