Qin Ran formulated a plan, and Yang Yingying was responsible for implementing it.

In fact, there is only one difficulty in this matter, how to quickly integrate local resources.

Growers need to get online as quickly as possible.

That's where local officials come into play.

Compared with outsiders, local officials have more credibility.

Qin Ran planned to start with a village.

Drive the entire face from one point.

As long as this village is done, it won't be long before the whole Mei County will know about it.

There will be more and more people following the trend, and it will be much easier to do later.

There are many young people in Meixian County, who can be used as a group of people to promote.

The wave of the Internet has come to this county with a long history.

The registration process of Pinxi merchants is not as strict as that of a treasure.

The deposit must be paid, but it is not jewelry, and the amount of the deposit is not high in terms of fruits and vegetables alone.

Villain first, then gentleman.

Qin Ran understood that there would definitely be rat droppings, and what he had to do was to avoid rat droppings affecting the entire operation of the entire spell to the greatest extent.

This is a big move in Spelling.

【First Information】We are ready to follow up and promote.

Qin Ran's [Chop a Knife] activity has already linked the users of the two.

Now Pinxi has a large user base.

All that is needed is a quality product and a low price.

The cost of fruit is very low, and the shipping cost is slightly higher.

But it's all negotiable.

The whole vehicle and the whole vehicle are sent to the ground, and the express delivery fee will naturally be reduced.

After Qin Ran confessed, he flew back to Jinling.

Let the incident ferment for a while.

When the time is almost up, he will go to the magic capital and win the "girl of the world" Li Ying in one fell swoop.


Qin Ran brought two packets of vacuum-packed salt-baked chicken.

However, it is still a lot worse than the freshly cooked taste.

Qin Ran ate two authentic salt-baked chickens in Meixian

, the taste was salty and fragrant, the taste was fresh and tender, and it was very good!

But the taste was average, and the three "sons" of 508 were very happy.

Zhang Zijie bit the chicken leg, "Third child, you are famous again." Qin

Ran was a little confused, he was outside a few days ago, and he didn't do anything.

"What's wrong with me?"

"Recently, a bunch of girls have been looking for you, and each one is more beautiful than the other.

Shen Yanfeng ate chicken wings, "Third child, you have to pay attention to personal style." "


Qin Ran was puzzled, "Who is looking for me?"

"Sister Su, An Jing, and two beautiful girls who drove a Lamborghini.

Qin Ran replied to the information of the first two, and as for the latter two, they were obviously Jiang Xiaocha and Lin Chuchu.

Qin Ran didn't want to pay attention to these two people.

Especially Jiang Xiaocha, I don't know what crazy it is.

According to the intelligence of the "informant" Lin Chuchu, Jiang Xiaocha is now chasing him.

It made him speechless.

A while ago, he actually received two calls from Jiang Xiaocha.

Then two numbers were blocked.

He couldn't count how many times he had blocked Jiang Xiaocha.

But the latter seems to be still strong.

This time, I actually drove to the school to look for him.

Qin Ran didn't want to have too much to do with Jiang Xiaocha, so he said, "In the future, the two girls who came to me in a Lamborghini came to me and said that I was not there." "

The third child, you tell the truth, have you failed the girl?"

"I believe the third child. Shen Yanfeng said, "The third child is not this kind of person.

Qin Ran was moved, "Boss, you still understand me."

"At most, the third child will be a little more attentive.

Qin Ran snatched another chicken wing, "It's a shame that every time I go out, I bring you food, it's all white-eyed wolves."

"Father, we were wrong. Zhang Zijie reached out to grab the chicken wings, "The last one, don't grab it."

Qin Ran stuffed it into his mouth, turned his head and asked, "Boss, how are you doing with that Wang Siyu?"

Shen Yanfeng sighed, "I feel like it's no fun." "

Didn't we talk about it before?"

and "I can't go any further."

Zhang Dashao patted Shen Yanfeng's shoulder, "Boss, I told you a long time ago that the overlord is the bow, you don't believe it."

"Don't teach the bad boss. Qin Ran glared at Zhang Zijie, "If it really doesn't work, change the object."

"That is, there is no grass at the end of the world, I think the squad leader is very good.

Shen Yanfeng said firmly, "No, I like her."

Qin Ran didn't persuade anymore.

He and Su Nianwei actually helped and created more than one opportunity for Shen Yanfeng.

But there was no spark.

Qin Ran felt that even if Shen Yanfeng really caught up with Wang Siyu, it might not last long.

It's not necessarily happy, either.

But everyone has their own choice, Qin Ran will help, but he will not interfere too much.

He hasn't taken care of it yet.


The next evening.

Qin Ran went to the piano room.

An Jing is petting the cat, and she is not wearing thick clothes today, as if winter is passing.

"Fat orange is fat again. "

Well, it's a little fatter. "

I hug.

An Jing looked at Qin Ran, who spread her arms, and was stunned for a moment.

Qin Ran took the fat orange from An Jing's hand.



if you don't eat, you're not happy to let me hug you." "

Mimi is the mother.

"Really? I'll take a look. "


Fat Orange kicked his feet, jumped to the ground, and then made a light leap and disappeared into the window.

Qin Ran smiled and said, "Can cats be shy, but fat is fat, and they jump quite high." "

Where have you been?" Qin

Ran was a little surprised, this was the first time An Jing had asked him where he was going.

"I went to the magic capital first, and then I flew to Meixian. "

Happy Valley.

Qin Ran couldn't help but feel funny, he was still thinking about the amusement park.

"A little longer.

"Okay. Qin

Ran went back to school, but there were still important things to do.

He still has a tough battle to fight.

Fuxing Group has set its sights on [ByteDance].

He can't sit still, he has to take the initiative.

Ning Xiaofei had been dragging on for several days, and now it was time to launch an offensive.

Otherwise, Fuxing Group will also have further actions.

Qin Ran listened to An Jing play Bach's piano music while formulating a more detailed battle strategy.

During the day, he received a message from Zhou Hongli.

Funds and personnel are ready.

It's always time to get started.

Qin Ran gave the order to act in the beautiful piano music.

Negative news about Fuxing real estate soon appeared on major platforms.

[Fuxing Real Estate's capital chain is tight, and huge debts are scared to death

!] [Fuxing Real Estate owes 135 million unpaid commissions

] [The head of Fuxing Group is caught in a scandal]

[Fuxing Real Estate rents thunder! Hundreds of families are homeless!].

News about the Fuxing Group broke out one after another!

And ten minutes after Qin Ran gave the order, Qin Ran received a message.

Someone is going to do something to [ByteDance].

When Qin Ran saw this news, he was shocked!

This was sent by a friend of his on the White Road.

It is impossible for the other party to react so quickly.

That shows that Fuxing Group has already started.

Qin Ran couldn't take care of it, and hurriedly said goodbye to An Jing.

Seeing Qin Ran leaving, An Jing's slender and white fingers rested lightly on the keys.

Then he walked to the corner of the wall, picked up the materials that Qin Ran hadn't taken away, and looked at them.

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