Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 774: Thousands of Transformations of Wa Masks!

It can be said that as long as Fang Mu plunders the blood of a living being through the plundering blood and nourishes this blood, he will be able to gain several more abilities in battle.

Selectively combining various bloods with himself allows Fang Mu to deal with various difficulties.

It can be said that the platinum-level skill [Blood Absorption] and the diamond-level skill [Blood Possession] of Blood Abundance have opened up a new way of fighting for Fang Mu.

It is no longer just to make his body stronger than ordinary beastmasters, but also to give Fang Mu more diverse combat methods than beastmasters.

Fang Mu was extremely satisfied with the two new abilities gained by Blood Abundance after upgrading its rank.

During the two days when Fang Mu swallowed the Blood River Red Ginseng, the entire human world was in turmoil.

Han Ming conveyed the news of suppressing Qixing very strongly, and all forces were waiting for Qixing's response.

All the forces thought about the possible measures that Qixing, the Saint Creator, might take, but they didn't expect Qixing to be so tough. He was not prepared to fight with Hanming at all, and directly set the date of the confrontation three days after Hanming declared war.

All the forces thought that Hanming and Qixing, the two Saint Creators, were about to start an extremely protracted tug-of-war, but Qixing's arrangement made the dispute come to an end in three days.

What kind of confidence is this? Could it be that Qixing didn't take Hanming, who is also a Saint Creator, seriously at all! ?

Hanming received the news at the first time, and even Hanming was extremely surprised. He didn't expect Qixing to be so tough.

However, it was good for Qixing to face himself directly. Hanming didn't really want to suppress Qixing, but wanted to win more with Qixing.

Let's see who is the boss of the human forces!

Hanming, who has been the absolute leader for so many years, can't tolerate his position in the human forces to decline. Of course, Hanming is extremely confident in his own abilities.

Han Ming has been at the top for so many years, and he doesn't think that a guy who suddenly appears can shake his position.

Zhuang Herui came to Han Ming and said to him.

"Master Han Ming, Yi Han helped Qixing do this, which means that Qixing must have made all preparations."

"Qixing publicly sent you an invitation, which can be regarded as a provocation to you."

"Should we also make some preparations here?"

"Qixing has asked Yi Han to send the invitation. Do you want to accept the invitation and go to Longteng Federation to participate in this so-called exchange meeting?"

"In addition to me, our Wanbang Federation has two other creation masters who have visited the Emperor Beast Court one after another. The attitude of the Emperor Beast Court towards them is exactly the same as its attitude towards me."

"The beast control forces have completely sided with Qixing. The two sea countries that had previously agreed to cooperate with the Emperor Beast Court suddenly changed their minds and said they would consider cooperation with the Wanbang Federation."

"Recently, Lian Dai has been separated from After sailing to these two sea countries, I think the change in the attitude of the rulers of these two sea countries is inseparable from Lian Dai. "

"Do you think it is necessary for us to communicate with the rulers of these two sea countries again?"

"Lian Dai has a very close relationship with Qixing. You asked Lian Dai for a king-level extraterritorial fetus before, but Lian Dai did not give it to you. The sea clan has no use for keeping a king-level extraterritorial fetus at all."

"That king-level extraterritorial fetus is probably in Qixing's hands."

"That king-level extraterritorial fetus is the first to appear in this world from this dimensional channel. Qixing has such a deep research on dimensional creatures. I suspect that he has cooperated with the Hanyang Empire before he appeared."

"Otherwise, without these extraterritorial fetus samples, Qixing would have no research materials at all."

Han Ming snorted coldly.

"Qixing has already asked his Grandmaster Creators to publicly invite me, how can I not go?"

"If I don't go, won't people really interpret it as me being afraid of Qixing!?"

"I want to see what kind of means Qixing has prepared!"

"I hope Qixing won't let me down, otherwise I will treat Qixing like I suppressed the Immortal Mother Yongle before, and let Qixing hide away from the world for hundreds of years to avoid my edge!"

"The Immortal Mother Yongle has jumped out again this time, it seems that the lesson I gave her before was not big enough!"

Han Ming said it lightly, but his brows were tightly furrowed.

Qixing did put a lot of pressure on Han Ming, but Han Ming, who was in such a position, could not admit this pressure.

As the head of the Ten Thousand Nations Federation, with so many Grandmaster Creators following him, Han Ming also had many things that he could not help.

Zhuang Herui looked at Han Ming's frown and sighed in his heart. As Han Ming's student, Zhuang Herui knew Han Ming very well.

Sometimes he even knows me better than Han Ming.

Although Zhuang Herui has never met Qixing, he has had contact with Fang Mu.

Han Ming has the desire to compete for hegemony, and this desire is very obvious.

But Qixing is probably not like Han Ming who has the desire to compete for hegemony. Qixing has put more time and energy into improving the ability of the creator, and has never shown the intention to compete with Han Ming.

But Han Ming did not think of letting Qixing go when Qixing did not show the intention to compete, but forced Qixing to fight with him.

Changlefang did not deliberately announce the joint development of Tidal Bay with Qixing, but many forces knew about it.

I have also reported this to Han Ming.

The reason for competing for this purple marrow crystal silver vein is indeed because Cao Xianbing applied for this matter more than once. The purple marrow crystal silver vein controlled by the Wanbang Federation has been basically mined out in the past few hundred years.

The high fusion rate that Cao Xianbing was able to achieve when making ghost weapons has a lot to do with the extensive use of purple marrow crystal silver.

If you want purple marrow crystal silver, you can actually wait for Qixing and Changlefang to develop for a period of time, and then the Wanbang Federation itself will go to Qixing to discuss cooperation.

Use resources that are beneficial to Qixing to exchange for purple marrow crystal silver.

Qixing has no intention of competing, but his master Han Ming is pressing step by step.

This storm was caused by snatching the purple marrow crystal silver vein.

This was Cao Xianbing's idea, but it was indeed agreed by Han Ming.

If Han Ming wins the competition with Qixing, everything will be fine. If he loses, those strong men who have been suppressed by Han Ming before, such as Yongle Fairy Mother, will definitely attack Han Ming through this matter.

Zhuang Herui admitted that Cao Xianbing was very capable, but Cao Xianbing was too arrogant and actually encouraged Han Ming to rob the purple marrow crystal silver vein!

"Since you are going to Longteng Federation to participate in the so-called exchange meeting mentioned by Qixing, Mr. Han Ming, I think we still need to make some preparations."

"The momentum of Longteng Federation's development in recent years has been extremely rapid. To be honest, Longteng Federation is also a force under the command of my Wanbang Federation and led by my Wanbang Federation."

"Since Longteng Federation produced Shuoyang, a high-level creation master, Longteng Federation has stopped paying tribute to my Wanbang Federation in recent years."

"Now that Longteng Federation has established a relationship with Qixing, it no longer takes my Wanbang Federation seriously."

"Do you think it is necessary to give Longteng Federation a warning this time, which can also be regarded as killing Qixing's spirit!"

Since the conflict is inevitable, Zhuang Herui hurriedly helped Han Ming to plan.

Han Ming frowned and glanced at Zhuang Herui.

"My confrontation with Qixing will end in three days. Shuoyang has a wide circle in the Federation of All Nations."

"I am ready to suppress Qixing and Yongle Fairy Mother. There is no need to involve a high-level creation master."

"Wait until I defeat Qixing and suppress Yongle Fairy Mother. Shuoyang is a smart man and will make the right choice."

"When Shuoyang brings the Longteng Federation to my side, it will be another blow to Qixing's momentum."

Yongle Fairy Mother and Han Ming received the news almost at the same time, and Yongle Fairy Mother also received the invitation from Yi Han.

Yongle Fairy Mother guessed that Qixing would definitely compete with Han Ming. Even if Qixing wanted to give in, Han Ming would not give Qixing a chance to give in.

Han Ming forced and suppressed herself step by step.

Yongle Fairy Mother expressed her support for Qixing when Han Ming just targeted Qixing, because she was afraid that Qixing would lose the courage to fight against Han Ming.

As a result, Qixing, a guy who has been hiding from the world for many years, is more courageous than she thought!

However, in the confrontation with Han Ming, it is useless to have blood, but also to have skills.

Qixing's approach gave Yang Paiyun, Du Rui, Ning Hongshao, Lang Huan, Li Xu and others a reassurance.

It also added a bit of haze to the hearts of those creation masters who had to cooperate with Han Ming's actions under the pressure of Han Ming.

Shuoyang personally directed the arrangement of the venue after receiving Yi Han's message.

Shuoyang and Yi Han are old acquaintances. In the communication with Yi Han, Shuoyang learned that Yi Han actually didn't know much about Qixing.

Shuoyang was willing to believe Qixing, but he really had no bottom line in his heart.

Shuoyang's decision not only concerns himself, but also the future of the entire Longteng Federation.

Shuoyang looked at Yi Han standing beside him and said.

"Yi Han, tell me the truth again, does Lord Qixing have any other arrangements?"

Yi Han was tired of being asked by Shuoyang all the time, and Yi Han said in a deep voice.

"Shuoyang, I always thought you were steady, how come you are so impetuous?"

"How can I say this kind of thing well?"

"We just need to do the tricks, as long as we do what we should do so that Lord Qixing can hold this exchange meeting decently."

"As for other things, let's wait until this exchange meeting is over."

"Even if Lord Qixing fails to suppress Han Ming, as long as Lord Qixing is still in Longteng Federation, he can ensure that Longteng Federation is worry-free."

"No matter how strong Han Ming is, he can't come to Longteng Federation to target Lord Qixing."

"In this struggle between Han Ming and Lord Qixing, no one can say for sure who will win or lose."

Yi Han was also unsure in his heart.

But Yi Han was not anxious. Qixing had done him a great favor and he would accompany Qixing regardless of winning or losing.

And Yongle Fairy Mother was obviously on the side of Lord Qixing, two Saint Creators were arm wrestling with one Saint Creator.

Even if the abilities of these two Saint Creators are not as good as that Saint Creator, it is still uncertain who will win or lose!

Moreover, Yi Han does not think Qixing is inferior to Hanming from the bottom of his heart, because Qixing has inadvertently accomplished several things that Hanming cannot do.

This is enough to show that Qixing's ability is stronger than Hanming in some aspects!

With the momentum of Lord Qixing, if his reputation had not been revealed too late, and if Hanming could give Lord Qixing some more time to develop, it is hard to say who has the greater momentum!

As the core figure of the whole incident, Fang Mu didn't care about the direction of the situation at all.

Fang Mu was using the innate magical power of the Fool's Shadow [Eye of All-Knowing] to observe the source blood Wa Nu whose blood was undergoing transformation.

[Name of Beast Tamer]: Blood Mother Wa Nu

[Species of Beast Tamer]: Cyprinidae/Wa Carp

[Level of Beast Tamer]: Sequence Nine

[Type of Beast Tamer]: Blood System

[Potential of Beast Tamer]: Sequence Level

[Quality of Beast Tamer]: Legendary Quality


[Blood Sucking]: Sucking the target's blood to drain the energy in the target's blood and condense it into a special blood essence.

[Blood Purification Blessing]: Remove substances in the target's blood that are not in the target's own blood, and at the same time improve the target's blood metabolism ability.

[Wa Blood Regeneration]: Absorb the blood in the target's body and combine it with its own Wa blood, and then feed the Wa blood back to the target, which has the effect of opening the target's gene template and inducing the target's gene template to regenerate.

[Nuwa Blood Purification]: Inject your own Nuwa Blood into the target's body. Nuwa Blood will combine with the negative substances in the target's blood and expel them from the target's body, thereby purifying the target's blood to a certain extent.

[Spiritual Nuwa Control Finger]: Introduce the special Nuwa Blood condensed by yourself into the target's body, change the target's cognition and make the target regard you as a mother, and establish a mellow emotional bond with the target to make the target follow your instructions. In the case that the target shows resistance to your instructions, you can sacrifice Nuwa Blood to influence and change the target's mind and thoughts.

[Thousand Changes of Nuwa Face]: After the target controlled by Nuwa Blood dies, you can sacrifice part of your own body to make this part of your body become the target controlled by Nuwa Blood. The breath can be synchronized with the target of the control finger, and cannot be detected by outsiders (the strength of the target generated in this way is strengthened as its own strength increases).

Exclusive characteristics:

[Blood Creation]: Increase the creativity of blood, and you can use your own pure blood energy to copy blood. The copying time depends on the quality of the blood.

[Heart of Wa]: When creating with blood, the production capacity will be greatly increased, and the improvement of the own rank will increase the effect of the increase in production capacity.

[Blood Transition]: Combining the blood of Wa with the blood aged wine, a substance called Blood Source Crystal is condensed. The Blood Source Crystal has a strong effect on blood transition and can help the target creature break the blood barrier.

Evolution route:

①: Blood Ancestor Dragon Wa, ②: Blood Sea Wa Girl, ③: Dielang Wa Girl.

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