Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 763 Lin Zhi’s invitation!

"Xiao Mu, you have helped the Beast Emperor this time. Now the Beast Emperor has decided to cooperate with Lord Qixing."

"Your relationship with the Beast Emperor should be better than your relationship with the Sea Clan now!?"

Lian Dai stood beside Fang Mu. Qi Qi and Ling Kang had been in the mechanical bunker since they left the Beast Taming World.

Qi Qi did not turn his back on Lian Dai when he said this.

Qi Qi, Ling Kang, and Lian Dai were all Fang Mu's protectors, and they were all strong men at the level of the God Realm.

They got along well and were very relaxed with each other.

Qi Qi's words were just about the facts. After all, Fang Mu only had a good relationship with the Hanyang Empire, and he did not have much actual contact with the other three sea countries and sea lords of the Sea Clan.

Qi Qi said this because he felt the attitude of the Beast Emperor towards Fang Mu, and knew that Fang Mu would gain more benefits in future cooperation if he deepened his relationship with the Beast Emperor at this time.

After becoming Fang Mu's guardians, Qi Qi and Ling Kang both treated Fang Mu as their own junior, otherwise they would not have said such words to remind Fang Mu.

When Fang Mu was in the dimensional world, he did not notice the change in Lin Zhi's eyes looking at him, but after leaving the dimensional world, Fang Mu keenly felt the difference in Lin Zhi's attitude towards him.

The change in Lin Zhi's attitude towards him was too obvious. Not only Fang Mu felt it, but most of the beast masters at the level of the Divine Realm in the Emperor Beast Court also noticed this change.

Fang Mu was a little curious about why Lin Zhi's attitude towards him had changed so much.

Was it just because of the strength he showed? Fang Mu thought it was unlikely.

Because the strength Fang Mu showed when he entered the dimensional world from the beginning was able to compete with the Emperor Beast Court.

At that time, Lin Zhi's attitude towards him was not significantly different from usual.

Less than two days after leaving the dimensional world, Lin Zhi had sent people to invite him twice, and specifically asked to meet him alone.

Fang Mu has not been invited since he left the dimensional world. First, Fang Mu is counting his gains.

Second, Fang Mu is also thinking about why Lin Zhi is in a hurry to meet him alone.

Fang Mu always feels that Lin Zhi's behavior is most likely related to the full moon pendant he uses.

Otherwise, Fang Mu really can't think of any other reason.

Lin Zhi has no ill will towards him, Fang Mu can be sure of this.

Fang Mu has a hunch that he will definitely gain something from meeting Lin Zhi this time!

To a certain extent, Lin Zhi's status in the Emperor Beast Court is not worse than Han Ming's status in human forces.

"Seventh Aunt, if possible, I am indeed interested in cooperating more with the Emperor Beast Court."

"When I hand over the extraterritorial fetus I harvested this time to the master, I will probably be able to dig out many secrets of this dimensional world!"

When Fang Mu knew that the meatball-shaped dimensional creature was called the Deformed Mother Beast, he had already named this dimensional world the Deformed World.

When Fang Mu condenses a new contract blood, he can contract the fetus of the Deformed Mother Beast.

Although a beast tamer of the Divine Realm level was injured in this operation, the Thorn Blade Spider and the Ancient Snake of the Anaconda were also seriously injured.

But these injuries can be healed, only the Ancient Snake of the Anaconda was injured in its origin and needs to be recuperated for a period of time before it can recover.

Compared with the rewards, this time's efforts are nothing.

Lian Dai has been in deep thought since Qi Qi started talking.

Fang Mu started to develop and explore the dimensional world with the Hanyang Empire. It has not been long since Fang Mu reached an agreement with the entire Di Beast Court to develop the dimensional world.

And Qixing still has absolute dominance.

Lian Dai feels that she needs to promote cooperation between the entire Sea Clan and Qixing, otherwise the Sea Clan will join the game too late and its position in the cooperation will be completely surpassed by the Di Beast Court!

Lian Dai, the lord of the Hanyang Empire, still cares about the Sea Clan.

Lian Dai and the other three sea kingdoms’ lords and sea lords had revealed the corresponding information before. The other three sea kingdoms’ lords and sea lords always felt that they were asking for help by saying this, which made Lian Dai quite depressed.

The sea clan is not like the beast control forces, which are uniformly controlled by an organization, the Emperor Beast Court.

The sea clan is composed of five major forces, each of which is very united, but there are many grudges between these five forces.

This greatly limits the cooperation and development between the major forces of the sea clan.

However, if the lords and sea lords of the other three sea kingdoms knew that the Emperor Beast Court had jointly developed the dimensional world with Qixing, they would not refuse as easily as before when they heard my invitation.

While communicating with Qi Qi, Ling Kang, and Lian Dai, Fang Mu comforted the injured Thorn Blade Spider and the ancient snake of Garaman in his natal atlas.

The ancient snake of Garaman, which was extremely brave in battle, was like a crying monster in front of Fang Mu, constantly seeking Fang Mu’s comfort.

To be honest, it has only been more than a month since the ancient snake of Gara had hatched and it has experienced such a deadly battle.

Previously, Gara had never encountered a strong enemy in the world of giant beasts and was quite proud, but now Gara has completely restrained its arrogance.

It was a good thing for Gara, the Thorn Blade Spider and the Three-Headed Crane Phoenix to experience such a battle.

The Thorn Blade Spider also felt very frustrated. All the thirty spiders he brought out were killed without exception.

But fortunately, it is very easy for the Thorn Blade Spider to cultivate its daughter spiders.

The thirty daughter spiders lost today can be cultivated again in three days as long as they return to the giant beast world.

At this time, Lin Zhi, who was in the spirit cat paradise, was talking with Xiao Yi, Lu Yuan and a main dragon with a length of nearly one kilometer and covered with red and gold scales.

Xiao Yi, Lu Yuan and the main dragon all bowed their heads in front of Lin Zhi, with an extremely respectful look.

This main dragon with a length of one kilometer and covered with red and gold scales is called Long Hui. He is the general speaker sitting in the main court of the Emperor Beast Court. He is usually very domineering.

But in front of Lin Zhi, the fierce aura on his body seemed to have dissipated.

"Prophet, do we really have to rely on Qixing, who is a human, in the exploration of the dimensional world in the future?"

Hearing Long Hui's words, Lin Zhi's expression did not change.

Lin Zhi knew Long Hui's thoughts very well. Long Hui had always opposed the close relationship between the beast control forces and human forces. This was also the fundamental reason why Xiao Yi had proposed to cooperate with the human Diyuan many times but had not succeeded.

From an objective point of view, this is a problem of concept.

Both of them are responsible for the Emperor Beast Court and the entire beast control forces, but the methods they choose are different.

Lin Zhi did not express his opinion at the first time, but Xiao Yi could not help it.

"Long Hui, what do you mean by this? Can we go back on our words at this time!?"

"How can we explain to Lord Jianmu if we go back on our words now!?"

"How can Lord Jianmu tell this matter to Lord Yu Qixing!?"

"How did they help the Emperor Beast Court and the beast control forces this time? How many of you have seen it."

"Long Hui, what you just said is not what the leader of the Emperor Beast Court should say!"

If Xiao Yi had not respected Long Hui very much and Long Hui's status was above his, Xiao Yi would have been about to swear at Long Hui at this time!

Since the beginning of contact with Fang Mu, all the communication was done by himself. Xiao Yi could not make such an inconsiderate proposal to Fang Mu.

When Long Hui heard Xiao Yi's words, he swung his dragon tail unhappily.

"Xiao Yi, when have I ever said anything that would go back on my word?"

"During the exploration, everything is based on Qixing, and there is no problem. I'm just afraid that Qixing intends to control our Emperor Beast Court through this dimensional world."

"If Qixing has such an intention, the Emperor Beast Court will inevitably become a vassal of Qixing after hundreds of years!"

"I think it is better to cooperate with the entire Diyuan than to cooperate with Qixing himself."

"At least there are so many human Emperor Beast Courts planning together to cooperate with the entire Diyuan, so it is not necessary to openly turn against the Emperor Beast Court because of something!"

Xiao Yi was so angry when he heard Long Hui's words, and he always felt that Long Hui was somewhat unreasonable.

Only Qixing has goodwill towards the entire beast control force, and those creators of Diyuan are the ones who really want to drink the blood of the Emperor Beast Court.

However, Xiao Yi can understand Long Hui while being unhappy.

However, Xiaoyi couldn't help but say.

"If it weren't for Lord Qixing's help this time, our Emperor Beast Court would have no ability to overcome this difficulty!"

"Under this situation, it would be a bit unfair to carry out malicious penetration tests on Lord Qixing."

"If we do such unfair things, it will make people feel disappointed!"

"When the Saint Truth Maker Qixing changes his attitude towards us, our Emperor Beast Court will never have an easy life!"

"It's better to consider the consequences before doing anything!"

Luyuan rarely sees Longhui and Xiaoyi quarreling like this because of something. Luyuan is not a person who likes to talk on weekdays, but this time Luyuan couldn't help but interrupt.

"I think it's meaningless for you to argue about this matter. Think about how strong the Saint Creator Qixing must be to give his disciples a trump card that transcends the peak of the divine realm!?"

"Qixing has already made concessions when cooperating with our Emperor Beast Court and gave us more shares."

"If we ask Qixing for more at this time, it will seem that we are too greedy!"

"If Qixing wants to control our Emperor Beast Court, he won't do these trivial things at all."

"Qixing just needs to show his hard power!"

"I think instead of researching and considering how to get rid of Qixing's control, it's better to think about how our Emperor Beast Court should hold on to Qixing's thigh."

"Don't you want to make further progress in strength?"

"If you don't want to make further progress in strength, I still want to!"

After saying that, Lu Yuan was afraid that the war would burn on her, so she found an excuse and left directly.

Unlike Long Hui and Xiao Yi, she came here to discuss things. She came here because the prophet wanted to leave her a few precious medicines to recover from her injuries.

Hearing Lu Yuan's words, Long Hui was speechless for a long time.

Xiaoyi felt that Luyuan was right, and he was very happy to have someone supporting him.

Lin Zhi spoke at this time.

"Luyuan sees this matter more clearly than you two. It's not that we don't want to fight, but we don't have the qualifications to fight."

"Let's cooperate with Qixing as we said before!"

"Longhui, as the chief speaker of the main court of the Emperor Beast Court, you represent our entire Emperor Beast Court."

"In the future, don't just let Xiaoyi communicate with Jianmu, you should also contact Jianmu more when you have nothing to do."

"Don't save the things I gave you two. When the development of the dimension world is stable, you two can use these resources to try to break through!"

"After you leave, go and invite Lord Jianmu for me. Remember to be respectful and don't be disrespectful!"

"If Lord Jianmu doesn't want to come now, don't force him."

After that, Lin Zhi waved to Long Hui and Xiao Yi, indicating that Long Hui and Xiao Yi could leave.

Long Hui and Xiao Yi knew that Fang Mu was extremely important to the Emperor Beast Court, but they both felt that Lin Zhi's attitude towards Fang Mu was too respectful.

Lin Zhi, the prophet of the wise cat clan, really didn't need to be like this.

Long Hui couldn't help but say to Xiao Yi after leaving.

"Xiao Yi, do you think the prophet is too serious about Jianmu, a junior?"

"Even when facing Qixing, a saint creator, it is not worth the prophet to invite him like this!"

Xiao Yi shook his head and said.

"Lord Prophet Longhui must have his reasons for doing this, and there is really no need for us to speculate on his intentions."

"Everything that Lord Jianmu has done for our Emperor Beast Court is indeed worthy of our efforts."

"I don't expect to eliminate my opinions on humans, but in the process of cooperating with Saint Maker Qixing, you can eliminate your prejudice against Qixing and Jianmu."

"I'm not trying to scare you. If your prejudice affects the cooperation between Qixing and the Emperor Beast Court, you will probably find it difficult to sit firmly in the position of Speaker!"

"The Emperor Beast Court is composed of thousands of beast control forces. We are not the only decision makers in the Emperor Beast Court."

"The same is true for the patriarchs of other beast control forces!"

"Those beast control forces have little say, but when they are together, they represent the will of the entire beast control force!"

"And you have also seen Lord Prophet's attitude towards Jianmu. Lord Prophet's bias is already very obvious."

"Don't forget that the Emperor Beast Court can come all the way to where it is now thanks to Lord Prophet's guidance!"

After saying this, Xiaoyi raised his tiger claws and patted Longhui's dragon shoulder.

"Long Hui, rather than saying that I am the vice-chairman of the main court of the Emperor Beast Court, it is better to say that I have been your assistant all these years."

"I have never had any other thoughts."

"I hope that the Emperor Beast Court will continue to move forward under your leadership in the future, and never do anything that will harm yourself!"

"Let's go, the two of us will go together to help the prophet to invite Lord Jianmu again."

"It just so happens that Lu Yuan and the others have prepared a lot of thank-you gifts for me to pass on. Didn't you also prepare a generous gift for Lord Jianmu?"

"This time in the dimensional world, Lord Jianmu lost thirty half-step divine domain spider beasts. I hope that the thank-you gifts we prepared will not cause Lord Jianmu to be scolded by the master when he returns to report!"

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