Qin Ran took Wu Renyao to the [Watermelon Audio] download area and major forums to bring rhythm.

caused quite a stir.

Now short videos have not yet emerged, and some websites can only do animated images.

If it's awesome, make a player.

What is the hottest playback artifact right now?

[Quick Broadcast].

A well-deserved number one!

is really in full swing, and I don't know how much money I made for Boss Wang.

Two years later, he was fined 230 million.

The real declaration of bankruptcy was ten years later.

But from the beginning of the blockade, it has been doomed that [Fast Broadcast] will inevitably go downhill.

Nowadays, major players are grabbing traffic.

Whether it is now or ten years from now, the truth that traffic is king has never changed.

One more point is crucial.

The faucet is the one that makes the most profits.

Qin Ran knew that the boss of [Watermelon Audio] was gearing up and preparing to make a big move.

Spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on a domain name is just the first step.

There are quite a few follow-up actions.

In fact, if Qin Ran is willing to hold it in his hands, in three years, the domain name bought by 3,000 will be sold for 3 million.

Toutiao, one of ByteDance's giants, is even more generous.

It's just that Qin Ran couldn't wait that long.

He is now in dire need of a sum of money to buy the ball.

Make a big profit in the final.

Then invest in the broader financial markets.

With advanced vision and funds, it is easy to get money.

You don't have to keep it in your hand all the time, and you don't need to buy any coins or buy Penguin's stock to appreciate.

Not at all.

For Qin Ran, it couldn't be easier to make money.

At that time, it will not be to buy stocks, but to be a shareholder directly.

Reliving a life, Qin Ran longs for financial freedom as soon as possible.

The rest of my life will be free and happy.

It's okay to work a little harder now.

Thinking of this, Qin Ran rang the bell on the table and called the network manager.

"Two bottles of ice cola, two corn sausages."

Qin Ran threw a bottle to Wu Renyao, who was struggling to lead the battle.

The latter took a big sip and continued to crack on the keyboard, his face was extremely excited.

Wu Renyao felt very happy.

Usually in school, he is a little Karami that no one cares about.

But after being inspired by Qin Ran, I found that posting was so fun.

He also learned a novel word.


Use all kinds of rhetoric to fish.

Qin Ran just gave the simplest example.

Normally ask what cost-effective keyboard you can buy for a hundred dollars, either no one cares, or you say that you can add money to upgrade.

It may also be despised.

A hundred dollars can buy a Kun's keyboard.

But it's a different story.

For example, "Less than 100 yuan is a garbage keyboard, if you are not satisfied, you are welcome to slap your face!" "

Soon there will be a bunch of people leaving messages.

Netizens in these years are still relatively simple, of course, it's another thing to like to watch [Fast Broadcast].

However, for this kind of phishing post, they often like to mix it up, and at the same time don't forget to show off their glow-in-the-dark keyboard.

Wu Renyao quickly learned.

It's faster than solving math problems, and you can even draw inferences.

Without Qin Ran's guidance, Wu Renyao began to try all kinds of "fishing stickers" by himself.

Originally, it just said domain names.

Slowly upgraded to the name of the software, and then upgraded to which of the major players is stronger.

Wu Renyao's post went viral.

But he has not forgotten the purpose of coming to the Internet café today.

So he posted links to the official websites of major film and television players in the post, so that netizens could jump with one click.

It's just that he deliberately misplaced the link to [Watermelon Video].

Then a group of people clicked and jumped to the domain name URL that Qin Ran had just bought.

attracted many netizens to complain.

[The landlord misplaced the URL. [

Xigua is not the official website of the watermelon video player. [

Does anyone know the URL?] [

Please answer this fill-in-the-blank question www.. com

] [Good guys, someone opened the browser when they looked at it]

[Does no one know the download URL of Watermelon Video? [

It can be downloaded on your mobile phone.] [

I like to watch it on the computer.] After learning, you can reward yourself and watch hard. 】

【?? 】


Then [Watermelon Audio] was constantly being Aite, constantly being named, and constantly being complained about.

Qin Ran was shocked when he found out!


inadvertently tapped Wu Renyao's talent.

With a little bit of development, you can embark on a special path.

Qin Ran asked curiously, "Ah Yao, what major do you want to apply?" "

Hey, isn't it the same for all majors in college newspapers?"

"What if you went to undergrad?"

"No way." Wu Renyao laughed at himself, "Brother Ran, my brain is not as good as yours." Even if it is extraordinary, at most there will be three books. It's too expensive!

"You don't have to worry about tuition. Are you interested in computer science? "


"It's not. E-commerce belongs to e-commerce, and computers are computers.

"I'm quite interested in playing with computers, but when I hear programming or something, my head is big, and I can't sink my mind."

Qin Ran slapped his forehead and asked the wrong question.

Playing games is also different from learning computers.

And the shining point he just found was not in this aspect.

"Listen to my brother, choose a marketing."

"Sales?" Wu Renyao hesitated a little.

Qin Ran smiled mysteriously, "Don't underestimate this profession. The truly top marketing talent is what you sell, others buy, not what others lack.

"Doesn't that mean the customer is God?"

"Nope. You are God.

Qin Ran hopes that Wu Renyao will systematically learn about marketing, coupled with talent and acquired insight, and become a person who can lead the "wind direction".

However, there is one thing that is more special, Qin Ran feels the need to remind his friends.

"Ah Yao, what we're doing now isn't much. But if it gets bigger in the future, it may be a gray area. Cyber regulation will also become more and more stringent, which may be risky.

Wu Renyao smiled absently.

"Brother Ran is here, can I still suffer?"

Qin Ran was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then said with a smile, "Don't worry." It won't let you lose. Someone

trusted him so much, Qin Ran was inevitably a little touched in his heart.

Wu Renyao didn't hesitate to take out all his net worth before.

Now I hear that it doesn't matter if there is a risk, it can be said that it is 100% trusted.

Qin Ran will not live up to his brother's trust.

So I started searching for papaya-related drinks.

He also has a domain name [mugua.com] in his hand, which was selected by Wu Renyao before and cost five hundred yuan.

He hung up the price of 30,000, but very few people asked.

Now Qin Ran decided to take the initiative and accurately capture the target customers.

It has long been said that papaya is very beneficial.

Whether it's true or not, whether natural products are better than artificial, in short, there must be many people who believe it.

And it is also a woman who is willing to spend money, and the market prospect is very broad.

Then the corresponding merchant should spend more money.

Qin Ran attacked everywhere and took the initiative to raise the price to 100,000.

Playing marketing, Qin Ran is a master.

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