Blessing Scepter (Mythical Level)

Category: Weapon

Level: LV120 Strength: +18570

Physique: +24258

Spirit: +29527

Agility: +20310

Cooldown: -75

% All Resistance: +300% Healing Effect: +500%




Special Effect:

Papherd Gift (Passive): Mana is increased by 20% and mana is restored by 10% per second.

HP Blessing (Passive): Health increased by 15%.

Movement Speed Blessing (Passive): Movement speed increased by 15%.

Reduction Control Blessing (Passive): All control skills in the control skill are reduced by 50% control time.

Recovery Blessing (Passive): Health and mana regeneration speed increases by 10% per second.

Divine Healing Light Curtain (Active): After release, where the light curtain is shrouded, all units recover 1W of blood per second for 30S and cool down for 15 minutes.

Guardian Realm (Active): Activate a Guardian Enchantment, within the Enchantment, immune to non-forbidden spell skill control, damage immunity +50%, consumption of 3000 mana per second, no cooldown.

Divine Blessing (Active): After unleashing, the damage caused by all attack skills within 10 seconds can be converted into healing value, healing yourself and teammates, and cooling down for 15 minutes

Pray for Star Rain (Active): Where the star rain drops, purifies all darkness, weakens 20% of dark skills, strengthens the effect of light skills by 20%, lasts 120 seconds, cools down for 10 minutes.




are a total of 18 unlocked skill effects, 5 passive, 4 active, and 9 ununlocked.

And durability also changes from damage to breakage.

"I'm dripping obediently! This is the attribute that mythical equipment should have!

Han Mu held the blessing staff that bloomed with 7 colorful apertures, and the whole person bathed in the divine light, as if a new generation of Shenmu had descended into the world.

The scepter in hand, I have it in the world!

This was Han Mu's mood at the moment.

The old man of the god shepherd not far away smiled: "I didn't expect that the young man still has this ability, it really makes the old man I envy!" The future can be expected, the future can be expected!

After that, the old man of the Divine Shepherd completely disappeared, and Han Mu was also teleported out of the Shenmu space.

Han Mu hid the light of the blessing scepter, and then looked around, and did not see Xuanyuan Mengqi, it was estimated that she had gone back to the hotel.

Shaking his head, Han Mu showed a wry smile, and it could be seen from the other party's performance that Xuanyuan Mengqi, although her image in everyone's hearts was a goddess of high coldness, it seemed that she was still in the girly stage when it came to things between men and women.


Han Mu gasped, this is difficult, forcibly kissed someone, after going back, she won't want to fight with herself, right?

Subsequently, Han Mu returned to the Conversion Temple and delivered the 5-turn mission.

[Congratulations on completing the 5-change mission.] 】

【5 turns have a certain probability of awakening special classes, but the growth attribute is lower than that of hidden classes.】

After the prompt, Han Mu was bathed in the divine light released by the transfer to the divine platform, which was warm and very comfortable.

Han Mu could obviously feel that his attributes were increasing sharply much more violently than when he was 4 revolutions.


Han Mu dimly saw the shadow of a goddess from the divine light, unable to see the appearance, she sat on the divine throne above the nine heavens, as if from the lord of the gods above the nine heavens.

The goddess glanced at Han Mu and revealed a smile that turned everyone upside down.

Han Mu suddenly felt like he had crossed the other side of the starry sky, ethereal and empty.

Looking at the goddess, the other party's eyes were deep and empty, which made Han's pastoral heart unable to calm down for a long time.

It's just that this divine shadow appears quickly and disappears quickly.

Not often.

A fourth divine ring appeared behind Han Mu, and the 4 divine rings rotated regularly, dreamy and gorgeous.

5 turns complete!

But Han Mu didn't have a great sense of joy, and that goddess shadow lingered in his mind.

"Is that a goddess? My blessing was given by her? "

Long time.

Han Mu came back from the shock.

Through the previous monster's lines, as well as his own special situation, Han Mu firmly believed that the goddess above the nine heavens must be related to him.

If you can't figure it out, you can only put it aside.

Subsequently, Han Mu opened his attribute panel to see how the attributes had changed after 5 turns!


Han Mu

Class: Forbidden Spell God Mu [5 turns

] Talent: [No. 6 Forbidden Order] Forbidden Order, is to resist the power of the gods, all your skills will be blessed with the power of the forbidden order, the skill power effect is +30%, the damage taken is permanent -20%, the healing effect is permanent +20% Level

: LV120

Health Value: 622520 Mana: 601765 [60.176



Strength: 103467

Physique: 124504

Spirit: 120353

Agility: 104346

Free Attribute Points: 0 (All Physique Added

) Cooldown: -100% (Extreme) Career Assessment: 100 Stars (Extreme)


Looking at the four basic attributes that broke 100,000 and the blood volume of more than 600,000, Han Mu's whole person was stunned.

This is only the basic bonus of equipment attributes and its own attributes, not counting other attribute bonuses such as gangs.

I'm Nima!

With this attribute, even if there is no forbidden spell, it is enough to crush other professions.

You know, Xuanyuan Mengqi's 7-turn Great Knight now has more than 400,000 HP, and her 5 turns are 20W more than her.

As for the career rating, this is a unique function of 5 turns, which is to rate the strength of the profession.

As far as Han Mu knows, hidden professions are basically not lower than 80 stars, but there are very few that can reach 90 stars.

A profession that can score 90 stars can basically reach the height of a 9-turn matchless national warrior, and may even impact the heavy weapon of 10 turns.

It is really worthy of the forbidden spell god pastoral profession, and it has reached a hundred star score, no wonder the attribute growth is so terrifying.

Remembering the 5 transfer awakening 3 skills, including the general exploration technique, Han Mu quickly clicked on the skill panel.

[You have learned a new skill: Probe, which automatically transforms into the All-Knowing Eye of the Forbidden Spell! ] 【

All-Knowing Eye】Passive skill, which can probe all information of non-god creatures, as well as unknown hidden areas, and can see through all illusions and flaws.

[You have learned a new skill: Spirit Word, which automatically transforms into an ultra-rare forbidden spell - Soul Curse! ] 【

Soul Curse】Ultra rare soul skill, single skill, curse launch, soul incineration, non-soul defense skill and unable to resist, deals 30W damage per second, lasts 30S, consumes 100W mana, cools down for 3 days.

[You have learned a new skill: soothing, automatically transforming into one of the hands of the forbidden spell god! ] 【

God's Hand】Active instantaneous skill, if released on your own unit, it can remove all negative effects and restore 50% of your current health level, if released on enemy units, it will cause 50% damage to your current health, consume 30W of mana, and cool down for 30 minutes.

For these three new skills, Han Mu was very satisfied in his heart, especially the soul skill, which was simply BUG.

If the opponent does not have the skill of soul defense, even if they have a 100% immune damage skill, they will have to bear 900W damage value.

900W health points, I am afraid that the Dragon King Guild President of the 10 Transformation Kingdom Heavy Weapon may not have all attribute status.

Although it takes 3 days to cool down, it is completely ignored for one's own 100% cooling.

Now with the mythical equipment Blessing Scepter, as well as the Invincible Single Soul Forbidden Spell, Han Mu is confident that he is enough to resist the 10-turn super boss, so there is no need to scrupulously.

Whoever dares to disadvantage himself, just do it!

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