Go Crazy! You Call This Level 1 Civilization?

Chapter 151 Tell Your Story, I've Already Prepared The Hops!

Hello everyone,

I am Xiaojixu,

A month ago, I was still in a daze, eating wild animals waiting to die on the jungle road,

But suddenly one day, I accidentally broke into this yard, and stole two things called Yangqi Pills.

Then I started to rejuvenate, to become what I was when I was young,

But here is a brain axe, very fierce! I was so scared that I ran away,

Then accidentally hid in a passenger car,

When I woke up again, I was already in the city, and was brought home by a rich little beauty to raise her.

That period of time was my happiest, I really want to live there forever!

However, I found that after taking those two Yangqi pills, I became smarter and faster!

Once running, even the car can't catch up!

And in this family,

Looks like there are those pills too.

So I secretly ate one every day, and followed the little master to watch TV, surf the Internet,

Until it was discovered that I secretly took Yangqi pills,

So I escaped again,

Hide in the bus again.

When I woke up after a nap, I found myself back in this village again,

Surely this is the direction of heaven,

Let me come back and continue to steal Yangqi pills!

excited squirrel,

After quickly recalling his legendary encounter, he came to the back of a stone.

The agile eyes looked around in the yard, looking for the trace of the big tiger,

in its memory,

This family is definitely much better than the previous little master!

Such a big bottle of nourishing qi pills was placed on the table to dry,

It's not comparable to that bitter and mean woman!

It's just a pity that the little master seems to be doing well with it.


at the same time,

The rhubarb in the room pricked up its ears keenly,

The enhanced sense of smell made it smell a somewhat familiar breath,

Soon it remembered,

Isn't this damn squirrel the same stinky squirrel that stole its nourishing qi pill last time and then ran away?

How dare you come here?!

"Rhubarb, that little guy has also awakened a bit of spirituality and special blood, just scare it, don't hurt its life." 22 Chen Xuan looked through the window and looked at the corner outside the yard,

Gray-black hair, somewhat similar to the devil squirrel he raised in his previous life,

It's just that on the top of this little guy's head, there are these few strands of silver-white hair,

It seems a bit out of place with other places.


All right,

rhubarb nod,

Since my master has said so, then the previous plan will be changed again,

thought for a while,

Rhubarb suddenly thought of a good idea,

He got up and shook the black ash from his hair, then walked to the iron-wooden box next to him,

Skillfully opened the wooden box with his head, and took out the small half bottle of nourishing qi pills left before,

It's often said on TV that you can't bear to let your children be caught by wolves,

This time, it paid for it directly!

Don't believe that little thing is not fooled!

In the live broadcast room opposite,

Many spectators also found the little squirrel, climbed the wall and slipped into Chen Xuan's yard, and hid behind a stone.

It looks like it's ready to do something bad!

"This guy, why do I look familiar?!"

"Damn it! Couldn't this be the one who stole the rhubarb ventilation pills at Da Da Chen's house last time?!"

"When you say that, I seem to recall the main character of the squirrel in Rejuvenation that is widely rumored on the Internet!"

"How dare you come back?! You said that if Rhubarb finds out about it, will this guy die immediately? After all, with Rhubarb's size, a tiger pounce would probably kill it!"

"Huh?! This squirrel is very similar to the one in my house because of its fur?! Same pattern?! Same tail?! And that expression when trying to steal things together!!! [picture]"

"Tell your story, I've got the hops ready!"

Zhou Lili can be very sure that this is definitely the one that escaped from her family a few days ago.

Why do you say escape?

It's all because that guy eats and drinks at his own house, and steals her Qi Yang pills!

A full bottle, but it took more than half a month to eat it!

If she hadn't vigilantly installed a camera, I'm afraid she still wouldn't be able to catch this guy's little tail!


Zhou Lili narrated her experience in the barrage in the live broadcast room,

Immediately, many people were stunned.

This little squirrel is so awesome?!

Not only can you unlock the lock yourself, but you can also return it to its original place after stealing something?!

Then it secretly left in Chen Dada's yard, maybe it was going for something!

"Student An Xiaoyu, Ms. Yang Wenwen, why don't you do a good deed and arrest that guy? Lest he make trouble at Mr. Chen's house?!"

"That's right, that's right, it's good to tell Chen Dada, lest, like this victim, the Yangqi pills are almost eaten up, and only later realize..."


"Catch this little fierce Xu! Destroy its stealing plan!"

Many viewers in the live broadcast room began to worry,

If Chen Dada is also deceived by this little squirrel, will he also be stolen from various pills like the previous victims?

"No problem, leave it to us!"

An Xiaoyu patted her heart,

At the same time, I was stunned by the picture sent by Zhou Lili,

A squirrel that looks exactly like that guy is indeed a rat-headed squirrel in the opposite yard,

But when she and Yang Wenwen were about to go out and told Chen Xuan to be careful of that little squirrel,

The rhubarb in the room suddenly rushed out from the door,

And let out a deafening roar, and flew straight to the place where the little squirrel was hiding!

the next moment,

The little squirrel hiding behind the stone was so frightened that he turned around and ran away.

In two or three strokes, he followed the wood leaning on the courtyard wall and climbed to the top of the wall.


The little squirrel stopped, turned to look at the big yellow under the courtyard wall,

But it doesn't care about the tiger,

It was the white bottle that accidentally fell on the ground when Rhubarb flew over.

A few round pills, like last time, scattered on the wet ground!


Rhubarb continued to growl in anger,

It wasn't until the little squirrel disappeared along the courtyard wall that it went back into the house a little unwillingly.

And the moment it turned around, the little squirrel that had just disappeared appeared a head from under the courtyard wall,

The agile eyeballs stared straight at the bottles in the yard and the scattered Qi Yang pills.

Then the little guy slipped into the yard again, and approached there carefully,

And in the live broadcast room opposite,

A group of spectators got a little excited!

"Damn! Rhubarb lost his wife and lost his army this time! He actually left the bottle containing Yangqi Pills in the yard!"

"Quick, quick! Sister Xiaoyu, I feel like going to inform Brother Hu, otherwise his Qi Yang Pill will be gone again!!!"

"Hey, I guess it's too late, but Rhubarb is too unlucky, not only didn't take revenge, but also lost some precious pills!!!"


The squirrel in the picture came to the vicinity of the furnace in one swift motion, and at the same time carefully watched the direction of the house,

Before the tiger rushes out, he must get all these pills that have been spilled on the ground!

In the virtual world,

A group of Krypton Tabal people, but at this time they called out the good guy!

"As expected of Mr. Chen's pet, the digging of the pit is so natural and skillful, and there is no flaw at all!"

"Who said no, actually thought of using that special magnetic field and the current escaping from the furnace to set up such a perfect trap!"

"Blindly guessing that this squirrel will be shocked into convulsions in a while, and can't take care of itself!"

"Hurry up! The wonderful moment is coming!"

Even Commander Med couldn't help holding his breath at this moment, his eyes were fixed on the big screen,

Watch every move of that little squirrel!

After the mysterious force field cut off the lightning power in the furnace,

A bug broke in by accident, but it was immediately turned into a bug-flavored chicken popcorn,

Although the size of this squirrel is much larger than that of the bug, it probably cannot withstand the current inside it, right?

After all, even Rhubarb was almost turned over by the terrifying lightning before!

at the same time,

The figure of the little squirrel passed through the Tianyuan mountain protection formation, stepped on the wet ground,

A sizzling electric current was generated, and before it could react, it directly enveloped it!


Just a single thought, the little squirrel's body was knocked down by the electric current,

At the same time, its consciousness fell into darkness.


In the attic opposite, Yang Wenwen and An Xiaoyu were stunned.

After their live broadcast room was quiet for a while, a series of question marks erupted suddenly???

"Damn it! What the hell happened just now? Why did that squirrel suddenly fall to the ground?!"

"Damn it! Could it be an electric current?! Just now I seemed to see that guy's hair standing up one by one by the electricity!"

"But why is there a current there? And nowhere else?!"

"I got it! I got it! It must be the rune jade stones that Chen Dada placed on the ground! It must be their function!"

"No way?! Those things can also condense electricity?! Doesn't that mean that if I get one at home, I won't have to pay the electricity bill?!"

"Are you thinking of farting?! That obviously cuts off the current in the furnace from the outside, okay?!"

Soon the people in the live broadcast room discovered the secret of the formation near the furnace,

Everyone opened their mouths wide, some couldn't believe what they saw with their own eyes,

But after the thunder fell just now, the furnace seemed to have absorbed the power of the lightning,

From time to time, in the furnace, a few blue arcs flickered!

Moreover, the overflowing electric current almost electrified the rhubarb lying on the eaves so that he could not take care of himself.

"It seems that it's not that the electric current has disappeared, but that the rune jade stones arranged by Mr. have been sealed off near the furnace, so when the squirrel ran into that area, it was instantly stunned by the electric current. !!!”

A professor with dual titles in physics and chemistry who was watching the live broadcast quickly analyzed the general reason for this,

But the expression on his face became a bit bitter,

Who would have thought that he was actually the one who came in to crack down on fakes?!

Before, he was asked by a student whether there is a substance called a mysterious factor in this world,

human strength

Is it possible to absorb that kind of substance after reaching a thousand kilograms?

This made him very angry!

What kind of person is it that can overturn science like this?!

And completely brainwashed his own students?!

However, according to the clues provided by the students, after he found this daily life live broadcast room named Grandpa Chen,

Only then did I realize that I seemed to have begun to be brainwashed!

The topics of martial arts, ancient martial arts, and mysterious factors are completely common here!

Even more awesome is,

In some communication groups, some things were sent out that made him feel completely unlearnable.

Have you ever seen a kitchen knife flying over several meters away?

Have you ever seen a punch break a tree the thickness of an arm?

Have you ever seen a fist surrounded by a faint golden light, and then punched through a 30-centimeter-thick stone?

Since joining the big family, he sees it!

And these martial arts masters in the eyes of ordinary people have only followed that man and practiced for just over a month!

"This should be a mysterious force field, just like the mysterious factor amplifier, but the functions and effects are different..."

The professor pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and then began to write this sentence on the small notebook next to him,

Through the lines revealed on the front paper, we can see some things he recorded before, which are related to the primary spirit gathering array announced by Chen Xuan!

"It's a pity that the angle and distance of the video shooting are too far away, and there is no way to see the specific lines on the rune jade..."

The old professor sighed leisurely,

Otherwise, he could follow the gourd painting and carve these lines on the jade,

At that time, find a few people who have already drawn qi into the body to activate it, and then you can know whether the effect of this thing is the same as he thought.

"It's a pity...it's a pity..."

As the house sighs echo,

In the screen of the live broadcast room,

The little squirrel was almost burned into a black squirrel by the flickering electric arc,

There are only four feet, and they twitch from time to time,

"Ho, ho ho ho ho..."

And Da Huang, who was hiding in the room, after seeing this scene, hugged his stomach and laughed so hard that he couldn't even breathe.

It's the first time I stole Yangqi Pills, Mr. Tiger, I don't care about it,

How dare you send it to your door now?!

I can't see the power failure you!

The corner of Chen Xuan's mouth raised, he got up and walked out of the room,

This is a squirrel with a special bloodline,

Although it has not yet completed the initial awakening, its speed is already unmatched by ordinary creatures.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Rhubarb to sneak directly to the courtyard wall the moment Rhubarb just flew out.

According to Chen Xuan's guess,

This guy should be a descendant of a spirit beast who has completed the second awakening,

It's just that the interval is too long, so its blood is already very thin,

And the reason why there is a trace of returning to the ancestors is probably related to the Yangqi Pills it ate secretly.

"If this little guy can team up with the brown bear, one is responsible for finding and leading the way, and the other is responsible for digging and picking, the speed and efficiency of finding exotic flowers and weeds will also be improved.

A lot, right?"

Chen Xuan came to the vicinity of the Tianyuan Mountain Protector Formation,

then reached out,

approaching the area where the arc flickers,

Grabbed the fainted little squirrel easily from the ground!.

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