Deep City.

Kingkey 100 Building.

At this time, it is the tallest building in Shenzhen, the third tallest building in the mainland, and the eighth tallest building in the world.

Qin Ran and Wu Renyao sat in the restaurant on the 95th floor to eat.

Here, you can see the landmark building of the deep city opposite-Diwang Building.

You can overlook the entire deep city, and you can see the Xiangjiang River in the distance.

It was the first time for Wu Renyao to see such a magnificent landscape!

"It's huge!"

"Brother Ran, I finally know why people in big cities like to work in high-rise buildings."

"The view is so good! You have the strength to work.

Qin Ran said with a smile, "Then you work hard, and we will buy a layer here in the future."

"How much does that cost?"

"Nine figures."

"Nine figures?! One, ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand..."

Wu Renyao crossed his fingers and counted how much a nine-digit figure is.

After finishing the calculation, he was dumbfounded and said, "100 million?!" Brother Ran, this is too expensive.

"100 million can't be taken. The better the location, the more expensive it is, and it's generally rented, not sold. "

Sitting on the position of the tallest building in Shenzhen, I won't think about making a direct move.

A long stream of water is king.

Although Qin Ran achieved financial freedom in his previous life, he did not have a family estate that could be eaten for three generations.

The real wealthy families are actually relatively low-key.

However, after reliving a lifetime, Qin Ran has the confidence to stand at the top.

Overlooking the whole city like it is now.


Wu Renyao originally felt that he had indeed done some great things, and he was much better than his peers.

But following Qin Ran's side, the pride he had just emerged was suppressed.

There's nothing to be proud of, I'm still far behind.

Wu Renyao warned himself in his heart not to be deceived by the praise of his classmates and roommates.

However, from the international shopping center in Lucheng to the tallest building in Shenzhen today, Wu Renyao has grown a lot.

gradually became Qin Ran's right-hand man.

After the meal, the two of them ate dessert and drank coffee while keeping an eye on the news of the Bonn Group.

This was their fifth day in the deep city.

We have to speed up the process, otherwise it will only be beneficial to Xiong Xingxiang if it drags on.

Qin Ran began to use the funds in his hands to suppress the Bonn Group.

High-level scandals, company infighting, defective products, customer complaints, order cancellations, litigation fines, liquidated damages...

It was more than one straw that crushed the Bonn group.

Qin Ran used various means.

The biggest weapon is Internet public opinion.

The Bonn group fell.

Success is also the Internet, defeat is also the Internet!

But Qin Ran didn't pounce directly.

The emaciated camel is bigger than the horse, and the Bonn Group can come up with tens of millions to invest, and the strength of the capital is there.

It's not going to die so easily.

There will inevitably be a death throes!

But the trees fell and scattered, and the walls fell and everyone pushed them.

Qin Ran secretly slapped a black shot, and those competitors of the Bonn Group and others who were eyeing him would fall into the ground.

Shopping malls are like battlefields.

Deception is the norm.

Sending charcoal in the snow is a fairy tale.

After Qin Ran left a business card for Xu Jin, he flew to the capital.

He wasn't too worried about being plucked.

The worst consequence is to get a payment license.

One of the peculiarities of this license is that the people who use it want it to remain "chaste".

If it weren't for the "innocent body", there would be some minor troubles.

In other words, what the acquirer wants is usually a payment license that is not dragged down by history and is convenient for direct online business.

Now the payment license of Eapay is "not clean".

Buy it directly, and it is easy to become the target of public criticism.

The public opinion turmoil of Easy Quick Pay may be grafted into the past.

And I also have to help Yi Kuaifu wipe his ass.

It is even possible to be bitten by the Bonn group, which is dying and fighting back!

Qin Ran only needed to offer an appropriate price code to let Xu Jin obediently offer the payment license.

But he wasn't in a hurry.

If he could, he would have taken over the core network information technology business of the Bonn Group.

A payment license is equivalent to a gift.

But the Bonn Group has not yet reached the point of true exhaustion.

Qin Ran chose to let the bullets fly for a while.

By the way, take advantage of this time to raise more money, so as not to have to buy it and not be able to come up with the money.


Qin Ran stopped in the deep city for ten days.

The New Year is coming up in a few days.

Wu Renyao flew back to Jinling with his parents.

This time he took the economy class, which was indeed not as spacious as the first class, and even a little cramped.

His parents were flying for the first time, and Wu Renyao gained experience and took care of the two of them all the way.

From Jinling, I took a car back to the small Lucheng.

Compared with the huge deep city, Lucheng is really small, so small that it can no longer hold Wu Renyao's heart.

He regretted a little that he didn't fly to the capital with Qin Ran.

During this time he learned a lot of things, some of which he knew were gray areas.

I also understand why Qin Ran asked him not to get involved too much, and try to let the people below operate.

But Wu Renyao still wanted to try.

This feeling of sniping at a multi-billion dollar company is really good!

There is no head-to-head confrontation, but it still makes his blood surging!

Wu Renyao picked a good position in the fastest time and helped his parents, who had worked hard for most of their lives, to open a supermarket.

Two hundred square meters, not small.

has the experience of helping [Guoquanhui] open before, and Wu Renyao also has a good job of recruiting and training.

Please ask Yang Yingying's father's decoration team to help design the decoration.

Then go and ask experienced people how to open a supermarket.

For example, where to buy, which are the best-selling products, how much is the right price of the product, and how to place it best.

Which cash register system to use, how to clean up the unsalable inventory, and how to engage in opening activities to attract people.

Wu Renyao listened to Qin Ran's suggestion and took this matter seriously.

Opening a supermarket is also a science, and learning it well is very beneficial to the future.

When he calmed down to do it, he really understood Qin Ran's deep meaning.


At this time, Qin Ran took Gao Yiqian as a guest at Pu Shu's house.

Qin Ran came for the first time, and did not bring Gao Yiqian with him, and even asked Gao Yiqian to go back to work by herself after leaving the hotel.

However, Gao Yiqian was well-behaved and sensible, did not ask for a name, and took the initiative to give a watch intimately.

So this time, after Qin Ran fed Gao Yiqian, he came to Pu Shu's house together.

After not seeing her for a while, Gao Yiqian's thoughts all melted into Qin Ran's body.

Well, the crazy kind!

Qin Ran was almost defeated, but fortunately there was plenty of ammunition.

In the end, Ecy threw away her armor and knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

After the battle, Gao Yiqian became a bird again.

A soft body, a delicate voice, and slender and straight long legs.

But Qin Ran sent Gao Yiqian to learn to cook with Wu Minfei.

He himself went into the music room with Park Shu, who had become more scruffy after returning from his trip.

Park Shu said that he wanted to release a new album and let Qin Ran listen to his new songs.

Qin Ran was very happy!

Listen to new songs that haven't come out in advance, or sing them by your favorite singer in person.

Don't be too cool!

After listening to the song, Qin Ran had the idea of signing Pu Shu again.

Good music singers should not be buried, and good music works should be heard by the world!

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