After Qin Ran left the conference room, his face sank.

Although I knew for a long time that someone would come to check, I didn't expect it to come so quickly.

Guo Guangchang's base camp is in Xiangjiang, and he has been active in the magic capital in the past few years, but his hands have actually reached the capital.

Qin Ran accepted the investigation of the relevant departments without smiling.

The information prepared by Ning Xiaofei came in handy.

In addition, the company's finances are also on guard.

The soldiers will block the water and cover the earth.

Qin Ran was ready to fight a protracted battle.

He knew it was just beginning.


Half an hour later, Qin Ran returned to the conference room.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Yan, I've been waiting for a long time.

"It's fine.

"It's not early, let's go eat first."

Yan Wenbin hesitated, "Why don't we take a look at the vulnerability problem first?"

Qin Ran said in his heart Yan Wenbin is still a sincere person.

I didn't do anything, and I was a little embarrassed to go to dinner.

"Don't worry about the vulnerability problem, let's go to dinner first. The body is the capital, and you have to eat it.

"Then we'll be welcome.

Qin Ran asked the driver to send the three of them to the Jinling Hotel, and then went out to eat by himself, and the lunch would be reimbursed within fifty, but he had to come back early.

On the way to Jinling Hotel, Qin Ran made two phone calls to his friends on the white road.

A brief explanation of the situation.

The other end of the line asked him to pay attention, but he didn't have to worry too much.

This is Jinling.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Ran dialed Zhou Hongli's phone.

"Lao Zhou, it's time to act. A

hearty laugh came from the other end of the phone, "I'm waiting for you."

Qin Ran crossed his phone, thinking about what might happen next.

No matter what, Yan Wenbin definitely wants to stay.

This time it's a struts2 security vulnerability, next time it could be something else.

But he couldn't wake up Professor Zhou in the middle of the night every time to put out the fire.

There must be a cybersecurity master like Yan Wenbin in charge.

Ning Xiaofei, who was driving, said with concern, "Isn't it troublesome this time?"

"It's a little tricky, but it's okay." "

The things we have encountered so far are not beyond Qin Ran's control.

Qin Ran won't be beaten all the time.

He also shot.

Online and offline together.

But it takes a little bit of time to see results.

Let the bullets fly for a while.


Qin Ran had good wine and good food and entertained Yan Wenbin and the others.

Ning Xiaofei and Zhu Yan didn't drink.

Yan Wenbin's alcohol consumption is good, and Jiang Zhiyong's alcohol consumption is much worse.

After drinking not much, his face was like a monkey's buttocks, and his eyes couldn't stop glancing.

One will look at the waiter, and the other will look at Ning Xiaofei.

At noon, I also asked Secretary Gao why he was not there.

Qin Ran smiled and dealt with two sentences, and in his heart he had already sentenced Jiang Zhiyong to life imprisonment.

At the end of the meal, Qin Ran arranged for the driver to send the three to the hotel.

Have a good rest today and talk about business tomorrow.

On the way back to the company, the drunkenness on Qin Ran's face disappeared.

"Go back and check on Jiang Zhiyong.


Ning Xiaofei said with concern, "Do you want to go to my sleeping party?"

Qin Ran put his hand on Ning Xiaofei's thigh and tried to find the hairball that didn't exist.

"No, you wait to go back and look at the people who came to investigate. "

Got it. "


Qin Ran went downstairs to the company and didn't go upstairs.

Instead, he went to a convenience store to buy chewing gum, and "just happened" to meet Zhao Xinfeng, who came to buy a drink.

The two sat in the corner together.

"How is it

?" Zhao Xinfeng smiled bitterly, "Boss, when can I finish

?" "Is three years coming so soon?"

"Don't say three years, I don't want to survive for three weeks." "

Alright, stop complaining.

Zhao Xinfeng's face was straight, "There are several groups of people who have contacted me." "

Is there any Fuxing Group?"

"Yes." "

Is the price high?" Zhao

Xinfeng hesitated.

Qin Ran smiled, "Did you promise to let you sit in my place then?"

Zhao Xinfeng was stunned for a moment and nodded.

"It's corny. Heh" Qin Ran sneered.

"Boss, when can I finish

?" "What's the hurry? I arrive late and leave early every day, and there are still people who ask for a drink, please have a dragon, isn't it cool?"

"No, there is no dragon.

"Look at your little bit of talent, it's okay to play. "

I have a girlfriend.

Qin Ran was a little surprised.

It's not that Zhao Xinfeng has a girlfriend, but it's that Zhao Xinfeng is like a jade for his girlfriend.

"I wasn't wrong. "


Zhao Xinfeng's face turned red, and he felt that Qin Ran's words didn't seem like he was praising him, but more like hurting him.

"How many years have you been talking about your girlfriend?"

"It's been four years. Zhao Xinfeng grinned.

"It's been so long, why haven't you seen it?"

"She didn't pass the graduate school entrance examination, and she already went to work. "

What for?"


"It's a lot of pressure.

Zhao Xinfeng nodded and shook his head again.

"It was a lot of pressure before, but now it's better. "

Work hard, buy a house in Jinling next year, and give you a big red envelope when you get married." "

Thank you, Boss!"

"Go up and watch out for the impact." "

Yes, Mr. Qin.

Qin Ran looked at Zhao Xinfeng and left.

If Zhao Xinfeng is in the capital, he may not be able to resist the temptation of huge amounts of money.

It is said that big cities are good, but big cities eat people.


In the evening, Qin Ran went back to school.

I skipped another day of class today.

"Third child, this is for you by Sister Su. Shen Yanfeng handed over two books.

Qin Ran was a little surprised, "What are you doing for me?" Zhang

Zijie slipped sourly, "I asked knowingly, love notes, I haven't taken the midterm exam yet."

"Second child, don't be unhappy, this is the third child's ability. Shen Yanfeng said seriously, "But sooner or later, the third child will be beaten to death."


Qin Ran was stunned when he heard this.

Qin Ran opened the book with a lot of small sticky notes, and made a lot of marks with a rainbow pen in it.

It's very attentive at first glance.

But Qin Ran couldn't look at these colorful things.

It gives me a headache when I look at it.

When I closed the book, I dropped a few folded sheets of A4 paper.

Qin Ran opened it and saw that it was the key point of the excerpt.

Although Qin Ran was absent a lot, he also took a few classes.

It can be seen that the key points above are all manually typed.

Qin Ran sighed secretly.

I seem to owe Su Nianwei some more.

But he really didn't know how to pay it back.

Qin Ran put the book under his head as a pillow and closed his eyes to recuperate.

After a while, I opened the key notes and read them.

Good intentions should not be let down!

Qin Ran felt that the words on the notebook had become small tadpoles, swimming out one by one.

His eyes were very dazzled, and his consciousness gradually blurred.

And then....

Then I fell asleep.



"Third child, wake up. "

It's time to go to class.

"It's too late.

Qin Ran woke up in a daze.

Turning on the phone and looking at the time, a carp turned over and got up.

"Boss buy me a bun. "

Hurry up, I'll go with the old man first."

Qin Ran saw that Zhang Zijie hadn't gotten up yet, and he was not so anxious at once.

It's good to have a companion.

Penalty is imposed together.

Qin Ran suddenly received a message from Ning Xiaofei between classes.

The investigators turned out to be gone.

I heard that I walked overnight carrying a train!

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