Wu Renyao found the location of the base of the entrepreneurship center according to the address given by Qin Ran.

Before I even entered the door, I heard the sound of a "crackling" keyboard.

After a period of tempering, Wu Renyao's courage has grown a lot.

As long as it wasn't the scene just now, he could face it calmly.

Wu Renyao walked into the room and saw the workstation computer, and his eyes immediately lit up.

Great stuff!

He had heard the fat man say that Qin Ran had built four workstations with good performance, but he had never seen them.

Except for a keyboard and headphones that are a bit bells and whistles, the other three are all....

It's ugly.

It's really ugly!

Why are workstation computers so ugly?

It's all age, and the appearance hasn't been improved.

Wu Renyao, who used to like to play games, has no sense of workstations.

"You, hello, who are you looking for?"

Wu Renyao heard the voice, turned around and was startled.

I don't know when a girl was behind a black workstation.

With his head bowed, his long hair draped, and his voice as if he were nothing.

"Eh, I'm looking for Qin Ran."

"He's home."

"He's back today, I saw him just now."


Wu Renyao saw the girl raise her head, just a glimpse, but her heartbeat missed half a beat.

It looks good.

"It's coming quickly."

At this time, Qin Ran walked into the room, "Is there any water?"

When Feng Youjun heard this, he immediately poured a glass of water for Qin Ran.

Then he poured a cup for Wu Renyao.

Qin Ran Nunu pouted and motioned for his friend to sit casually.

"It's only been a few days, why is it a lot darker?"

"Is it dark?"

"If you go on like this, your mother won't know you when you come home for the New Year."

"It's not that exaggerated."

Wu Renyao, who didn't believe it, picked up his mobile phone and took a photo, as if it was indeed a little dark.

But it doesn't matter.

"Brother Ran, do you guess how much I have earned in the past five days?"

"How much?"

Wu Renyao held up five fingers.

"Fifty thousand? Not bad. "


Wu Renyao found that it was a mistake to ask Qin Ran.

"Five thousand."

"It's okay, I earn a thousand a day, which is more than what white-collar workers earn. And so on. "

Okay!" Wu Renyao said happily, "What are you eating?" "

Wait and see if that Sichuan Shu doll is opened, if it is not opened, go out to eat."

Qin Ran turned his head sideways and shouted, "Tan Cheng, Feichao." Stop for a moment. Derpy is here too. Wu

Renyao said in his heart what a strange name.

Feng Youjun, who was upgraded from "Xiao Feng" to "Derpy", and finally simplified to "Derpy", pouted.

She didn't like the nickname very much, it sounded dumbfounded.

In fact, she is not stupid at all, at most she looks a little stupid.

Qin Ran introduced, "This is Wu Renyao, and he will also be a member of our company in the future." Responsible for public relations.

"Hello, hello, just call me Xiao Wu."

Tan Cheng and Lu Feichao were a little surprised.

The company's products have not yet come out, and there is already public relations.

And this black "PR" does not look "PR" at all.

Qin Ran continued, "Wait for Feichao, you tell Ah Yao about our products, and from tomorrow Ah Yao will be responsible for drainage and publicity."

Lu Feichao hesitated, "But it will be a long time before our products are launched." "

Since coming here, both Tan Cheng and Lu Feichao have spent all their energy and time on programming.

But even then, it is difficult to complete the development of the program in a short time.

Writing code is very time-consuming, and they don't complain about working overtime.

Even in the past few days of National Day, both of them took the initiative to work overtime.

But time is really too rushed.

The product has not been launched, the function has not been tested and improved, and he doesn't understand why Qin Ran is in such a hurry to do publicity and promotion.

Qin Ran naturally had his own plans.

During this time, he also often soaked in the base to understand the progress of the two.

However, it is too late to promote a product when it is completed.

Not even a product that is ahead of its time.

New media is already gaining momentum.

It is necessary to rush to the front of the wind as soon as possible.

Qin Ran knew what Lu Feichao was worried about, and said with relief, "Don't worry, you continue to develop the software, and the unimportant parts can be outsourced."

"You can go to the company's account, or you can be reimbursed."

"In addition, you have the right people to refer in."

"As long as you pass the assessment, you can stay, and the salary will not be bad, I can guarantee you this."

"The product is not completed, and it does not conflict with the publicity."

"Ah Yao will be responsible for promotion and liaison with suppliers."

"Our goal is to be the first in the industry!"

Tan Cheng and Lu Feichao glanced at each other, nodded and said, "Understood." Qin

Ran asked Tan Cheng to understand [First Information] first.

Drainage, war, promotion, and popularity, no matter what way.

Let the public remember [First Information] first.

Wait for [first information] to achieve the first, and immediately promote the second product.

[Spell Xixi].

Qin Ran didn't have billions to take it, so he burned money unscrupulously.

The best way is to make [First Information] first and replace the future overlord [Toutiao].

Then, with the help of the traffic of [First Information], the development of [Pinxixi] will be driven.

The former will not be a separate shopping mall similar to [Douyin Mall].

Instead, all of them are drained to [Spelling Xixi].

Roll it out in a blazing fast way.

This way, you don't have to burn so much money to roll it out.

But if you want to do it, upfront investment is essential.

In the afternoon, Wu Renyao was learning about the relevant content.

In the evening, a group of five people went to [Sichuan Shu Doll] for dinner.

Qin Ran announced the first publicity fee.

"Ten million".

When the four of them heard this number, they were all stunned!

Wu Renyao bore the brunt of the attack.

He has been following Qin Ran with all his heart and mind.

So as soon as he received Qin Ran's news, he came running.

But I never thought it would be so big!

"One, ten million?" Wu Renyao stammered, "Brother Ran, you're not joking, are you?"

"Am I looking like I'm joking?"

Wu Renyao swallowed his saliva, still in disbelief.

In the afternoon, Qin Ran said that he was in charge of publicity and promotion.

Doesn't that mean that he will personally handle the 10 million funds?

"Brother Ran, I, I'm afraid I'm not capable enough."

"Ten million is not given to you all at once."

Tan Cheng and Lu Feichao breathed a sigh of relief at the same time for some reason.

But then Qin Ran's words made the two of them nervous again.

"10 million will be promoted in three phases, with two million in the first phase, three million in the second phase, and five million in the third phase. The promotion plan confirmed the product progress with Tan Cheng and Feichao. "


The pressure suddenly came to Tan Cheng and Lu Feichao.

The latter withstood the pressure and said, "Boss, we will definitely work hard."

"Don't be pressured." Qin Ran said with a smile, "If you lose, at most your dividends will be gone." Come, have a toast and wish us a great start! "


Feng Youjun took a sip of a whole glass of juice.

Feeling a little dizzy.

Not long ago, she was trembling by Qin Ran's "huge sum" of 1,000 yuan that she had charged into her meal card.

thought that Qin Ran had made a mistake and wanted to return the money.

After learning that it was either a mistake or a food bill, she hid her meal card well.

From time to time, I have to touch it to see if it is there, for fear that the meal card will be dropped.

But before the National Day holiday was over, she was shocked again.

I couldn't be more surprised!

A thousand dollars is a lot, and ten thousand dollars dare not think.

Ten million didn't even think about it.

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