The new store opens, and the discount is great.

The first three days are seven folds, eight folds, and nine folds.

The first day of opening was just the weekend, and there were a lot of people.

The store, which is only more than 50 square meters, is crowded with people.

Qin Ran's positioning of [Guoquanhui] is very clear and cost-effective.

On the premise of ensuring food safety, it is set up around the community to attract community people.

And it's just near the business district, so the flow of people is higher.

There is also an office building not far away, and white-collar workers who get off work can also buy some and go back to eat hot pot.

Vegetables, meat, and hot pot base are all available, and they are also chain brands.

The main one is convenient, you can eat it if you want.

Yang Lanfang was carrying the basket and had already loaded a lot of things.

also asked Yang Yingying to buy more, it was really affordable.

"Ranran, I ate hot pot today, and I didn't go to the mall to eat."

Qin Ran couldn't laugh or cry a little.

Sure enough, he has no status with Comrade Lao Qin.

belongs to the notified party.

There is a right to make suggestions, but they are not adopted.

There were too many people in the store, and Yang Yingying was squeezed around Qin Ran.

"How long are you going to play?"

"My mom was happy, so I asked him to buy more."

"You're so bad!"

Yang Yingying could think of waiting for Yang Lanfang to pick for a long time, only to find out that it was her son's shop.

Qin Ran stretched out his hand to protect Yang Yingying, who was stepping on a small high heel, "It's too busy, you help with the cashier." "

You're such a capitalist!" Yang Yingying wrinkled her nose and said, "I've been helping you work for half the summer, and you're going to exploit me today."

"On the last day, tomorrow I will send you to Jinling and invite you to a big meal."

"Okay. Sister, I'm reluctant to help you for another day today.

Yang Yingying walked behind the counter, feeling that the space was a lot more spacious and no longer so crowded, and couldn't help but look at Qin Ran more.

But there are a lot of customers queuing up to check out, so they can only help with the checkout immediately.

But cashier isn't that hard.

Because there is no need to weigh the weight, all items in the store are already marked with a price in advance.

Just scan it with a barcode scanner, which is very convenient.

Not like the queue in the supermarket for that long.

Qin Ran leaned over to Yang Lanfang's side, "Mom, what do you think of this store?" "

It's good, it's fresh, and the price is not expensive, but there are too many people."

"Then if it's your own store, wouldn't it be a good thing to have a lot of people?"

Yang Lanfang was stunned for a moment, and scolded with a smile, "Don't talk nonsense, the owner of the store will hear it, and if there is no discount, I will go back and beat you." "



Wang Xiaoli, the clerk,

couldn't help laughing.

Boss Qin felt very shameless, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

He is going to college, and Yang Lanfang is still going to be beaten at every turn, which is too miserable.

So he glared at Wang Xiaoli, "What are you laughing at!" Hurry up and restock. "

Yes, boss." Wang Xiaoli immediately went to the back warehouse to replenish the stock.

Yang Lanfang was stunned!

Wang Xiaoli was wearing a green apron with the words "Guoquanhui" written on it, and she was obviously a clerk in this store.

"What did she just call you?"

Qin Ran finally stopped hiding and said with a smile, "Mom, didn't you hear everything?"

"She called you boss?"

"Well, Mom, this store will be in charge of you in the future, are you surprised?"



Qin Ran's arm was hit hard.

"What nonsense."

"Really!" Qin Ran grinned in pain, rubbing his shoulders and saying, "Look at the counter." "

Why is Yingying in there?"

"She's here to help. If you don't believe me, look at the business license on the wall.

Yang Lanfang looked up, and the legal person was written with the two big characters [Qin Ran].

Now she was completely stunned!

Then he pulled Qin Ran out.

Qin Wendong, who was waiting outside the door, was surprised, "It's okay so soon?" "

Ask your precious son!"

Among them, the word "baby" is very heavy!

Qin Ran suddenly found that it seemed that the script was not quite right.

Why wasn't my mother surprised and proud to have such a wonderful son, but it was like she was going to beat him up on the spot.

Qin Ran swallowed his saliva and explained, "Mom, I confess. "

Say it."

Qin Wendong was confused, "What's the matter?"

"Listen to him!"

Qin Wendong shrunk his neck, looked at Qin Ran, and said in his eyes, "What did you kid do again?" Do it yourself, I can't save you.

"Mom, Dad. During this time, I made a little money, so I bought a shop for you. You don't have to work so hard in the future.

Yang Lanfang and Qin Wendong looked at each other.

"What did you do? How is it earned?

Yang Lanfang didn't ask how much money she made, but was worried that her son had done something bad and was out of the way.

Qin Wendong was also worried, "Son, you didn't do anything stupid, did you?" Dad told you that you must be a down-to-earth person and not do illegal things.

"Do you just not believe in your son?" Qin Ran spread his hands and said, "I promise, everything is legal, and taxes are paid."

"What the hell did you do?" Can you buy this store with the money you earn?

Qin Ran breathed a sigh of relief, he could give him time to explain.

"Thanks to Dad."

"Thank me?" Qin Wendong was puzzled, but for some reason he had an ominous premonition.

Knowing the son is more than the father.

"I spent 3,000 yuan to buy a domain name, which is the website of the computer to go online, and I took it to auction and made more than 1.5 million yuan?"

The couple listened a little confused.

"Where did you get the three thousand?"

"I took out all the money from the Golden Pig. In addition, my father sponsored me for 500. Hearing

"five hundred", Qin Wendong sighed in his heart.

It's the secret of the father and son, but it's a cheat!


With a snort, Qin Wendong shuddered.

"Wife, listen to me."

Yang Lanfang glared, "I'll clean you up when I go back."

Qin Ran took the opportunity to take out his mobile phone to log in to the website and open the transaction record.

"Look, I didn't lie to you."

Yang Lanfang took the phone and studied it for a long time.

Finally came to a conclusion that seemed to be true.

It's just too dreamy, isn't it?

Can 3,000 yuan change hands be sold for 1.5 million?

Qin Ran began to pour bitter water, and most of his time and energy this summer vacation was spent on it.

I haven't slept well and have been contacting buyers.

After unremitting efforts, this high-priced auction was finally completed.

Yang Lanfang was silent for a while, and then returned to the store with the basket.

Leaving Qin Ran and Comrade Lao Qin staring at each other.

"Say it or not, you kid did it on purpose, right?"

"Dad, what are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb. How long have I hidden my 500 yuan of private money, and I haven't spent a penny, you... Hiss, it hurts, it hurts!

"Okay, how long have you been hiding? Tell me about it too", Yang Lanfang, who came out empty-handed, heard it and directly twisted Qin Wendong's ears.

Qin Ran looked up at the sky and didn't look at Comrade Qin.

Sacrifice the ego to complete the ego.

"Wife, so many people are watching."


Yang Lanfang let go of her hand, turned her head and said, "How much did this store cost?" What about the rest of the money?

"Not much. It cost 630,000 yuan, and the equipment in the store was all sent. Qin Ran pouted towards Nunu on the side of the road, "The rest of the money is spent by Dad." "


The two looked towards the side of the road, and the most conspicuous thing was undoubtedly the new car with decoration.

Qin Wendong's pupils dilated in an instant, and he looked at Qin Ran in surprise.

"Good son, did you buy me the car?"

Qin Ran smiled and took out two keys.

Comrade Qin, who was happy and excited, took the key and pressed the unlock button.

The "biubiu"

lights came on and the lock was opened.

Oh roar!

Comrade Qin, who was in his early forties, immediately rushed towards the car with a childlike smile on his face.

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