
The early morning in January is a bit chilly.

Fortunately, Qin Ran was well accommodated, and there was a soft and slippery 37-degree small stove in the bed.

Qin Ran didn't snooze, even if he fought until midnight last night, he still woke up early today.

After a simple wash, Qin Ran walked to the living room to breathe in the fresh cold air, so that his mind could quickly clear up.

Then I opened the information I brought and researched another company with a payment license.

Bonn Group's Easy Pay should be stable, but Qin Ran prefers to prepare with both hands, grasp with both hands, and leave an alternative for himself.

It is difficult to obtain a payment license for cardholders.

Huada Intelligence, the parent company of Cardyou Pay, went public more than two years ago, and the scale is similar to that of Bonn Technology.

But the trend is good, the revenue has continued to grow in recent years, and the stock price is also rising.

If nothing else, Huada Intelligence should continue to maintain a state of growth in the next few years.

Moreover, Cardyou Pay is not a new company that has just been established like Easy Pay, but a financial company that has been established for nearly ten years.

In the early days, it was a subsidiary of a UnionPay, and later it was restructured.

Whether it was before or now, the performance of Cardyou Pay has not been bad, and the business scope is relatively wide.

The reason why cardholder payment is one of the alternatives is that as long as the price can be afforded, Huada Smart will sell it.

It's just that the price will be very high, and the benefit fee will not be low.

There has always been a saying in the financial world, "Everything has a price." "

It's not that you can't sell it, it's just that the money isn't there.

Qin Ran contacted Tang Hong, the executive director of Cardyou Pay, and made an appointment for dinner.

Unlike Yikuaifu, where Xu Jin is the president, the general manager of Cardyou Pay is actually a part-time worker.

The same is true of many large companies, the general manager sounds like the boss, but in fact he is not, he can only be regarded as a senior worker.

The board of directors can directly remove the general manager.

The general manager of CardPay does not have the right to sell payment licenses.

Executive Director Tang Hong can really push for this, as long as it is proposed and approved by the board of directors.

Tang Hong has the right to participate in the management of CardFriend Pay and is also one of the shareholders.

Qin Ran asked people to collect information about Tang Hong in advance.

This is an unknown cattle man, a billionaire with assets.

He made his fortune in the electronics industry, then in the hospitality industry, then in real estate, and now mainly invests.

Every transformation is successful, almost like a reborn.

If it weren't for the purchase of a payment license, Qin Ran wouldn't have known that there was such a bull in China.

Qin Ran guessed that Tang Hong's worth was estimated to be a lot more than the information.

It is not easy to get such a person to sell a payment license.

He still made an appointment with Tang Hong through a friend introduced by Zhou Hongli.

Qin Ran fell into deep thought, today's dinner may not go well.

If you want to impress Tang Hong, you have to contact it first, and he can't afford the price that is too high.

You have to start with something else.


Suddenly, two lotus arms wrapped around Qin Ran's neck.

Gao Yiqian woke up.

"What do you think? Thinking so distractedly?

Qin Ran pulled Yi Qian into his arms, "Accompany me to see someone at noon." "


Gao Yiqian didn't ask anyone, but just asked, "What clothes are more appropriate for me?"

"It's a little more formal."

"Then I'll go back and take off my suit."

"Well, let the driver take you there, and iron it by the way."

Qin Ran didn't accompany Gao Yiqian to get clothes, and sat quietly in the living room to study Tang Hong's family history.


The meeting place is in the restaurant box of the Peninsula Hotel, which is very private.

Qin Ran pinched Gao Yiqian's palm and signaled to relax, no need to be nervous.

The latter bowed slightly, no longer so tight.


There was a knock on the box door.

When Tang Hong, who was in a suit and leather shoes, saw Qin Ran and the two, he was a little surprised that the person who had asked him was so young.

Tang Hong frowned slightly, he thought that Qin Ran was a rich second generation, or the kind of player who likes beautiful female secretaries.

But this dinner was introduced by a friend, and it was not easy for him to leave directly.

"Mr. Tang, I'm Qin Ran. This is my assistant Kodaka. "


"Mr. Tang sits, and Xiao Gao asks the waiter to serve the food."

"Okay, Mr. Qin."

Qin Ran poured a cup of tea for Tang Hong, "Thank you Mr. Tang for taking the time to come over today, the road is not blocked, right?" "

It's fine. Listening to Mr. Qin's accent, he doesn't look like a local. "

I'm from Sioux Province."

Tang Hong was a little puzzled, he thought at first that Qin Ran was the second generation of the rich or the second generation of power in the capital.

He doesn't like the former very much, and the latter he really wants to get in touch with a batch he can't reach.

But I didn't expect Qin Ran to come from out of town.

Tang Hong didn't touch the teacup, and asked directly, "I don't know what Mr. Qin is looking for me?"

Qin Ran didn't explain his intentions, but said with a smile, "I have heard the name of Mr. Tang for a long time, and I want to make friends and make a fortune together."

Tang Hong raised his eyebrows, he felt a little wrong when he saw Qin Ran.

Now he finally realized that something was wrong.

Qin Ran's performance is too calm, he is obviously very young, but he does a good job of dealing with people, which is completely inconsistent with his appearance.

He has only seen it in a few second-generation generations with deep heritage.

But there is no such pride hidden in the bones.

Tang Hong sat up slightly straight.

His first impression of Qin Ran gave him a hint of anticipation for today's dinner.

"I don't know what Qin always does."

"I opened two small companies, one Internet and one music agency."

Tang Hong was stunned and said, "Music agency? "

Yes, I'm ashamed to say that. I was just about to sign my first singer.

Tang Hong was a little confused, and he wondered if he was wrong.

The music company shouldn't be used by Qin Ran to pick up girls, right?

That's a bit of a bad job, and it's not suitable to be a partner to work with.

"Mr. Qin, which part of your Internet company does? I also have a software company, maybe it's still my peers.

"The professionalism of doing information is not as strong as that of Tang's head office."

"Information?" Tang Hong was taken aback, "First information?!"

Qin Ran smiled and nodded.

Tang Hong finally remembered why Qin Ran's name was a little familiar.

Some time ago, [First Information] made a fuss in the Internet circle.

The biggest dark horse in the past two years is undoubtedly [First Information]!

In just over three months, the number of registered users has already hit 50 million.

It's unimaginable!

Tang Hong recently set up a new investment company, of which [First Information] is his target object.

But he never thought that Mr. Qin, who was introduced by his friend, was the boss of [First Information].

It is rumored that Qin Ran is very young, but he didn't say that he is so young.

Tang Hong was no longer in a hurry to leave, but was ready to have a long talk.

In his eyes, Qin Ran is completely out of step with the arrogant rich second generation.

He has studied [First Information], there is an element of luck, but a series of operations are amazing!

If you want to reproduce, it's almost impossible!

This dinner was originally Qin Ran looking for Tang Hong to eat and discuss business.

But after learning that Qin Ran was the founder of [First Information], he reversed.

Tang Hong showed great interest in [First Information]!

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