In his previous life, Qin Ran was able to achieve financial freedom, except for a little luck.

It's more about bold judgment and strong execution.

After graduation, I worked hard for a few years.

Tired and tired, working overtime for the boss to drive a big run, live in a villa.

Later, he resigned and went it alone, and these all became Qin Ran's motivation.

After tasting the bitterness of life, Qin Ran doesn't want to live a hard life anymore, and he wants his family to live a good life.

In his previous life, he owed too much to his family.

Thinking of his parents, Qin Ran planned to go back.

"Brother Ran, where are you going?" Wu Renyao sighed and said, "Listen to my brother's advice, don't look for Jiang Xiaocha." "

Who is Jiang Xiaocha?" Labor and management go home. "

Don't." Wu Renyao hurriedly grabbed Qin Ran, "It's finally time for a holiday." Brush the abyss to go.

"No, no."

"I please."

"Let's go."


Liaoyuan Internet café.

Of course, Qin Ran didn't do it to brush up on poisoned milk powder.

After all these years, he has long since stopped playing computer games.

Not only the terminal game, but also the mobile game is no longer played.

Although he used to work part-time as a game streamer.

It's a pity that the anchor also needs to operate.

He didn't understand anything, and he thought it was strange.

Later, I realized that many anchors were acting in scripts every day and inviting actors.

In a few years, live broadcast is a good outlet.

If the time is right, Qin Ran plans to set up a live broadcast company.

If nothing else, it's good to look at the artists under your hands every day.

Eye candy.

Contributes to physical and mental health.


But now he wants to use the Internet to gather the latest information.

He had long forgotten most of the events of the past few years.

Some information must be found to bring back memories hidden in the depths.

And now he is home with the smell of alcohol, and he is afraid that he will have to eat a meal of fried meat with bamboo shoots.

Plus the "Great Compassion Mantra" for a week.

Qin Ran surfed the Internet in the lobby for three yuan an hour, searching for news events this year.

[From January 3rd to 13th, the 12th National Winter was held in Kyrgyzstan Province. [

March 11, the first anniversary of the Great Tokyo Earthquake. [

On April 8, the popular idol group EXO officially debuted. [

On May 8, the most beautiful female teacher pushed the students away when the runaway car rushed towards the students, and she was run over by the wheels, causing multiple fractures and amputation of both legs. On

June 5, the first commercial spaceship "Dragon" returned to Earth. [

Today, the European Cup football match opened. Seeing

the latest information, Qin Ran's eyes lit up.

Understanding the future outlet, it is easy to make money.

The hardest part is actually the first pot of gold.

He has an impression of the two matches at this year's European Championships.

The final as well as tomorrow's game.

The champion and runner-up met twice.

The first encounter, evenly matched.

The score is 1 to 1.

But in the final, there was a big upset!

Four to zero.

In other games, Qin Ran was not impressed.

But that's enough.

Before the finals, you can find a way to make more money.

There's a game tomorrow.

You have to have your first start-up capital.

Qin Ran took out all the banknotes in his pocket, as well as two steel hammers.


Only sixteen pieces of five.

The former billionaire didn't even have Zhang Hong!

Even the Internet fee has to be paid by others.

It's so pathetic!

"Brother Ran, if you don't play the game, forget it. What news are you watching?

"It doesn't matter. Good brother, how much money do you have? Lend me something.

Wu Renyao dug out his pocket, slapped the money on the table, and said in a grand manner, "It's all here." Brother Ran, even if you take it, you can't borrow anything.

Qin Ran looked at the "huge amount" of less than 20 yuan with a maximum denomination of 10 yuan on the table, adding up to a total of less than 20, and was silent.

What gives you so much confidence to say this.

I don't know, I thought I took tens of thousands of sprinkles.

But mosquito meat is also meat.

"I'll borrow you."

"Brother Ran, what do you want money for? It wouldn't be to buy a gift for Jiang Xiaocha, right? "

The ghost bought her a gift. There are other uses. What do you mention Jiang Xiaocha again, you have turned your face!

"Okay, okay, don't mention it. Is the money enough?

"Not enough."

"How much worse?"

"The more the merrier."

"Got it. Brother Ran, you wait for me.

After Wu Renyao finished speaking, he ran away, making Qin Ran confused.

He understands Wu Renyao's family situation.

Both parents work outside the home, and they are usually not at home, so they send money back every month.

Wu Renyao has a little more pocket money than the average student, but not much.

Qin Ran was a little worried about the source of the first start-up capital.

If you are not a wealthy family, you will not have a lot of pocket money, let alone five or six figures.

I thought that when Principal Wang came out to start a business, his family gave him 5 small goals to practice.

People are more angry than people!

The pockets are almost clean, and tomorrow's game is imminent.

Twenty minutes later, Wu Renyao ran back out of breath.

The hair on his forehead was wet with sweat, and the front of his T-shirt was wet.

"Brother Ran, give it."

Qin Ran looked at Wu Renyao who handed over a thin stack of money in astonishment.

"Where did you get the money?"

Wu Renyao bared his teeth and said, "My New Year's money, I'll borrow you first." Aren't you useful?

Qin Ran was stunned for a moment, but quickly figured it out.

With Wu Renyao's spending habits, how can there still be New Year's money.

There is only one possibility, that is, Wu Renyao took out this month's living expenses plus pocket money.

Qin Ran took the money and glanced at Wu Renyao deeply.

At any given time, there are too few people who can lend their entire wealth to others without asking a word.

In later generations, Qin Ran had seen too many indifferent things.

At this time, I couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Qin Ran took out all the change and left it to Wu Renyao.

"Brother Ran, you can leave me an internet fee."

"That's enough." Qin Ran patted Wu Renyao on the shoulder, "Come to me the day after tomorrow, I'll go first." "

Brother Ran, are you leaving?"

"Well, go back and take a shower. The taste is too strong.

"Okay. Then I played it myself.

Qin Ran nodded, turned off the phone and walked to the counter.

Internet fees can be saved a little bit.

", Brother Ran, I'm yellow!"

Qin Ran looked back at Wu Renyao, who was waving excitedly, shook his head and smiled.

The joy of brushing the abyss is as simple as that.

Just shine and be happy!

Wu Renyao's parents are both working outside, and no one usually cares.

Surfing the Internet has become Wu Renyao's daily routine.

But in fact, Wu Renyao's brain is not stupid.

often goes to Internet cafes, but I also got three main lines.

It's a pity that the family's economic conditions are average, and I finally went to a junior college.

Ordinary, too, is a portrayal of most people.

Qin Ran walked home, and he had one more thought in his heart.

If you can, you can bring Wu Renyao.

This time, Wu Renyao did not hesitate to borrow eight hundred from him.

At least let Wu Renyao earn the tuition fees of the three books.

However, the matter of the European Cup sports lottery must not be brought.

Otherwise, it is not to help, but to harm Wu Renyao.

Once you get involved in gambling, you are wasted.

Believe anything, don't believe the words of the gambling dog.

There are many ways to make money.

In Qin Ran's eyes, there were flashes of light everywhere around!

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