Go Crazy! You Call This Level 1 Civilization?

Chapter 145 I'm Just A Porter, That Man Is More Suitable To Be Recorded In History Than Me!

"Thor, what's wrong?"

In the virtual meeting room, a slightly burly person asked,

The other two also looked at him suspiciously,

"It's nothing, it's just that Zhinao received an application just now, saying that it found a way to break through the limit of the third human body without borrowing Zerg genes..." Thor recovered, and the other people in the conference room Several people said,

"You guys talk about the rest first, I'll go see the sergeant..."

Then without waiting for other people to react, he left the virtual meeting room directly,

The three people who stayed behind peeped at each other, and it took a while to react,

"Just now Thor seemed to say that he found a way to break through the limit of the third human body without the help of Zerg genes?! Did I hear wrong?" The burly man was a little puzzled,

The other two men looked at each other, and then said: "No, it's not that you got confused, just now, we heard him just now, that's what he said..."

"Damn it! This guy! He didn't tell us about such an important discovery?! Damn it!!!" The burly man's face changed, and he became a little annoyed.

Breaking through the limit of the third human body without using Zerg genes, this is the method that the entire Human Federation is seeking!

Although humans can use the genes of the Zerg to break through the limit of the third human body,

But at the same time, the brainwaves of those new humans will also be captured by the queen of the Zerg, which is very easy to reveal the plans of humans.

This is why the evolutionary mechs will hardly have any problems when facing ordinary IV level bugs,

But when encountering the Zerg army commanded by the Zerg queen, it is very easy to be surrounded, and even be targeted by traps set by magma bugs!

"It seems that we can only wait here for Thor to come back. Unfortunately, that guy's planet "173" is too far away from me, otherwise I have to go straight to the door!" The burly man felt a little helpless,

The other two could only smile wryly, unable to answer the question.

And at this time,

Thor, who left the virtual meeting room, left directly from the control room and walked to the lobby downstairs in person.

When several office staff in the management building saw Thor walking downstairs and walking towards Raymond in the lobby,

I almost popped my eyeballs out!

"God Ward! I'm not dazzled, am I?! Lord Thor actually went down to meet that person in person?! Could it be that he is a special envoy from a level 4 civilization?!"

"Impossible, even if it is a level 4 civilized person, it is impossible for Master Thor to go down to greet him in person!"

"What's going on?! The commanders of other planets don't seem to have him..."

"I don't know what to do!!!"

Only the receptionist in the hall knows that the person in front of him is qualified to be greeted by Mr. Thor himself!

Because in his hands, he holds the advanced technology that can move the entire Tataktor, and even the entire Human Federation!

"Sergeant Raymond! What you said in the application just now is true?! You found a way to break through the limit of the third human body without using Zerg genes?!" Thor was very excited

As soon as I met Raymond, I directly asked whether what was said in the application was true.

"That's right, Master Thor, I didn't deceive you, I found a way to break through the limit of the third human body at Krypton Tabal..."

"And in this process, there is no need to catch the power of Zerg genes!"

Raymond nodded very seriously,

"Follow me! Come with me to the conference room!"

Thor can't care about anything else,

He directly took Raymond's hand and walked to the meeting room of the management building.

Only a group of people in the hall were left, staring at each other in a daze!

"Master Thor, here is what I brought back from Krypton Tabal. It contains a method to break through the limit of the third human body, and also contains ointments for repairing Zerg genes that have side effects on our human body."

After entering the conference room,

Lei Meng opened the metal box in his hand, revealing several Qi-nourishing pills packed in transparent containers.

In addition, there is an ointment for golden sores, as well as the method of entraining qi into the body to open up the meridians and dantian, and the method of forging super metals.

"Unbelievable! This is really unbelievable! These seemingly ordinary pills can allow us to directly abandon the Zerg gene | directly break the limit of the third human body!"

"And this kind of metal forging method is simply unheard of! It turns out that only using some ordinary iron ore can produce a super metal comparable to Adamantium alloy!"

While checking the contents of the box, Thor was shocked by the contents and yelled!

That's just incredible!

He never thought,

In this world, there is actually a method that can use ordinary iron ore to cast a new type of metal comparable to Edman alloy!

"Master Thor, I have personally experienced the authenticity of these things. As long as 20 pills of that kind of elixir are taken for the first time, it can directly boost the body strength from 10,000 jin to 10,500 jin. !"

"There is also that kind of super metal, their metal properties are very strong, not worse than Adamantium alloy, even surrounded by Zerg army, they can easily crush them!

"Especially after the driver gets rid of the Zerg gene, when facing the cunning Zerg queen, he has an advantage that we couldn't have before!!!"

Raymond briefly talked about the battle he encountered in the Krypton Tabal star field,

Especially those super mechs also carry new types of weapons,

Without the slightest precaution, the Zerg Queen was killed with thirty super mechs!

And those mecha fighters didn't have much loss!

Although it occupies a large part of the surprise component,

But this cannot deny that humans have achieved a near-perfect victory in the battle against the Zerg!

"Good! Very good! Raymond! You will be recorded in history by our Tataktor! And starting today, you will be promoted from sergeant to colonel!"

for a moment,

Lei Meng directly joined the cross and lieutenants, reached the rank of colonel, and was still a colonel inside!

"Thank you Thor!"

Raymond was so excited that his breathing became a little short,

But he knows,

This honor is not only lost to him,

That man is the one who should go down in history!

"Master Thor, it is necessary for me to give you a detailed explanation about the source of these things..."

"Oh? What's the story here?" Thor was a little curious,

"Yes, Lord Thor. Compared with the person who announced the introduction of Qi into the body and Yangqi Pill, I am just a porter. That man is more suitable to be recorded in the annals of history than me!" Raymond nodded,

Then he told Thor verbatim about the source of these things,

But when he said that these things all came from a 0.7-level civilization like mine,

Thor's eyes and mouth almost widened to the extreme!!!

"Raymond, everything you said is true?! Why, why do I feel that what you said is even more incredible than what you said just now?!"

Thor subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva,

He couldn't believe that these things would come from a nascent civilization below level 1.

He would rather believe that these were researched by their allies, the Krypton Tabals,

At least this kind of credibility is higher than saying that it is a civilization of level 0.7!!!

"I'm sorry to tell you, Lord Thor, that these things really came from a level 0.7 civilization, and all of them were announced by a human named Chen Xuan..."

"And his physical strength has surpassed any human being we know. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the strongest on the surface..." Raymond shook his head, and then said very positively

Although he couldn't believe it,

But that man was already no weaker than the space walker mech with his own strength alone,

Even the cyan-blue flames released by him are the same as the source energy electro-optical cannons used by mechs, possessing extremely terrifying lethality!

Even those flames can still burn in the near-vacuum universe after the explosion!

This means that if human beings can control this power, I am afraid that in the universe starry sky, those bugs can be burned to ashes,

No oxygen is needed to support combustion at all!

"No, this is too exciting! Let me slow down first..."

Thor sat on a chair in the conference room and rubbed his aching temples with his hands.

Raymond also quieted down and didn't continue talking.

About ten minutes later, Thor dragged him to another room,

At the same time, he said to Zhinao Maca: "Maka, connect to the virtual meeting room, and prepare another place!"

"Okay Lord Thor, the consciousness link begins..."

With the sound of the intellectual brain, Lei Meng found that his consciousness appeared in a bright conference room,

There are a total of five people sitting near the large table over ten meters,

one is himself,

One was Thor with him just now,

And the remaining three people Raymond has seen on the news, they are the supreme commanders of the first planet, the third planet, and the fourth planet,

It is also the president of the council of those planets, the person responsible for communicating and making decisions with other planets....

"Thor, you are finally back, what happened just now?! And who is he?!"

The burly man and the other two looked towards Lei Meng almost at the same time.

"He is the colonel of our Tataktor, and he is also the hero who brought back super metals and new cultivation methods from Krypton Tabal!"

Thor smiled slightly, and then spoke to the three people on the opposite side,


The burly man was a little puzzled, "Could it be true when you left just now that you said that you can break through the limit of the third human body without the help of Zerg genes?!"

Thor nodded: "Of course, otherwise, why do you think I brought Colonel Raymond here?"

"Impossible! Isn't Krypton Tabal just like us, only a level 3 civilization? How could they find a way to break through the limit of the third human body without using Zerg genes!"

Among the three,

The commander of the fourth planet stood up from his seat in disbelief,

The two people next to them also nodded subconsciously, feeling that the news was too explosive!

Completely overturned their cognition!

In their view,

Those who are most likely to abandon the Zerg gene and break through the limit of the third human body should be the three level 4 civilizations in the federation!

"No, no, don't be too paranoid! The level of civilization doesn't mean anything..."

"In addition, I have another piece of news to tell you. The Krypton Tabal has also successfully produced a substitute for the Adamantium alloy, and it has been applied to mechas."

"And they have also upgraded the mecha weapon system, whether it is flexibility or damage, it is not looser than before.

Thor looked at the bewildered three people, and instantly thought of what he was like just now,

"Thor, are you sure what you said just now is true? You didn't deceive us?!"

A few minutes later,

The burly man and two other

Waking up from the shock just now,

"Of course, but I have to confess to you that I concealed something just now..." Thor said,

"It's all fake to hide from us??" The commander of the fourth planet snorted softly,

"I knew you were deliberately fooling us!" The burly man also said,

Only the commander of the third planet did not speak, and kept staring at Raymond next to Thor

"Leviathan, scan Colonel Raymond's body data and project the information in the conference room!"

a moment later,

Only then did the commander of the third planet speak,

"Good sir, the target is locked, the data analysis has started, and the results have been analyzed..."

The physical data about Raymond soon appeared on the desktop in the conference room,

No matter from which direction, you can clearly see,

"Physical strength one, ten thousand and five hundred catties?! Status person, human being?!"


The three people in the entire meeting room fell into a dead silence.

They 0.5 stared wide-eyed in disbelief, looking at the strength and status on the data

Generally speaking,

Humans with a strength of more than 10,000 will be displayed as new humans, and words such as Zerg genes will be added behind the genes.

But this guy's stats are the same as those of ordinary people except for his strength, and there is no difference.

And there is only one possibility of this result,

That is the colonel named Raymond, who broke through the limit of the third human body with human genes, and did not integrate Zerg genes!

"Really?! It's actually true?!"

The burly man couldn't tell whether he was dreaming or not.

The commanders of the third and fourth planets next to them also murmured a little voicelessly: "It is true that the cultivation method that does not need to fuse Zerg genes, then that can replace the Adamantium alloy."

Super Metal, is it real too?!"

The corner of Thor's mouth raised: "Of course it's true. I've already said it just now. As for the only thing I'm hiding from you, it's the source of these things. It's not actually Krypton Tabal.

It was developed by humans, but it came from a 0.7-level civilization called Water Blue Star. "

"Krypton Tabal, like Colonel Raymond, is just a carrier!"


Level 0.7 civilization?!

Krypton Tabal is also just a porter???



How can a civilization that can publish these things be a level 0.7 civilization?!


"This is absolutely impossible!!!"

The commanders of the first, third and fourth planets screamed in the virtual conference room almost at the same time!!!.

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