Go Crazy! You Call This Level 1 Civilization?

Chapter 135 That Living Planet Has Embarked On A Path Completely Different From That Of Technologica

time flies

Before I knew it, another three days passed,

Bai Ziqi spent almost all his time on cultivation.

But today he has a more important thing to do, which is to watch Chen Xuan's upcoming eighth science popularization live broadcast.

And his state at this time has reached the eighteenth meridian without accident,

only half,

Then you can open up the Qihai Dantian unique to ancient warriors!

And just yesterday, the little girl who took the lead in comprehending the unity of human body and machine also increased her physical strength to a thousand catties, and began to practice the cultivation of drawing qi into the body.

The speed is obviously much faster than others!

And the number of people in the Chen Clan also increased rapidly, from 3,000 at the beginning, to 5,000!

This is a "sect" spontaneously organized by netizens,

With Chen Xuan as the belief, only after reaching the basic strength of five hundred catties can he be recognized to join it.

And only those who have the strength of thousands of catties and start to draw qi into the body can go one step further in the Chen Clan and become inner disciples.

And he Bai Ziqi,

As for the leading figure among the inner disciples of the entire Chen Clan,

He is also the only top master who has opened up all the meridians in his body to the eighteenth.

Even Zhang Weimin, who is also a master of Chinese martial arts, is still far behind him, only opening up six meridians!

As for the person who has realized the unity of man and machine, including him and Zhou Xiaotong, there are only three people in the entire Chen Clan.

And that person's martial arts talent is not high,

After cultivating for so long with the assistance of Yangqi Pills, I have only reached 300 jin!

“Hi everyone, I am Chen Xuan, and welcome to this issue of Science

"What we are going to verify today is the secret book of exercises after entraining qi into the body..."

One p.m,

the time has just come,

"960" Bai Ziqi couldn't wait to start the live broadcast of the bullfight,

Chen Xuan, who just opened the live broadcast room, also started a routine opening speech,

However, no one in the live broadcast room felt impatient, on the contrary, they were very excited in the barrage, venting their impatience crazily!

"It's started! It's started! Chen Dada's science popularization has finally started! Finally, in my lifetime, I saw Chen Dada's live broadcast again!"

"I lost it! Last time you guy seemed to say the same thing, right? Counting with your fingers, it's only eighteen days since Chen Dada's last science popularization, okay?!"

"Chen Da, I've done nothing, please start your performance!"

"Hurry up, rush, rush, my heart is beating in action! Wait for Chen Dada's science popularization, take me to pretend...take me to fly!

Chen Xuan glanced at the number of people, and the number of people online at the same time has directly broken through 400,000!

And it's still increasing!

The refresh rate of the barrage is so exaggerated that the naked eye can barely react!

"It seems that this live broadcast is expected to exceed 500,000 people..."

Chen Xuan muttered,

Almost the number of people online at the same time in the live broadcast room is the approximate number of science popularization points he can get after the popular science live broadcast is over.

In addition, the more people are online at the same time, the more popular science points will be added every day after the popular science is over.

Taking the previous ten days as an example, he gained a total of 400,000 popular science points!

"Let's get down to business, I believe everyone has more or less experienced the mysteries of ancient martial arts, and at the same time, you are also wondering, or curious, whether the ancient martial arts in movies and TV are real?"

"I can tell you clearly that it is all true! Although I don't know the ancient martial arts such as the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms and the Six Meridian Excalibur, but after the internal strength is cultivated to a certain level

It can indeed send out some visions....

"For example, when Cui is mobilizing his internal force, we can see some strange lights with our naked eyes, and they are the external manifestation of internal force that we often hear!"

Chen Xuan's voice paused,

Then raised his right hand in front of the camera,

the next moment,

A ray of golden light mixed with a little gold condensed into shape from his palm,

Like a little sun, it radiates the radiance of the sun!

"Damn!!! This light! Didn't this light come out from Chen Dada's room last time? So this is Gu Wu's internal force?!"

"666! I finally know what realm Chen Dada is in now! The ancient martial arts can only be cultivated after drawing qi into the body, and Chen Dada's realm has reached a very advanced level!"

"Damn it! So, that golden buffalo light and shadow last time was also made by Chen Da?! Jill is terrifying!!!"

"Damn it, is this the reality version of Believe in Light?! Ma'am is so exciting!"

"I'm afraid the one upstairs has seen too much Bumpman, right? Believe in Dill's light! We should trust Da Da Chen!!!"

The audience in the live broadcast room suddenly woke up,

I found out that the mangniu phantom that scared Rhubarb so much that he didn't even dare to watch TV last time was created by this male banker!

But they are also very excited!

Since this man can reach this step, doesn't that mean they also have this opportunity?

"Xiao Yu, you, try to slap me..."

across the yard,

Yang Wenwen's brain crashed immediately,

Looking at the golden light that diffuses from the display screen, I began to seriously doubt my life!

An Xiaoyu next to her didn't think too much, she raised her hand subconsciously, and slapped her across the face.



Yang Wenwen woke up instantly!

"It's not a dream! This is not a dream!!!"

Regardless of the pain on his face, Yang Wenwen hugged An Xiaoyu next to him, and jumped up excitedly in the room!

An Xiaoyu, who was belatedly aware of it, also woke up in the constant jumping,

"Wenwen, I had a dream just now, dreaming that a golden light came out of Chen Dada's hand, and he also said that after the ancient martial arts has reached a certain level, he can fly into the sky and escape from the ground, omnipotent!"


Yang Wenwen was stunned by her fool,

No problem ahead,

But in the second half of the sentence, this little girl is obviously making fun of her!


Yang Wenwen raised his hand and said threateningly: "Xiao Yu, it seems that you haven't come to your senses, so I can only help you out of mercy..."

"Don't! Don't! Am I joking with you to brighten up the atmosphere?" An Xiaoyu was so frightened that she hurriedly begged for mercy, not daring to continue messing around.

Yang Wenwen snorted, "You don't want to watch the live broadcast, I still want to watch it, if you want to make fun of it, just stay aside for me!"


An Xiaoyu covered her mouth and became quiet,

Only the eyes are turning, staring at the computer screen intently,

At this moment,

The ball of golden light in Chen Xuan's hand is like a ball of water constantly surging,

And gradually spread, wrapped in his palm.

"The essence of internal force is a kind of energy. It is divided into five attributes: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, and they restrain each other. The energy nature of each attribute is also somewhat different..."

"And the golden internal force condensed in my hand, its attribute is Gengjin, which has the effect of increasing the power of attack, and has a good increase for ancient warriors such as sword repair

"However, if you want to condense the internal force of the attribute, you need to open up at least one meridian, and if you want to perform the moves in the ancient martial arts, you need to consume at least six mysterious factors stored in the meridians..."



Many people in the live broadcast room became excited,

"So, I'm not far away from condensing the internal force of attributes?! Labor and capital just arrived yesterday and completed the introduction of qi into the body, opening up one-tenth of the meridians. Today, I heard Chen Da said that if one meridian is penetrated, the internal force of the attributes can be condensed. ! This is simply great news!"

"Hahahaha! You have just entered the Entraining Qi into the Body? I have already penetrated the whole one the day before yesterday!"

"Then our senior brother, can't we just start to gather internal strength? When I asked the senior senior brother last time, he had already penetrated to thirteen meridians!

"Fuck! Isn't this even the ancient martial arts that Chen Da said can be used directly?!"

Bai Ziqi, the person involved, was also very confused,

He also didn't expect that he could be so awesome that he could directly start cultivating attribute internal strength? And he used ancient martial arts moves?!

while on the other side,

Zhou Xiaotong rubbed his eyes,

Obviously, the ball of light in this man's hand is beyond her perception.

When she was in Krypton Tabal, she had been exposed to the cultivation method of origin energy,

But that requires special equipment,

Moreover, she has no way to mobilize special energies such as origin energy,

You can only use it to strengthen your body.

But what Chen Xuan showed at this time is obviously beyond the outline again,

It is completely beyond the scope of scientific explanation!

She even began to doubt whether this man could show all the things in the legend!

For example, ancient martial arts masters can walk on water, and can break a boulder with one punch.

After all, she has already experienced the unity of human and machine,

Although the kitchen knife has increased some sharpness after completing the raising device, it can easily tear the floor and steel bars,

But this power is not enough to compare with those ancient martial arts in the legend!

"Because the terrain is limited, I won't demonstrate it with you this time, but after the science popularization is over, I will announce some cultivation methods and an ancient martial art move.

"For those who are interested, you can find a spacious place and try it yourself..."

Chen Xuan smiled slightly,

Spread the light in your hand,

Last time he only used one percent of his strength, and almost collapsed the courtyard wall.

If we were to demonstrate all the elemental powers of the five attributes, wouldn't we just flatten the courtyard?

But the Krypton Tabals in the virtual world know how terrifying this man's power is!

Let them see it with their own eyes a few days ago!

That man punched out directly, condensing a golden bull more than ten feet tall.

What the hell is pushing a large piece of woods horizontally!

And a huge boulder over fifteen meters high was directly turned into pieces under the impact of the phantom of the bull.

Scattered all over the place!

Commander Maddock remembers very well,

The man just waved his hand,

The golden bull phantom appeared out of nowhere, and pushed towards the forest ahead!

Although that power is not comparable to the space walker,

But that is a human being, without any external force, it exploded by itself!

he seriously doubts,

If you give this man some time to grow,

Is it possible to crush a level 4 bug with just physical strength?


Commander Maid loosened his clenched fist,

If the Krypton Tabal could have such power as this man,

Even without the assistance of the cosmic walker mecha, it may be possible to kill all bugs below level II!

"It's a pity, it's a pity that our body's absorption efficiency for Yangqi pills is too low, and it takes

It will take several times more time to achieve the same effect as the Water Blue Stars..."

Maddie sighed helplessly,

For what reason, he still hasn't found it...

Even Professor Dexis, an expert in energy sources, is at a loss about this.

But at this moment,

Prompted by Skynet, Dexis asked to be connected to the call.

"Connect the communication in..." said Maddow,

Then the figure of Dexis appeared on the big screen,

"Your Excellency Commander, I have found the reason for the low absorption efficiency of Yangqi pills!"

Mai De, who was just holding the water glass and was about to add water, almost knocked over the condenser.

"What?! You say it again?!"

Dexis said: "Your Excellency, Commander, I have found the reason for the low absorption efficiency of Yangqi pills!"

For Maddie's reaction,

He was not surprised at all,

Even when he heard the news, he was similar to Mai De at this time!

The exact information came from his grandson, an ordinary person who was unable to inject genetic medicine due to genetic defects.

but that's it,

Little Sith, who was depressed and perishing in the virtual world all the year round, unexpectedly started to look a little different recently.

Not to mention that his physical strength has reached more than three hundred catties, the original genetic defect has actually begun to gradually repair.

After detailed inquiry,

Dexis just understood,

It turned out that my grandson was practicing Chinese martial arts, and he was taking Yangqi pills that he made himself.

What shocked Dexis even more was that,

After scanning by the instrument, he found that when his grandson absorbed Yangqi pills, the efficiency reached 2.95%.

Compared with the data he has mastered, it is more than three times higher!

Then he started to study the effect of genetic agents on the absorption efficiency of nourishing qi.

The result is not good if there is no research,

a study,

He almost didn't get sent away where he was!

"Professor Dexis, what is the specific reason?"

Mai De took a deep breath to calm down his emotions.

Dexis said: "Your Excellency Commander, the most important reason for this is because the mysterious factors contained in Yangqi Pills are mutually exclusive with the genetic medicines in our body.


"Whether it is a strength-type genetic medicine or a life-span type, it will affect our body's absorption of the medicinal power of Yangqi pills."


This is the answer that Dexis finally got after several days of sleepless research,

At the same time, this repulsion is unsolvable,

Whether it is strength potion or longevity potion, they cannot be stripped off by special means like Zerg genes!

Commander Maid clenched his fists,

At the same time, his mood also fell to the bottom!

"No wonder! No wonder the progress of civilization in that world is completely different from ours!"

"No wonder! No wonder people in that world can perfectly use that cultivation method!"

its most fundamental reason,

Or because that planet of life has embarked on a path completely different from that of technological civilization!

And they Krypton Tabal,

Although he is at the forefront of technology, he has lost the qualification to embark on this road!

Even if they want to give up everything and start over now, it seems that it is difficult for them to keep up with that man's pace!.

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