The sales who originally sold the car to Mr. Yang have left and gone to a live broadcast company.

Ning Xiaofei sent a message, and after a while, she received a photo.

That's Mr. Yang's business card.

Qin Ran took Ning Xiaofei's mobile phone, which had a broken screen.

[Yang Kaicheng, chairman of Jinling Kaicheng Trading Co., Ltd.]

was originally engaged in trade.

Qin Ran was more confident in his guess.

Open the browser for 1,000-degree search.

Enter [Check the enterprise] and click Query.

But the official website that Qin Ran was looking for did not appear.

Then he reacted, and now [Chacha Enterprise] should not have been established.

Qin Ran had no choice but to investigate Yang Kaicheng's corporate information in another way.

Enter the official website of the Supreme People's Court of China.

Click [Huaxia Execution Information Disclosure].

Enter the name of Yang Kaicheng and the organization code found.

Seeing the [Execution Information] that popped up, Qin Ran grinned.

Today is a good day.

You can save a lot of money.


Ning Xiaofei had been watching Qin Ran's operation from the side, and after seeing the [Execution Information], she couldn't help covering her mouth, a little unbelievable!

"Mr. Yang, he was forced? So he doesn't have the money to settle the final payment?


Ning Xiaofei hurriedly pursed her mouth tightly.

The rosy lips are connected into a line, revealing a different kind of delicateness.

"Refill my coffee."

Ning Xiaofei skillfully took the coffee cup, she didn't run to tell Ma Chenghua about it.

Instead, he became curious about Qin Ran.

"What are we waiting for?"

Unconsciously, Ning Xiaofei had already subconsciously thought that she and Qin Ran were on the same front.

And she thought it was very interesting, but she didn't know what Qin Ran wanted to do.

Qin Ran didn't hide it, and said bluntly, "When Mr. Yang is ready to smash things, let's go over and buy a car." "

Buying a car?" Ning Xiaofei was stunned, "You want to buy Mr. Yang's car?"

"What's the problem?"

Ning Xiaofei couldn't turn around for a while, "Do you want to buy from our store, or from Mr. Yang?"

"It depends on how they talk."

"Isn't Mr. Yang out of money?"

"Who told him he had no money?"

"But wasn't he forced?"

"It's just that he doesn't have any money in his account." Qin Ran snapped his fingers and said, "He still has a wife, children, and brothers and sisters, maybe his parents are still alive."

Ning Xiaofei was stunned, but she was not stupid and quickly understood.

Qin Ran was very familiar with these operations, and he had met a lot of old men in his previous life.

I don't have any assets in my name, but I drive a big run every day and eat a big meal, and my life has no impact at all.

These are ordinary old men.

Even more powerful are the chairmen of large companies.

The wife and children were sent out of the country first, and the funds were transferred out of hundreds of millions in advance a few years ago.

Of course, it is turned separately.

It's easy for money to come in, but hard to get out.

Anyone who understands understands.

If you don't understand, it's better not to understand.

Qin Ran achieved financial freedom in his previous life, and also transferred some money abroad.

In addition, some overseas investments have been made.

I have also met overseas veterans.

In short, looking at a person's appearance, it is difficult to judge what kind of life the person is actually living.

And the vast majority of people show their good side to everyone.

In Qin Ran's eyes, the so-called "Mr. Yang" and "Boss Yang" are just a person with no reputation.

Maybe Yang Kaicheng had a glorious time, but he must have suffered Waterloo in the past six months or so.

I just don't know if it's a gamble, or an investment failure, or a futures speculation.

It is also possible that a large amount of liquidated damages or damages have been compensated.

Doing trade, too, is risky.

However, Qin Ran didn't care what trouble Yang Kaicheng encountered.

All he wanted was Yang Kaicheng's car.

was listed as a [dishonest person] and was enforced by the court, Yang Kaicheng now obviously can't afford to drive millions of Bentleys.

may still be targeted by the Hui Gong.

It's not like this hasn't happened before.

As long as Yang Kaicheng is not a fool, he will not be stupid enough to drive around in a new Bentley.

Except for a very small number of cars that can appreciate in value, most of them depreciate when they land.

Luxury cars are no exception.

In a way, the depreciation of luxury cars is even greater, and the amount is very considerable!

Qin Ran drank the coffee made by Ning Xiaofei and leisurely flipped through the magazine.

Over there, Ma Chenghua has been scolded to the point of blood!

The sales of the car has gone, and only he, the manager, can go up.

This scolding was not in vain.

As long as Yang Kaicheng picks up the car at the original price, he can get the remaining half of the commission.

Ma Chenghua took half of the commission, and he kept smiling and didn't wipe his saliva.

can become a manager, in addition to being a good horseman, Ma Chenghua still has some ability.

For example, forbearance.

As well as taking customers to some clubs.

Ma Chenghua was scolded for a long time, and handed the water cup to Mr. Yang with a smile.

"Mr. Yang, are you thirsty? You drink some water.

Seeing this, Qin Ran couldn't help but glance at Ma Chenghua.

There is one thing to say.

Ma Chenghua is still very patient with customers.

The flattery has reached the point of perfection.

But a scene that surprised everyone appeared.

"Gagaga, fuck you! Labor and management have already increased by hundreds of thousands, and they will increase by 500,000. "

Slap" Mr. Yang waved his hand, and all the water poured on Ma Chenghua's face.

Four or five tea leaves stick to the forehead, nose, and chin.

The suit was also wet with splashes of water.

Several female saleswomen who were watching covered their mouths one after another, frightened!

Qin Ran was a little curious if Ma Chenghua would continue to forbear.

If this can be endured, Ma Chenghua should continue to be promoted, but he has also become a "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle".

Ma Chenghua took three deep breaths, but in the end he couldn't hold back, wiped his face, and said in a deep voice, "Mr. Yang, this is the company's regulations, and I can't help it." Also, are you overdoing it.

"How much money do you make in a year?" Open your mouth and let Lao Tzu add 500,000!

Qin Ran turned his head and said, "Didn't you say add 200,000?"

Ning Xiaofei hesitated, "It should be because the price has risen, the naked car has risen by more than 100,000, and the optional has also increased by 100,000." That adds up to almost 300,000. "

Tsk, you Bentleys are so dark, I like it!"


Ning Xiaofei was speechless.

Half a million is enough to solve her problem.

Sometimes that's how big the gap is sometimes.

Seeing Ma Chenghua being splashed with water, Ning Xiaofei suddenly felt a little sad.

Just like Yang Kaicheng said, how much money they only make a year.

How long does it take to save enough for 500,000 dollars?

Ning Xiaofei didn't know, because her account balance never exceeded five figures.

On two occasions, it was overrun, but within an hour, it was given to the hospital and paid for chemotherapy.

At this moment, Ning Xiaofei had the desire to make a lot of money.

She wanted to make a lot of money, and she wanted to do that too.

But it's never been so strong.

Ma Chenghua, who gave her small shoes, was only holding back her anger even now.

Don't dare to really quarrel with customers, let alone do it.

Ning Xiaofei wants to make a lot of money and cure her mother's illness, even if there is no hope, she must treat it.

In the future, I will no longer be bullied by people like Ma Chenghua.

is like Ma Chenghua's attitude after learning about Qin Ran's account balance.

Ning Xiaofei looked at Qin Ran seriously, "Can you teach me how to make money?" I want to be as rich as you are. "

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