Go Crazy! You Call This Level 1 Civilization?

Chapter 10 Magic Medicine? Can I Say This Is Just A Broken Version? [Fourth More]

"I finally came back to life, but Lao Zhou, where did you get this prescription? It actually improved my physical fitness so much in a short period of time!"

A few minutes later,

Old Liu ate three bowls of rice and four catties of meat before he let out a breath of foul air.

Lao Zhou said with a smile: "I saw that young man from a live broadcast of science popularization. He is very interesting, and the ideas in the proposal were also put forward by him."

"Huh? Saw it on the live broadcast?"

Old Chen and the others were dumbfounded.

I call it a good guy in my heart!

Just watch it on the live broadcast, and you can actually see the method to solve the mystery of the national art?

Why didn't they have such good luck?

"That's right. Originally, I just wanted to try to see if I could unlock the mysteries of Chinese martial arts. Now it seems that we have really found the right direction this time!" Old Professor Zhou nodded,

at the same time,

Some viewers in the live broadcast room like them, after preparing all the potions of calcining body soup,

Following the uncles and aunts in the park, they began to learn and sell Tai Chi.

Although the movements are not standard, but the medicinal effect of the calcining body decoction is too strong,

Even if it was weakened several times by Chen Xuan, it still couldn't stop the effect of the potion!

The most intuitive feeling is power!

Just soaking in a potion can directly increase the strength of the body by about ten percent!

At the same time, many people went to the hospital for examination and found that after soaking in the medicinal liquid, they could barely control their bodies and secrete some substances similar to adrenaline.

Although the controllable amount is not much, it confirms what Chen Xuan said,

Combined with Chinese martial arts moves and medicated bath, you can unlock the restriction of the brain on the body muscles!

"Fuck! It's too fierce! I just went to the hospital for a checkup, and my physical fitness has improved by 10% compared to before!"

"That's right, I feel that my self-proclaimed strength has also increased a lot!"

"Well, it's not just my appetite that has grown, right? Just now I ate five catties of beef and eight bowls of beef to barely fill my stomach..."

"No, not only you, but me too!"

Some viewers in a group posted their physical changes in the group one after another,

Many people who waited for the result exploded in an instant!

That unreliable anchor, what he said is actually true? !

Do martial arts really exist? !

"No! I want to buy a potion to try!"

"Fight it! Isn't it just two months' salary? For the national art dream of labor and management!"

"Made! Before, I thought that guy was a fool, but I didn't expect what he said to be true..."

"I don't know what to broadcast to the anchor next time? I really hope it has something to do with martial arts."

"By the way, didn't the anchor say that he would announce the content and time of the live broadcast on the V blog? Let's go to the V blog to find out!"


Many netizens flocked to Chen Xuan's V blog, leaving messages asking about the time and content of the next live broadcast.

Chen Xuan, who was silent in his cultivation, also found that his knowledge of science popularization seemed to increase by a hundred million points.

In just half a day's effort, it has already broken through 1,000 points again!

"The fermentation of calcined body soup has been completed?"

Chen Xuan squinted his eyes slightly, looking at the comments below the V blog,

There are thousands of them,

Either asking about the update time and content of the next issue, or bragging about how powerful the medicinal effect of Calcining Body Decoction is.

Many people even labeled the calcining body soup as a magic medicine.

Chen Xuan just smiled and said nothing,

Magic medicine?

This is just the lowest level of prescription that can be purchased with level I authority in the system mall.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the incomplete version of the advanced calcined body soup.

However, the calcined body soup produced by the system mall belongs to the field of cultivating immortals.

Even if it's just the most low-level prescription, it's not comparable to those prescriptions that strengthen the foundation and cultivate the talents in the national art.

Take himself for example,

Cooperate with Zhou Tian's body training method,

In just one day, the first set of movements has been successfully completed.

Increased body strength by about three times.

If the strength that an ordinary adult can unleash is around one hundred catties,

So now he can easily use three hundred catties of strength!

And this is not his limit!

Once the whole body is full of energy and blood, and the muscle restrictions in the whole body are lifted, this strength will be almost doubled!

don't say anything else,

Just this statistic has surpassed the impact of the world's top boxing champions swinging their fists!

"What should I popularize next? Now the authenticity of Chinese martial arts has been preliminarily confirmed, and the formula of body-building soup has also been announced..."

Chen Xuan frowned slightly,

He has temporarily suspended the original plan of cultivating immortal science, and plans to wait until the national art science popularization is completely over before starting.

After all, what he needs is to learn popular science, not to teach others to cultivate immortals.

Although the national art at this time is incompatible with cultivating immortals and refining the body,

But it still cannot be denied that what he popularized was related to cultivating immortals!

"Perhaps we can start with the breathing method. Although the boxing moves of the national art can stimulate part of the blood, it is not an orthodox method of cultivating immortals, and its potential is limited..."

"Once it comes to an end, the later science popularization will lose its meaning..."

Chen Xuan touched his nose, and quickly planned the direction of the next issue of popular science in his mind.

When he was practicing Zhou Tian's body training method, he also tried national martial arts such as Taijiquan,

Although the move is quite exquisite, compared with the technique of cultivating immortals, it is still too different!

However, after adding the breathing method of Zhou Tian's body training technique, the function and effect of Tai Chi can be roughly increased by five times on the original basis.

Barely a little better than the lowest body training method!

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………… I beg all the readers to send some flowers, monthly tickets, and evaluation tickets to the little brother! ! ! Your support is the motivation for the author to update, the author is here to thank you! ! ! ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………

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