Qin Ran has been driving for more than ten years, and he doesn't plan to learn slowly.

He still has a lot to do.

"Uncle Zhou, can you let me try?"

"You're a bold boy. Then give it a try. "

Qin Ran, aren't you coming with me?"

"Why haven't you gone yet? Hurry up. I finished my studies early.

After Qin Ran finished speaking, he got into the car.

In fact, after getting in the car, Qin Ran found a big problem.

The special coach is a manual transmission.

He hadn't driven a manual transmission in years.

It's all fool-operated automatic transmissions.

"How?" Uncle Zhou smiled and said, "Do you want to go with Weiwei first?" I want to learn to run if I don't know how to walk. "

Uncle Zhou, in fact, I learned it with my classmate and his father first."

The manual transmission is difficult for Qin Ran.

Because Qin Ran's first car was hand-owned.

The manual transmission has an appeal that the automatic transmission does not have.

Those who really like to drive like to drive manually.

Qin Ran is no exception.

It's just that the urban area was too congested, and the fun of driving was completely lost, and he was tired of running for life, so Qin Ran changed to an automatic transmission.

But once you get in the car, the familiar feeling returns.

The only thing to note is that the coaches are generally old cars.

The idle speed is a little higher than that of a regular car.

The clutch needs to be a lot looser for the car to move.

Therefore, many people have just learned to drive, and they often turn off when driving a home manual transmission.

This is all Qin Ran's experience.

Generally, coaches teach flat ground starts.

Directly release the clutch to the semi-linkage point, and the car can move forward slowly.

However, Qin Ran liked to drive so much in his previous life, and there was more than one way to start.

In Uncle Zhou's stunned gaze, Qin Ran stepped on both feet at the same time, and the accelerator and clutch cooperated with each other.

Uncle Zhou, who was about to put his foot on the co-pilot's brake, froze.

Because Qin Ran found the semi-linkage position in just a moment.

Pressing the accelerator hard, the car rushed out quickly and smoothly.

There is no lag at all!

A smile appeared on the corner of Qin Ran's mouth.

Sure enough, playing with the car has to be a manual transmission.

When it comes to starting speed, manually throw off an automatic street.

Catapult start is not something to be said casually.

Qin Ran also had a more aggressive way to start, but it hurt the gearbox a little, so it was useless.

After all, the car belongs to Uncle Zhou.

Or an old car that has been ravaged by hundreds of people.

It wasn't until the car drove out for a while that Uncle Zhou recovered from the shock.

"Ranran, tell me honestly, how long have you been driving secretly?"

"Nope. I studied for a while.

"Impossible!" Uncle Zhou affirmed, "Your driving skills are better than those of old drivers who have been driving for five or six years." "

Even if it is Zhou Beihai himself, the starting speed is about the same as Qin Ran.

A coach bus that just arrived on the side looked stupid.

The members of the car were still groping for the mysterious and mysterious semi-linkage point, and they saw Qin Ran's car rushing out like an arrow from the string.

"Coach, I want to learn that way too."

"yes, Coach, we want to learn too."

The three students spoke out one after another.

Wang Cheng glanced at the license plate, "It was opened by the coach, can it be the same?" You just have to learn honestly.

After scolding the students, Wang Cheng muttered again, "Lao Zhou has nothing to do to show off his driving skills here."

Then Wang Chengcheng saw the car rushing out and reversing back at a fast speed.

Slow down, turn.

Perfectly reversed into storage, and then drove out again.

Wang Cheng rubbed his eyes, he seemed to be dazzled.

It was not Lao Zhou in the driver's seat, but a handsome guy.

When Wang Cheng was stunned, the car flicked into the side parking area with a beautiful flick.


Drift sideways parking?

"So handsome!"

"Holy! Cow Cup! "

Coach, we want to change coaches!"

"It's so handsome!"

Wang Cheng pulled out the car keys, opened the car door and walked over quickly.

"Lao Zhou, who is this? Run here to play racing. Old Zhou?

Zhou Beihai, who was shocked, coughed lightly, "My eldest nephew, how is it?" "


Wang Cheng gave a thumbs up!

"Hello uncle."

Qin Ran showed a harmless smile from humans and animals, like a sunny and cheerful big boy.

"Alright, alright. Just play it. Zhou

Beihai rushed Qin Ran to get out of the car, his car couldn't stand being built like this.

However, the proud look on Zhou Beihai's face didn't look like he was dissatisfied with Qin Ran.

Qin Ran was a little reluctant to get out of the car.

I haven't touched a manual transmission car for too long, and I'm having fun on a whim.

That's why he likes to play with manual transmissions.

Full of driving fun!

Su Nianwei, who was not far away, trotted over.

"Qin Ran, were you driving just now?"

"Or else?"

"You drive slowly. Don't drive so fast.

Zhou Beihai's eyes were a little weird.

With Qin Ran's technique, unless he is racing with his life, there will be no accidents.

And what's going on with this concerned tone.

Zhou Beihai and Wang Cheng glanced at each other and smiled tacitly.

It's good to be young!

The eyes of a few boys learning to drive on the side were straight.

In fact, they had already discovered Su Nianwei.

Just standing there is a beautiful landscape.

There is also a person who recognizes Su Nianwei as the school flower of No. 1 Middle School.

I just didn't have the courage to come forward and talk to me.

Su Nianwei, who has a cold temperament, can always be prohibitive.

Only in front of Qin Ran would he show a different expression.

Several boys also gave Qin Ran a thumbs up.

Just after watching Qin Ran's drift parking, they only had the word "suit" in their hearts.

However, Qin Ran didn't forget to make an appointment with Wu Renyao today.

"Uncle Zhou, then I'll go first."

Su Nianwei hurriedly grabbed the corner of Qin Ran's clothes.

"I'll go too."

"Why are you coming with me? Stay and learn to drive.

Su Nianwei pursed her mouth, looking pity.

A few boys had a big groove in their hearts.

Dude, what a cow cup!

To a lieutenant colonel flowers are so pulled.

But Qin Ran didn't make it in the end.

Because Zhou Beihai said with a smile, "Ran." You stay with Weiwei and learn the content of subjects 1 and 4 by the way, and I will arrange them for you as soon as possible. In

order to cut the queue and get a driver's license as soon as possible, Qin Ran stayed.

Accompany Su Nianwei to play the steering wheel boringly.

has to answer Su Nianwei's series of questions.

"Qin Ran, when did you learn to drive? Why don't you call me along?

"Qin Ran, how long have you been studying?"

"Qin Ran, will you accompany me to get my driver's license?"

"Qin Ran..."

Qin Ran sighed, he finally understood why his previous self didn't like Su Nianwei.

This is a cold and arrogant school flower, and it is clearly a little girl who has not grown up yet, ten thousand whys.

Qin Ran sat aside and played with his mobile phone, searching for what he wanted.

Su Nianwei was not annoyed, and Qin Ran did not answer.

Talking to himself.

That's fine.


It's good to have Qin Ran by your side, and it's good not to speak.

She didn't talk much before, and she didn't walk together after school, which made her sad for a long time.

She could solve the most difficult math problems, but she couldn't understand why all of a sudden, the two became estranged.

But none of that matters anymore.

Su Nianwei turned the steering wheel mechanically repeatedly, but there was always a sweet smile on the corner of her mouth.

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