Go Crazy! You Call This Level 1 Civilization?

Chapter 185 Chen Da Saw It, And He Wanted To Call Him A Wolf!

"let's start.....…"


Chen Xuan moved the computer and the camera into the house, and began to quiet his mind in the encyclopedia of the law of space,

next moment,

A book wrapped in a layer of mysterious power appeared in his mind,

Even if the divine consciousness is close to the past, it will not be able to see the whole picture of the book clearly through that layer of power!


Just when Chen Xuan drew the true energy in his dantian to the vicinity of this book,

The book, which was originally closed without any response, began to slowly open to the first page.

"Law of space?! Is this the law of space?!"

When the book was completely opened, Chen Xuan couldn't help but pause for a moment,

On the page of the book that was opened, some golden pictures and texts emerged,

It is completely different from ordinary text, and Chen Xuan can't understand the meaning of those pictures and texts.

However, between the lines of those pictures and texts, he felt the power of space,


At the same time there is a deep and unpredictable,

It seems that those pictures and texts are under the perception of his spiritual sense, and it seems that they are in another unknown space, which is completely impossible for people to touch!

Everything is mysterious and mysterious,

People can't figure it out!

"As expected, the Space Law is one of the top-level laws. Even with my god-level comprehension, I can't quickly touch the threshold of the Space Law!" Chen Xuan couldn't help but sighed,

He has tried several times,

But no matter how hard you try, it's like looking at flowers through fog,

I can see some rough outlines, but I can't see the details of the flowers, even the species!

But Chen Xuan is not in a hurry,

After adjusting my mentality again, I mobilized my spiritual consciousness and approached the book of space laws written by "Six Five Three".

If not once, then twice,

If it doesn't work twice, it will be three times.

Once in a while, he can comprehend some space spells and supernatural powers from this book of space laws!

But when Chen Xuan was silently comprehending the laws of space,

rhubarb in the yard,

Now it's time to play,

The bird-shaped talisman puppet bound to it is like a toy that can be controlled by remote control. It directs it to go left and right for a while.

And this guy also let the bird-shaped puppet try to grab a stone the size of a basketball from the ground.

However, this action has accelerated the energy consumption speed of the energy core,

Probably grabbed the stone and flew for a few minutes,

After losing its energy support, the bird-shaped talisman puppet, together with the stone, fell from the air to the ground with a bang.

This sudden turn of events shocked Rhubarb a lot,

I thought I had broken this talisman puppet bird,

But after checking it again, it turned out that the bird-shaped talisman had run out of energy.

After thinking about it,

This guy went to the box and took out some spiritual energy pills. After chewing a few times, he blew on the bird-shaped talisman.

It contains some spiritual energy refined from the spiritual energy pill,

Although there is no way to compare with Chen Xuan's Golden Core Realm True Essence, it can also restore some energy to Fu Puppet's energy core.

And across the yard,

In the live broadcast opened by Yang Wenwen and An Xiaoyu,

After seeing Da Huang's actions, some viewers couldn't help being surprised,

"This bird-shaped talisman was broken by Rhubarb, right? Why did it suddenly fall from the sky?!"

"It shouldn't be broken. Didn't Chen Da said before that the drive of the talisman needs energy, so I guess, this should be because the energy in the energy core has been exhausted."

"But why did Rhubarb blow on that talisman?! Could it be giving artificial respiration to this talisman?!"

"6666, give Fu Puppet artificial respiration, this operation is simply not too coquettish! But when it is doing artificial respiration, why does it need to eat some pills?! Don't say it is for fresh breath?!"

But just when they were curious,

The bird-shaped talisman puppet lying on the ground without power, quickly recovered under Da Huang's artificial respiration.

It's just that compared to before, its movements are still not so sloppy, it seems a little listless,

"Fuck! I know! The reason why Rhubarb took the elixir just now and gave the bird-shaped puppet artificial respiration is actually to recharge it! Don't forget, those elixirs contain the power of heaven and earth. Where's the aura!"

"So that's the case, let me just say, how could it be possible to save that bird-shaped talisman puppet just by taking a few breaths, but Dahuang is so smart that he can still come up with such a way... ..."

"But having said that, why did this bird-shaped talisman run out of energy so quickly? Why is there no problem with the human-shaped talisman that Chen Dada refined before?!"

"Stupid, the talisman puppet refined by Chen Dada used a furnace cauldron before, and the energy core is also bigger, so whether it is quality or the energy in the core, it is not comparable to that bird-shaped talisman!"


They found the answer from the body shapes of the human-shaped talisman puppets and bird-shaped talisman puppets,

However, Bai Ziqi felt that the biggest reason for this was that the quality gap between the two talisman puppets was too great.

Otherwise, the body of a human-shaped talisman is much larger than that of a bird-shaped talisman, and it will consume more energy theoretically.

And the reason why it hasn't run out of energy for so many days,

Most likely, it is because the quality of the energy core is different.

After all, one only aroused one thunderbolt, while the other aroused three thunderbolts,

The difference in essence is several times the difference!

"Falling leaves, are you afraid?"

took a deep breath,

Bai Ziqi's eyes fell on the fallen leaf Tang knife lying on the table,

But what answered him was indeed a hum,

But Bai Ziqi felt fearlessness and firmness in this voice!

"Very good! Then let's go to a higher level together!" Bai Ziqi nodded,

When he was studying the method of making talisman puppets just now, he carefully studied the method and steps of condensing the core of the inscription,

Although after his conception,

The core of the pattern in the Fallen Leaf Tang Dao has been successfully born,

But he always felt that the core of this tool pattern was not stable enough, and the speed of improvement was also very slow.

But today, after listening to Chen Xuan's science popularization, he found that the Fallen Leaf Tang Dao bred by him seemed to be missing something.

That is the test of Thunder!

In the live broadcast room opened by Yang Wenwen and An Xiaoyu, it wasn't the first time he saw that man's refining thing, which caused a thunderbolt to fall from the sky.

Now think about it,

Those thunders are the test of the artifacts,

If you can persist in the past, then the quality of the pet can be improved to a higher level.

at this point,

It can be seen from today's energy core,

Before condensing the core of the inscription to bring down the thunder, when the energy core was placed on the bird-shaped talisman, the puppet could only twitch randomly,

But after triggering the lightning strike, it's completely different,

Although there is also a relationship between rhubarb dripping blood and recognizing the Lord,

But I have to admit that the energy core after Yinlei is completely different from that before Yinlei.

And the man also said,

Lightning is one of the methods, incubator is another method,

If the incubator is better than the method of guiding lightning, then why didn't that man use it himself?

So Bai Ziqi's answer is,

Although the method of guiding lightning is dangerous, it can further improve the quality of the natal spirit weapon!

"Let's go, fallen leaves, let's go to a quiet place..."

Bai Ziqi left the house,

Taking advantage of the darkness, he stepped into the woods outside Baijia Village,

He's going to gamble!

If it succeeds, the quality of the natal spirit weapon will improve. If it fails, he may lose the natal Tang knife that he finally conceived!

But he doesn't care,

As a cultivator who is fighting for his fate, if he dare not even do this, then why should he cultivate immortality?

Wouldn't it be possible to enjoy more glory and wealth by staying honestly in the current realm?

"Where my husband can go, I will definitely be able to do it!"

clenching teeth,

Bai Ziqi soon came to an open forest,

A bright moon hangs in the sky, dotted with a few stars, making the night in the jungle not so dark.

He held the Fallen Leaf Tang Saber tightly with both hands, pulled it out of the scabbard, and stood it on the clearing in the jungle.

Then close your eyes,

According to the method of condensing the core of the inscription, pour some true energy into the Fallen Leaf Tang Dao,

next moment,

Under the guidance of his true energy, the aura of heaven and earth wandering in the forest quickly gathered towards Fallen Leaf Tang Dao!

"not enough!"

"not enough!"

Bai Ziqi gritted his teeth,

After the true energy mixed with Gengjin's power was injected into the Fallen Leaf Tang Dao,

Gradually, the core of the vessel pattern that was originally conceived was also dyed a touch of gold.


The aura of heaven and earth also gathered rapidly, continuously strengthening the original core.

After about three minutes,

Bai Ziqi felt that the core of the device pattern was gradually saturated, and he could no longer absorb the true energy and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth!

Then he retreated without hesitation, pulling away from Luoye Tangdao to a distance of more than ten meters!

In the whole forest, except for the sound of the wind blowing the leaves, everything seemed to disappear.

Even Bai Ziqi's breathing and heartbeat seemed to disappear at this moment.


Two minutes and fifteen seconds!

The thunder that Bai Ziqi was waiting for came down from the sky, and directly struck down on the fallen leaves standing on the ground!



almost at the same time,

A sound of thunder colliding with Tang Dao, surrounded by the sound of electric current,

It kept echoing in Bai Ziqi's ears!

And his head and heart seemed to have been hit by a heavy hammer,


Spit out a mouthful of hot blood from your mouth!

He, who is connected with the spiritual weapon of his life, was naturally affected by the impact of the thunder when the Fallen Leaf Tang Dao was attacked by the power of thunder!

"What a terrifying power, I seem to have seen death just now..."

Bai Ziqi touched the blood at the corner of his mouth, his whole spirit became a little sluggish...

But it's okay,

After sitting on the ground and adjusting his breath for a while, he barely recovered,

Although I still have a headache,

But his consciousness is fully awake, and he no longer feels dizzy as before.


The first thing Bai Ziqi did after he recovered was not to check his injuries,

Instead, he quickly called the Fallen Leaf Tang Dao ten meters away,

buzz buzz!

next moment,

After the Fallen Leaf Tang Dao made a soft sound, it flew towards him!

But the moment he came into contact with the Fallen Leaf Tang Dao, he felt a majestic force from the blade


Although it is also the core of the pattern,

But the texture inside has become more complex than before, and the size of the core has doubled!

"It worked! Me, we made it!"

Bai Ziqi couldn't help getting excited,

Holding the Fallen Leaf Tang Dao in his right hand, he chopped down a big tree in front of him.

Almost without any obstruction, the big tree with a diameter of more than 30 centimeters was chopped into two pieces!

"Is that the difference?"

Bai Ziqi was also stunned by the Fallen Leaf Tang Saber in his hand,

this sharpness,

Even after pouring in the true energy before, he can be barely strong like this?!

And I don't know if it's an illusion,

He always felt that there seemed to be some faint golden lines on the Fallen Leaf Tang Saber, flowing slowly in the blade.

"However, it seems to me that I need to cultivate for a few days before I can make the talisman..."

Bai Ziqi felt his own body,

There is no big problem with the internal organs,

It's just that the spirit was a little unstable in the thunderstorm just now, and was shaken by the connection between him and Luoye Tangdao, and the power transmitted.

It takes a few days to recover.

"However, compared with this injury, the quality of the Fallen Leaf Tang Dao has been improved by at least twice! And my connection with it has become much closer!"

Bai Ziqi felt that this wave was not a loss!


He took his mobile phone and announced the method of Yin Lei's upgrade of his natal spirit weapon to Chen Clan's forum.

hanging out,

Zhou Xiaotong, who discussed with others how to refine Fu Puppet 5.4,

After seeing his post, there was a look of disbelief in his eyes.

"Lightning to enhance the natal spiritual weapon?! And this guy succeeded?!"

It never occurred to her that this senior brother of the Chen family was also an awesome character,

Surprisingly, from the refining method of the talisman puppets announced by the master, I found a way to improve the natal spirit weapon.

"Feixue, do you have the confidence to pass the test of Thunder?"


Zhou Xiaotong looked at the kitchen knife in his arms,

Like Fallen Leaf Tang Dao before, Feixue is also fearless in her answer!

But before she started,

Several posts appeared in the forum, saying that they also tried to use the cohesion method at the core of the inscription to improve their natal spirit weapon,

As a result, a bolt of lightning strikes down,

The kitchen knives they finished with great difficulty were directly dried out, and they were also seriously injured, and they were almost sent away in place!


The news related to this was also spread on the Internet. Chen Xuan, who had comprehended for a whole night and lost a lot of consciousness,

rubbed the temples,

Habitually log in to the V blog to see how many people are preparing to refine talisman puppets.

As a result, I happened to see some debates about guiding thunder to improve natal spiritual weapons,

"Awesome! How to use Thunder Calamity to upgrade the natal spiritual weapon? These guys are simply destructive!"

After Chen Xuan flipped through it for a while, he gave a thumbs up in admiration,

Originally, he thought that someone could use the method of condensing the core of the inscription to deduce the core of the condensate pattern, and the principle of casting a primary spiritual weapon would be good.

Turns out these guys are tougher,

directly applied this method to his natal spiritual weapon,

This is simply the rhythm of a heifer flying on a plane with soaring cowhide!.

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