Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 720 The ancient Jiana snake and the two-headed crane phoenix!

Originally, the roar of this two-headed giant bird was more powerful than the roar of the snake-like creature lying on the ground, but before Fang Mu came closer, the two-headed giant bird that looked 70% similar to the crane-like beast actually preceded it. The serpentine creature lost its life.

The surrounding environment has been messed up by this two-headed giant bird and this lying snake-like life.

Fang Mu suppressed his excitement. As long as the vitality of this snake-like life was exhausted, Fang Mu could clean up the battlefield!

The energy in these two behemoths has reached the level of a divine realm powerhouse, and their physical strength exceeds that of a divine realm powerhouse by an unknown amount.

The two behemoths' fighting auras were released, and all the lives present had fled for fear of being involved in the storm.

Fang Mu saw this huge snake-like creature squirming all the way to a mountain peak, and its body gradually began to coil up.

The spiraling body is like a city wall, guarding a giant egg inside that is rolling with life energy like a furnace.

Seeing this scene, Fang Mu's soul couldn't help but throb violently.

This huge snake-like creature rubbed its huge snake head against the giant egg, then its forehead suddenly fell back and fell to the ground, splashing dust all over the sky.

The vitality in this giant snake's body was completely cut off at this moment.

Seeing such a life disappear in front of his eyes, Fang Mu felt a strange feeling in his heart, which was both sad and regretful.

Fang Mu was not sure how this snake-like creature called the Ancient Jiayan Snake existed in this world.

But the existence of such a huge life in the world is a miracle created by the Creator of this dimensional world.

The giant egg with a furnace-like life energy inside has not yet hatched. This giant egg is obviously Fang Mu's next goal in this dimensional world.

Fang Mu's soul and consciousness rushed to the vicinity of the giant egg. Compared with the dead ancient snake beneath him, it was like a speck of dust falling on the city wall.

Fang Mu showed his will and soul at this moment, but the moment he touched the huge snake egg, Fang Mu found that the energy contained in his soul and will was not enough to take away the snake egg. when.

Fang Mu gritted his teeth and no longer hesitated, and directly activated the exclusive feature [Dimensional Channel] obtained by the Shadow of the Fool's step into the mythical quality, and began to connect this dimensional world and the world of beast control.

There are three reasons why Fang Muhui made this decision so decisively.

First, Fang Mu took a fancy to the corpses of various giant beasts in this dimensional world.

The corpses of these giant beasts are expected to help improve the quality of Blood Feng Rang.

Before coming to this dimensional world, Fang Mu had never discovered a way to improve the quality of Blood Feng Rang.

Secondly, it is impossible for Fang Mu to give up the egg of the Ancient Gargang Snake. As long as he makes a contract with the egg of the Ancient Gargang Snake, he can hatch an Ancient Gargang Snake!

Blue Curse Yucca is just an ordinary creature in the dimensional world where it is located.

But the Ancient Jiayan Snake is by no means just an ordinary existence in this dimensional world.

Judging from its previous performance, the Ancient Jiayan Snake must be at a very high level in this dimensional world.

Thirdly, the body of this ancient Jiana snake and the body of the two-headed crane and phoenix are equally valuable treasures.

Even if Fang Mu can take away the eggs of the ancient Jia An snake, Fang Mu is still thinking about the body of the ancient Jia An snake and the body of the two-headed crane and phoenix.

Even if the opening of this dimensional passage does not allow Fang Mu to explore this dimensional world, the bodies of the ancient Jiana snake and the two-headed crane phoenix, the eggs of the ancient Jiana snake, and the countless corpses of giant beasts in the forest, Fang Mu is all It is obtainable!

These gains alone have already met Fang Mu’s expectations!

If this dimensional channel is not opened this time, Fang Mu gives up this opportunity.

Then the next time he goes to explore dimensional time, it is almost impossible for Fang Mu to encounter such an opportunity again!

In addition to the two special natal beasts he awakened, Fang Mu's growth to this day is also closely related to Fang Mu's ability to seize opportunities!

A strange energy between heaven and earth gathered towards Fang Mu. This strange energy was guided by the radiance of Fang Mu's soul and will, and gradually formed a portal in front of Fang Mu.

Fang Mu's consciousness and soul returned to his body after the portal was completely formed.

Fang Mu looked at the portal in his room that was connected to the dimensional world of giant beasts, and resolutely penetrated into this dimensional world.

The dimensional channel established by the Shadow of the Fool through the exclusive characteristics of mythical quality was very stable, and Fang Mu did not feel any discomfort during the teleportation.

When Fang Mu used his true body to look at the body and eggs of the ancient Jiayan snake, he felt that everything required him to look up.

Fang Mu took a deep breath, took out a drop of contract blood and dropped it on the egg of the ancient Jia An ancient snake.

This drop of contracted blood was absorbed by the egg of the ancient Jiayan snake at an extremely fast speed.

Fang Mu developed a connection with this unhatched ancient snake.

Purple and white lines began to gradually appear on the eggs of the Ancient Carnival Snake.

These purple lines are like viscous liquid, while those white lines are like rising clouds.

There is a faint flash of dark golden light between the purple and white colors.

Such a change occurred after the snake egg was dripped with contract blood on the square wood. It was obviously the contract blood that caused the bloodline of this unhatched ancient snake to undergo a jump!

It was Fang Mu's chance that he could make a contract with this ancient Jiayan snake, but it wasn't also a chance for this ancient Jiayan snake! ?

If it hadn't happened to be contracted by Fang Mu, this ancient snake would not have achieved such great fortune!

Originally, the eggs of the ancient Jiana snake did not hatch so quickly, but due to the catalysis of the blood of the contract, the eggs of the ancient Jiana snake had a tendency to hatch.

It should hatch within a day or two.

Fang Mu secretly thought in his heart that no accidents should happen before the eggs of the ancient Jiayan snake hatched successfully!

Since the dimensional passage is connected to Fang Mu's room, if there is any risk that cannot be dealt with, Fang Mu can only take the initiative to destroy this dimensional passage and retreat to the beast-controlling world!

Otherwise, Fang Mu hesitated a little, in case the creatures from this higher-dimensional world entered the beast-controlling world through the dimensional passage.

The people in the mountain manor will not be able to face danger!

The auras released by the battle between the ancient Jia Anaconda snake and the two-headed crane phoenix have not dissipated yet. These two auras should last for a long time.

Unless there are creatures that are far more powerful than the ancient snake and the two-headed crane and phoenix, other creatures would not dare to take a trip into this troubled water.

Fang Mu, who had finished contracting the eggs of the Ancient Jiana Snake, focused on the bodies of the Ancient Jiana Snake and the two-headed crane and phoenix.

As early as when Fang Mu's physical body first came to this dimensional world, Feng Rang of blood was throbbing crazily in Fang Mu's body.

The current throbbing of Blood Fengran is stronger than the sum of all previous throbbings!

Fang Mu had never seen Blood Feng Rang throb like this before.

From this, it is enough to see how beneficial the bodies of the ancient Jia An snake and the two-headed crane phoenix are to the Blood Feng Rang.

Fang Mu simply released his control over Blood Feng Rang, and a large amount of bloody mist poured out of Fang Mu's body.

These diffuse bloody mist are like the tentacles of the abundance of blood.

These bloody mist turned into a big mouth, and with great effort, the huge body of the ancient Jia An snake, whose edges could not be seen, was completely swallowed into the abundant blood!

This shocked and surprised Fang Mu!

Fang Mu originally thought that in order for the Fengran of Blood to absorb the huge body of the Ancient Jiapan Snake, the body of the Ancient Jiapan Snake needed to be divided.

It seems that I have underestimated the devouring ability of my natal beast-blood Feng Rang!

This bloody mist did not die down after devouring the body of the ancient snake.

Instead, he continued to wrap up the body of the two-headed crane phoenix. It was obvious that Feng Rang of Blood wanted to take the body of the two-headed crane phoenix into his body!

The size of the two-headed crane phoenix was much smaller than that of the ancient Jia Anaconda snake, and soon the body of the two-headed crane phoenix was also swallowed into the body by Feng Rang of Blood.

Together with the bloody mist, it also swallowed the remains of the surrounding giant beasts into the interior of the Blood Feng Rang.

At this moment, Fang Mu felt a squirming movement inside Xue Feng Rang, and Xue Feng Rang had a rejection reaction.

Just when Fang Mu thought that Xue Feng Rang had swallowed too many things, which made it unable to digest, and was about to vomit out the body of the ancient Jia An snake and the body of the two-headed crane and phoenix.

I saw that Xue Zhifeng Rang just spit out a bird egg covered with black and white, with some cinnabar spots on the white.

When Fang Mu used the Shadow of the Fool's innate magical power [Eye of Omniscience] to explore the two-headed crane phoenix, he knew that when the two-headed crane phoenix was giving birth to offspring, it would produce something like a pouch on the abdomen with the thickest feathers.

This pouch holds the hatching eggs.

This allows the two-headed crane phoenix to still move freely even when it is hatching eggs!

Fang Mu looked at the two-headed crane and phoenix's bird-egg face with an moved expression.

At this time, Fang Mu had vaguely guessed why the two-headed crane phoenix fought with the ancient Jia An snake.

The vitality inside the egg of this two-headed crane phoenix is ​​extremely weak, and it is obvious that a large amount of energy is required to restore this fragile vitality.

The two-headed crane and the phoenix took the risk in the hope of killing the ancient snake and using the ancient snake and its unhatched eggs to gain a way out for his heirs!

Flying birds and beasts like the two-headed crane and phoenix are extremely restrained by the ancient Gargang snake. The ancient Gargang snake did not choose to escape but fought with the two-headed crane and phoenix. It was probably because it had no choice but to do this to protect its offspring. choose!

This two-headed crane and phoenix egg can be regarded as Fang Mu's unexpected surprise.

Fang Mu raised his hands and looked at the curse the flower spirit on the other side of the blood had cast on him.

Despite the curse of the flower spirit on the other side of the blood, the speed of condensation of the contract blood is still not fast.

It will take two days for the next drop of Contract Blood to condense.

At the moment, Fang Mu is still unable to make a contract with the egg of the two-headed crane phoenix. The aura of the egg of the two-headed crane phoenix is ​​very weak after leaving the mother's body.

In two days, the eggs of this two-headed crane and phoenix will probably completely lose their vitality!

Fang Mu quickly took out a few liters of bloody aged wine and poured it directly on the eggs of the two-headed crane and phoenix.

For creatures at the level of the two-headed crane and phoenix, when they encounter resources that are beneficial to them, no matter how weak their condition is, they will still absorb these resources by instinct.

Bloody aged wine is an excellent thing for any living being!

The eggs of the two-headed crane and phoenix absorbed these bloody aged wines. Not only was the aura in the body no longer lost, but the aura was strengthened.

At this time, the state of the double-headed crane and phoenix egg is enough to last until Fang Mu condenses the contract blood, and then uses the contract blood to contract the double-headed crane and phoenix egg.

After contracting the egg of the two-headed crane phoenix, Fang Mu knew exactly what kind of energy the two-headed crane phoenix needed to hatch!

Fang Mu pondered for a moment and then released Hell Prajna. Fang Mu asked Hell Prajna to command a group of dead creatures to guard the entrance to the dimensional world.

Then Fang Mu, under the throbbing urging of the Blood Feng Rang, took the Blood Feng Rang to devour the remains of those giant beasts everywhere.

These giant beasts are dead, and their remains will decay over time.

Once decay occurs, the life energy in these remains will be greatly reduced!

Fortunately, these giant beasts are extremely strong and decay very slowly.

In the past few days, at least tens of thousands of behemoth remains were devoured by the Blood Fengran.

The further we explore the remains of these giant beasts, the more they gradually decay, and the abundance of blood puts an end to this throbbing.

After repeatedly collecting the remains of these giant beasts for several days, Fang Mu felt numb.

Fang Mu also didn't know if so many giant beast remains were swallowed up by Blood Feng Rang, whether Blood Feng Rang could begin to move toward mythical quality with the help of these giant beast remains.

You must know that Blood Fengran has not even been upgraded to legendary quality, so it is too early to mention mythical quality now.

In the past few days, Feng Rang of Blood has not only been devouring the remains of these giant beasts, but also digesting and absorbing the remains of these giant beasts.

The life energy contained in the remains of these ordinary giant beasts is extremely rich, not to mention the abundant energy contained in the bodies of the two-headed crane phoenix and the ancient Jia An snake!

The quality of Blood Fengran has shown a trend of improvement at this time.

The blood-colored mist continued to spread around Fang Mu's body, and the black goat's head that rotated in Fang Mu's eyes rarely covered the gray mist.

A black spell similar to a spell appeared on Fang Mu's face.

These mantras carry a different kind of beauty like thorns.

These mantras did not stay on Fang Mu's body for too long, and then moved to all parts of Fang Mu's body and were hidden under Fang Mu's clothes.

When Bloody Fengran used the blood-colored mist to devour the bodies of the ancient snake and the two-headed crane and phoenix, he did not reveal his true form.

At this time, the Blood Feng Rang tool appeared in front of Fang Mu.

The flesh-wall-like well mouth of Blood Feng Rang began to squirm crazily, spitting out bloody mist crazily.

If anyone saw Fang Mu and Blood Feng Rang in this state at this time, they would definitely feel that Fang Mu was performing an ancient and mysterious ritual like an evil god.

This state lasted for nearly an hour, during which Fang Mu felt an unquenchable hunger.

Fang Mu quickly took out one nutritious meal after another from his purple ice crystal ring, and ate it hungrily. (End of chapter)

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