February 14th.

Valentine’s Day.

Qin Ran doesn't have a girlfriend, so naturally he can't celebrate Valentine's Day.

But this day is also his holiday.

The long-prepared spell is finally online, and as soon as it goes online, it is the king bomb!

100 million people are shopping?

This is naturally a gimmick thrown by Qin Ran.

Pinxi is actually just a shell.

The outside is beautiful, but there's nothing inside.

The 100 million people Qin Ran said are registered users of First Information.

Although it is less than 100 million, it is 100 million if rounded.

And those who play the Internet, how can there be any real data.

If you don't exaggerate, you're embarrassed to greet people.

It's just that Qin Ran is a little too big!

A shopping software that has just been developed and is not even perfect has exploded with a trillion valuation!

What an international joke!

The key is that this is the valuation given by Qin Ran himself, not the valuation given by any fund or securities company after investigation.

And it will cost 100 billion to raise.

Looking at the whole country, and even the world, the scale of financing is quite explosive!

But what kind of place is the financial world?

The more outrageous it is, the more people believe it.

Needless to say, Ponzi schemes.

It's so famous, it still exists.

It's just that it has been changed in a different form and has been packaged to a certain extent.

But there is still a steady stream of people who are deceived.

Maple Leaf Gold Mine Shocking Scam!

Even now, the X gold mine fraud case is still one of the biggest scandals in the global mining and financial circles.

An ordinary, little-known Maple Leaf Country Company has created "the world's largest gold mine" out of thin air.

Attracted the pursuit of countless investors!

How popular is it?

The share price of the company where X Gold Mine was located rose from one cent to $280 a share.

The gold mine, which does not contain any gold, proved to be the largest gold mine in the world, only because its explorers scraped some powder from the wedding ring with a knife.

Then it was sent to the testing unit, and it was proved that the gold content was super high!

With one lie, it needs to be covered with another.

Investors aren't stupid either.

Many investors go to the gold mine to verify it in person.

The promoters of the scam have long since poured gold into the river.

The largest gold mine was confirmed.

The stock rises and rises!

The company's market value reached tens of billions of dollars at its peak!

Countless investors have been fooled into the game.

In the end, the scam was punctured like a bubble.

But the owner of the scam has long been at large abroad.


Unlike this biggest gold mine scam, Qin Ran's fight is not fictional.

It is genuine, and there are indeed nearly 100 million potential customers.

So it can't be considered a hoax.

It can only be said that it is exaggerated.

But what does it matter?

Qin Ran naturally created such a big gimmick for a reason.

His goals are threefold.

First, attract merchants to settle in.

A shopping platform with 100 million customers, are you sure you don't want to come?

If you want to come, you can, keep the price down, and pay the store deposit.

Second, attract customers.

There are only hundreds of millions of people in the country, and there are only hundreds of millions of netizens, accounting for 100 million.

I don't need to, doesn't it seem like I'm lagging behind?

And a strong enough topic can also attract more customers.

Third, attract investors.

I have hundreds of millions of users, and countless merchants are flocking to me, are you sure you don't want to invest?

In fact, for the third point, Qin Ran is the most assured.

What is venture capital?

Venture capital, how to make a lot of money without taking a little risk.

The greater the risk, the higher the profit.

It's that the valuation is prohibitive, and 100 billion financing only accounts for 10% of the shares, so what about playing?

So a lot of VC companies will come to talk.

It is necessary not only to investigate, but also to bring down the valuation, and at the same time to seize the opportunity.

If it's true and it's worth investing in, then the sooner you get in, the better.

The threshold for the venture capital industry is very high, and those who can enter are all bigwigs.

They all want to eat their cake and don't want to share it with others.

So on the day Qin Ran released the news, a number of venture capital companies had already come to the door.

Among them, there are many well-known capitals.

There are also some angel investors who wanted to invest in [First Information] but did not succeed.

As soon as Pinxi was born, it was like a depth charge detonating with a "boom"!


Pinxi Xixi is actually nothing now.

Many people on the Internet have begun to question it.

After all, I downloaded Pinxixi and found that there were very few things in it.

But Qin Ran didn't panic at all.

He is also training the team and explaining the operation mode of Pinxi to the team.

Customers will come.

Merchants will also settle in.

Funds will also be sent.

What needs to be done now is to continue to promote and make Pinxi more famous.

[Spell Xi Xi Chop] is online.

There is cash, there are gifts.

Just invite friends to register a new user and you can help with a knife.

cut to the end, and got a red envelope of 200 yuan.

The product can also be cut, no money, free delivery.

Users of [First Information] also have the opportunity to cut three more times.

Don't miss the opportunity, and never miss it.

Cut early and get the money early!

In addition, Qin Ran also left a hook.

The highest amount is a Mercedes-Benz C-Class worth 300,000.

As long as you invite enough new users, you will have the opportunity to drive your Mercedes home for free.

Three hundred thousand in 13 years is not a small amount of money.

Qin Ran is a celebrity.

posted money to open a music festival, and advanced millions.

Is it feasible to take out 300,000 yuan?

The answer is self-explanatory.

And Qin Ran didn't need millions of people to grab this car.

10,000 people are enough.

One in 10,000 people go to grab it, go to pull friends.

One person pulls 10, which is 100,000 new users, and pulling 100 is 1 million new users.

There's no faster way to grow new users.

Pinxi is on the hot search again.

Not because of the trillions of valuations, but because of that 300,000 Mercedes-Benz.

Financing is too far away for the average person.

But two hundred dollars of real money can be obtained with a finger and a forward, so why not do it.

Is it fake?

Not false.

The circle of friends has already posted a bunch of screenshots, and relatives and friends are all posting.

It's Valentine's Day, and half of the circle of friends is helping to cut a knife.

In the top 50 of the hot search list, more than a dozen of them are about spelling.

#Spell Xi Xi Cut a Knife

##Valentine's Day Red Envelope from Spell Xi Xi#

#拼夕夕的活动是真的吗? ##

Spell Xi Xi Mercedes Benz #

# Fight Xi Xi 200 yuan red envelope for free#


It's on fire!

Spelling Xixi is completely on fire!

Not because of the shopping fire, but because of the slashing activity.

The new users of Pinxi are growing rapidly at a geometric trend!

The number of registered users of First Information is also growing rapidly.

Qin Ran linked the two, and the speed of the first information slowed down and began the third round of surge!

100 million users, you say it's fake?

I'm sorry, it may have been fake yesterday, but it will be true after today.

It really couldn't be more true!

It's just one day, and it's all over the Internet!

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