Go Crazy! You Call This Level 1 Civilization?

Chapter 201 This Is The Power We Should Pursue. Mechas And Genetic Medicines Are All Rubbish!

"This is..…………"

Fran was taken aback,

Eyes fixed on that piece, the red stone that suddenly appeared on the screen of the mecha,

Just judging from the color of the stone, although the whole thing was blood red, what really puzzled him was the direction the stone flew from.


It seems to be the water blue star!

And the speed of this stone is very fast! Almost three times the speed of sound!

But when he was stunned,

That stone had already flown thousands of meters into the void, and collided with the Zerg Queen inside the swarm,

the next moment,

An invisible force is centered on that one, venting out in all directions!

Even the entire body of a lava bug that was closer was shattered in that instant!

It turned into pieces of meat one after another, and the green blood was scattered in the void of the universe, which looked chilling!


Fran in the mech subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva,

"Sir, this stone must have been thrown by your master!"

hardly any hesitation,

He thought of that man directly in his mind,

Mastering the power of space, and just a stone, can destroy the satellite drones above the atmosphere,

Except for him,

Fran couldn't find another person who could kill the Zerg with only one stone.

And it's also the Zerg queen who has reached the IV-level form in the Zerg race!

"Unbelievable! That stone actually possessed such terrifying power?! In the blink of an eye, it killed that level IV Zerg queen?!"

"How did sir manage to attach such a powerful force to that stone?! Even the Zerg queen in the IV form can be easily killed?!"

"It turns out that we have always underestimated Mr., is this the real power of Mr.? He is so strong that he is completely fearless of level 4 bugs!"

"It's terrifying! Just based on the human body, Mister has achieved a distance of hundreds of thousands of miles, killing the Zerg Queen in the I-level form!"

"This is the power we human beings should pursue. Mechas and genetic agents are all rubbish!"

"22 That's right! The path that Mister walked is the path that we humans should walk!"

Everyone couldn't help but get excited,

With practical actions, this man has proved to all of them that the road of development based on technology is not the right one.

Although it is also possible to go down,

But compared with cultivating immortals, technological civilization is the main focus. After reaching a certain point, their development will be difficult.

But the cultivating civilization led by this man is different,

Just based on the human body itself, you can have a strength that is definitely not weaker than Bibi Mecha,

Even without the assistance of any space devices, human beings can reach the point of mastering space power,

Just like those worms, not only the single body is powerful, but also has mastered many special calendar areas!

"Sir, I didn't expect that it would be Mister who made the move in the end..."

High command area of ​​Krypton Tabal,

Commander Maid looked at the Zerg queen crushed by the space force in the picture, and his heart seemed very complicated.

Originally, they planned to kill all the Zerg team when the Zerg had just arrived, so as not to expose the coordinates of the blue star.

In the end, I didn't expect that when it came time to hunt and kill the Zerg team, it was Mr. who did it himself.

And the person who promised to protect Shui Lanxing and the husband, was protected by the husband in turn.

But this also further proves the power of cultivating immortals,

It also made Mai De more determined to change the entire Krypton Tabal into a civilization of cultivating immortals.

Because that man has already proved with practical actions that the power of human beings is no worse than that of Zerg, and even after the technology has been developed to the extreme,

It's just a process in cultivating immortals, or there are some similar steps!

"Huh? How did that bug die? Generally speaking, the mecha that launched a sneak attack at this time should come out, right?"

In the family building of the College of Chinese Medicine,

Old Professor Zhou looked at the screen with some doubts. After the giant bug was hit by a seemingly inconspicuous stone, it turned into a puddle of mud in a short while.

But the rescue mech that launched the attack did not appear,

Not only did the screen not change as it seemed, but even the mech that was obviously not hit,

It also seems to be broken, floating in the universe without moving,

There is only a touch of red light in the two eyes!

Zhou Xiaotong beside him couldn't help but rolled his eyes,

This isn't a movie at all, is it?

But what happened to the attack just now? Could it be that Mr. released it?!

She tried her best to recall the scene just now, but the stone was too fast,

She could only see a red glow in the image processed by the dish-level detector. In the dark universe, she quickly shot towards the Zerg Queen!

But she was a little curious, how did that man do it?

Can it actually transmit power to the vicinity of the moon?

Is this still human?!

"Forget it, don't watch it, this movie is too boring, I'd better go outside for tea..."

Old Professor Zhou glanced at his phone with some heartache,

Although it has now escaped from Zhou Xiaotong's clutches, it is a pity that it has already changed beyond recognition.

Not to mention the mobile phone, you can only see the traces of one finger after another on it, other than that, there is no way to distinguish the buttons on it.

"Grandpa, why don't I pay you one another day?" Zhou Xiaotong scratched the back of his head in embarrassment,

Old Professor Zhou waved his hand: "No need, I'll just go and buy one myself later, otherwise those old guys won't be able to contact me..."

"That's fine, I'll continue watching TV for a while." Zhou Xiaotong said casually,

Then he ran to the computer immediately, and sat down on the chair again.

The corner of Old Professor Zhou's mouth twitched slightly, and he still walked out of the room with his mobile phone.

But as soon as he left, Zhou Xiaotong moved the screen on the computer to the live broadcast room of Yang Wenwen and An Xiaoyu,

Only at this time,

Chen Xuan still raised his head, looking at the direction of the sky above his head, with his hands slightly behind his back,

The breath of the whole body is introverted, and I can't feel any changes in peacetime at all.

"Deviated by some distance?" Chen Xuan suddenly muttered,

But that stone carried a part of his sky-slashing and sword-drawing technique, and after merging with the law of space,

Not only has the power to shuttle in the void, it can even burst out powerful space power, forming a range attack similar to space cutting.

It's just a pity that there was a slight deviation in his calculations, which caused the coordinates of the blood spirit jade to appear slightly deviation.

Otherwise, the mecha that was fighting the bugs would not be nearly completely paralyzed, and the entire mech, with more than 75% of the area, was flickering with electric light.

And the area that was contaminated with those red melts was still red at this time, being burned by the high temperature crazily!

"Huh? There are bugs in that meteorite?"



Chen Xuan's gaze was in the worm nest that looked like a meteorite, and he found a bigger worm.

On the gray-black exoskeleton, there seems to be an unusually dazzling metallic luster,

and after it came out,

One after another, several bugs crawled from inside to the nest, staring at the almost immobile humanoid mecha.

"Would that thing be a worm nest? But I wonder if it can block my Explosive Star Flame?"

There was a trace of curiosity in Chen Xuan's eyes,

Last time when the Extremely Explosive Xingyan cultivated to the second level, the temperature had already reached about 12,000 degrees.

As for the third level, he can cultivate when he enters the Golden Core Realm,

Just use that worm nest to try the effect,

However, the extremely explosive Xingyan on the second floor seems to have exploded before flying very far. This time, we need to use a better quality carrier!

"By the way, maybe I can use the Immortal Slaying Flying Knife to carry it. Although it is a primary spiritual weapon, it is not very useful for my current state..."

Chen Xuan rubbed his chin, and quickly thought of the Immortal Zhan Flying Knife lying in the storage ring,

There are three handles in total,

And now that he has Ziqing Flying Sword, there is almost no difference between whether he has the three Immortal Slaying Flying Swords or not.

"Let's condense the extremely explosive Xingyan of the third level first, and hope that the guy in the mecha will not be eaten by those bugs..."

Chen Xuan had a thought,

Then he directly raised his right hand, and began to condense the third level of Extreme Explosion Xingyan according to the condensation method of Extreme Explosion Xingyan.

First a blue flame burst out in his hand with a bang,

The tumbling flames startled the four young men and women in the yard next door.

Originally they stayed here just to see if there was someone hiding inside that metal man,

As a result, they never expected that they would see such a shocking scene,

this man,

He actually raised his hand and a fireball appeared, and it was a blue fireball with a very strange color!

Just before they open their mouths to discuss,

The color of the flame in Chen Xuan's hand changed again, and a touch of extreme white was born from it!

As if the temperature there has climbed to an extreme, it has produced a qualitative change!


This is not the final form of that flame!

Chen Xuan continued to move the real essence, pouring it in quickly,

"Three floors, five floors......... Seven floors..."

With the continuous injection of true energy, Chen Xuan felt that his body was about to be hollowed out,

It took a full seven layers to condense the third form of Extremely Explosive Xingyan!

At this moment, in his hand, the flame that was white on the inside and blue on the outside began to change further,

The white inside spread to the outside, and the blue outside began to shrink towards the inside of the flame.

But the four young men and women in the yard next door felt different meanings in the change of the flame.

It's obviously just a small flame,

Obviously there is a distance of more than ten meters between them,

But with a gust of wind blowing from the yard, they actually felt a terrifying temperature that scorched their cheeks and made them ache.

even at the end,

They even felt a terrifying temperature when they breathed, burning their airways and lungs, and they started to hurt!

Yang Wenwen and An Xiaoyu, who were in the opposite yard, stared wide-eyed.

"Dada Chen, is he doing magic tricks? How could a ball of flames start burning just by raising his hand?"

Yang Wenwen shook his head, then guessed and said: "I don't know

Dao, maybe this is why Chen Dada announced the Lihuo Sutra before..."

But Zhou Xiaotong, who watched their live broadcast, shook his head at 930,

What she practiced was the Lihuo Sutra in the Five Elements Kungfu, and she also reached the first level of the Qi training realm of opening up the dantian.

But the flame she condenses is not this blue or white,

but a very common red,

And it can't burn in a vacuum environment!

"This should be a power beyond the Lihuo Sutra!" Zhou Xiaotong muttered with certainty,

At the same time, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief,

This man is ready to take the second shot, and it is still a high-temperature flame that has a strong restraint on bugs!

the other side,

The Krypton Tabal in the virtual world has a crazy look on his face!

"Well, this flame seems to be a little different from last time. Could it be more powerful than last time's one with white inside and blue outside?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Didn't you see that the temperature on it has risen to more than 20,000 degrees?!"

"Hiss of horror! More than 20,000 degrees! Mister doesn't want to use this kind of flame to burn those bugs to death?!"

"It's not a loss, sir, it's a sir, and the cards in the hole are better than the one!"

"But how should the sir send these flames up? Last time the stone just reached the atmosphere, it took more than ten minutes..."

"Stupid? Just now, sir, you used a red stone to kill a Zerg Queen in the form of a IV. Now it's not difficult to throw another one, right?"

But the moment his voice just fell,

Chen Xuan in the picture took out a flying knife from the storage ring,

At the same time, the Extremely Explosive Xingyan in his right hand also poured into the Immortal Zhan Flying Knife just taken out!

The white and blue flames then wrapped around the flying knife, beating slowly like a heart,


Chen Xuan once again blessed the flying knife with a sky-slashing sword technique and the law of space, roughly calculating the distance,

Only then did he project the Immortal-Chopping Flying Knife and the Explosive Star Flame floating in his hand towards the sky above his head again!


The burning flame on the flying knife pulled out a very long tail,

The speed is much faster than the red stone just now!

In just three or two breaths, the flying knife has already reached an altitude of three thousand meters!

Then a ripple appeared in the void,

The fast-moving Immortal-Chopping Flying Knife disappeared without a trace as if it had broken through the space!

at the same time,

Ripples suddenly appeared in a void near the moon,

The flying knife that disappeared just now also pierced through the center of that ripple in the next moment, carrying endless terrifying high-temperature flames,

Shoot straight at the Zerg queen who just appeared not long ago and hasn't had time to get close to the mech!.

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