Go Crazy! You Call This Level 1 Civilization?

Chapter 207 Fran: This Is Something That Belongs To Mr., I Want To Send It Back To Mr.

"What, what is this?!"

Leo was directly stunned by the sudden appearance of Fran!

The white light almost enveloped that person's entire body, making him look like a god, full of endless majesty!

Leo tried hard to open his eyes, trying to see clearly what the figure inside looked like through the halo.

As a result, no matter how hard he tried, he only saw a humanoid figure slowly flapping the wings behind him in that layer of light curtain!


In Leo's heart, a name subconsciously emerged,

holy light!


Just these two things can make him understand that this sudden creature may be the legendary angel serving the Lord!

"Ward God! This, isn't this the legendary angel?! The holy light and the wings on the back are exactly the same as the angels described in the Bible!"

"Unbelievable! I didn't expect that the angels described by our bishops in the United States would be real!"

"Believe in the Lord and gain eternal life! Starting today, I will be the most devout believer of the Lord!"

"The Lord said that all the filth in the world will be purified by the holy light. The Lord said that believers who believe in me will have eternal life..."


The United States exploded directly!

If the video released by Ron just now makes people doubt the authenticity of the Lord,

Well, now this suddenly appearing angel can completely prove the existence of the Lord!

at the same time,

This also proves that the guy named Ron is the messenger chosen by the Lord!

"The sacred vessel was born, and the angel descended. Is this my main return to the world?"


bishop's church,

An old man with wrinkles on his face, with a crazy look on his face!

Then he knelt down in front of the statue and began to pray very devoutly!

while on the other side,

The pope, the supreme manager of the bishop, also knelt down under the statue,

At the same time, he felt very wise for his decision!

The man named Ron is the spokesperson chosen by the Lord in the world,

That's why he was able to discover the location of the holy vessel, and through prayers, extinguish the holy flame that protects the holy vessel from being stained by evil spirits.

even now,

Even the angels who serve the Lord have descended to the world, preparing to bestow the holy artifacts on mankind in person!

"Come on! Let me know that as long as Bishop Ron welcomes back the Lord's Hallows, his status will be equal to mine, and his status will be promoted to the envoy of our religion!"


The pope stood up from the ground, and once again, like the envoy appointed by the Lord, threw the olive branch.

at the same time,

After getting the news, Ron became even more swollen,

"Praise the Lord, the glory of the Lord be with us!"

At the same time, he was very excited!


There really are angels in this world!

And he also personally descended to the mortal world, giving his appointed believers to accept the Lord's Hallows!

All this was like a dream, which made him completely unbelievable!

However, after he pinched his own house with his hand in the scientific research uniform,

After that, his whole body woke up under the severe pain,

All this is true!

The Holy Flame of the Pure World Comes to the World!

The Lord's Holy Artifact Comes to Dust!

Even the angels who serve the Lord have descended!


He is the chosen human spokesperson!

And in Amy's research room,

The complexions of Villiers and Lilith obviously became uglier than before,

That small knife is not only the sacred weapon of the Lord, even the angels in the Bible have appeared now!

no doubt,

starting today,

Jack's scientific research room in Wales will be famous throughout the United States!

Even directly into the annals of history!

And their research room,

Maybe it is impossible to surpass in this life,

After all, the Holy Artifact of the Lord cannot be encountered casually.

At least since ancient times,

Even in those unscrupulous biblical legends, the number of times the Lord's Hallows and angels descended is also very small!

Xia Guo,

Everyone in Part 749 was also dumbfounded,

Especially Lu Jian,

He clearly remembered that this small knife should belong to that Shenlongjia,

How did it suddenly become a bishop's thing?

And now all the angels have appeared!

Although it doesn't look very real,

But through that layer of white holy light, you can still vaguely see the people inside, with two wings-like things growing on their backs!

"Damn it, could it be that the birdmen from the west want to take it for themselves after discovering Mr.'s weapon?" A captain of Unit 749 said,

After the meteorite exploded before, he went to watch Yang Wenwen and An Xiaoyu's live broadcast room,

Some time before the meteorite fell down, that man once condensed a mass of white flames,

Then it was attached to a small knife and thrown towards the sky!

Be it flame or knife,

They are all exactly the same as those floating in the universe!

So he thinks,

It is very likely that the angel found the knife and wanted to keep it for himself!

Moreover, the people in the country of America directly made this small knife their master by default, and gave them the sacred weapon of the master to purify the world!

"Perhaps we will be able to explain this matter to my husband. If it is only the United States, we will not be afraid at all."

"But it involves the legendary angels. With our strength, it is almost difficult to get back from their hands..." Lu Jian's eyes flickered with helplessness,

Although with the help of that man, they obtained that holy place for cultivation,

But not to mention their strength is not as good as that man's, even the Chen Clan named after him is inferior!

At least the strongest among them has just reached the state of penetrating thirty-five meridians.

There is still some distance to open up Qihai Dantian!

But just as they were about to leave the conference room and head to Shenlongjiao,

In the images captured by the satellite,

After the "angel" put away the knife, he didn't hand it over to the astronaut who was close at hand.

Instead, it flew towards the water blue star without looking back!

"What's going on?!" Lu Jian was a little puzzled,

The other people in the entire conference room also showed curiosity on their faces,

This angel...... Wasn't it arranged by the Americans?

And it wasn't just them who were shocked,

Miguo watched the live broadcast broadcast by Ron, and was stunned by the angel's actions without hesitation.

"Isn't this the angel sent by the Lord after Ron prayed?! Why would he ignore that believer at all?!"

"Could it be that he felt that this believer was not pious enough?! That's why he was ignored by the angel of the Lord?!"

"I found out that this astronaut is called Nali, and she is a married woman. She is no longer a pure person, so the angel will not give her the holy artifact!

"What?! There is such a saying?! Then am I not qualified to obtain the holy artifact?!"

"That's right, you are no longer qualified. The only ones who are qualified to receive the Lord's gift are holy women, that is, holy women..."


Some Americans found the key reason,

And Ron, who saw the content of these discussions, also pretended to be helpless and sighed,

"Sure enough, it still doesn't work?"

"I thought that as long as she was devout enough, Nali would be able to obtain the Lord's gift, but it seems that she still can't..."

"Then what should we do?! Are we just looking at the angel and taking away the Lord's holy vessel?!" Wales was a little anxious,

If they miss the sacred artifact this time, they will lose their chance to be recorded in the annals of history!

"Don't worry, don't you see that the angel is flying towards us? Maybe it wants to come to the water blue star and look for a pious and holy believer again!" Ron looked at Fran flying in the universe, very confident said,

But this time,

Nali, who is in space, can't accept this fact,

"Why?! Why don't you look me in the eye?! I'm so religious!"

Nali's emotions began to become agitated,

I finally met the angel in the legend, and I still have a chance to get the Lord's Hallows,

But that angel didn't even look at her, and took away the sacred artifact that was supposed to be given to her!


I must not give up!

Nali quickly activated the thrusters on the spacesuit, and chased in the direction Fran left.

She even separated the rope from the spacesuit in order to get rid of the shackles of the leash,

"Crazy woman! The crazy woman!"

Leo in the spaceship couldn't help shouting,

Although there are two oxygen cylinders built into the back of the space suit, they can only last for 20 minutes.

And without the traction rope, even if he was driving the spaceship, it would be difficult to bring her back!

"Wait! You can't go!"

Nali let out a silent roar in space!

Fran in front passed the detector, felt an object approaching, and paused in the void,

I saw the white-skinned woman just now flying towards me like crazy,

"Turn on language scanning...."

"Open successfully..."


Fran heard the sound of the miniature mecha after processing, and knew why the woman flew towards him desperately.

"Sorry, this is something that belongs to Mr., I want to send it back to Mr.......

Fran spoke directly,

However, under the processing of the miniature mecha, his voice turned into something similar to radio waves,

spread out in all directions,

Even the satellites near Shuilanxing can capture some intermittently!


the next moment,

The entire United States, even using satellites to monitor the satellite bases there, all exploded at this moment!

"The language of Xia Kingdom?! This angel actually speaks the language of Xia Kingdom?!"

"Sir?! He said it belonged to Mr.?! Isn't that the Lord's sacred weapon?! Or, this guy is not an angel at all?! It's just a disguise from the gods of Xia Kingdom?!"

"Then where is our angel?! The gods of Xia Kingdom are already stealing the Lord's holy artifact! Why haven't the angels appeared yet?!"

"Damn Xia Guo! He turned into an angel to deceive us!"

"That's right! That's our holy artifact! No matter what! We have to get it back! It only belongs to our country of America!"

Americans are shocked and angry!

To their surprise,

That country in the east actually has a god that only exists in legends,

And the angry ones are,

This god has shamelessly turned into an angel they believe in, and snatched the sacred artifact of their lord!

They even distorted the facts and said that their sacred artifacts belonged to Mr. What!

"Damn it! This angel is actually an Eastern god in disguise!

Heresy! Heresy!"

In Jack's research room,

Ron's crazy roar!

Wales next to him seemed to feel his anger,

But what he is more concerned about now is how to get that sacred artifact back!

Otherwise, their plan to land on the moon has failed this time, and the holy artifact has not been obtained!

All inputs will go down the drain!

But in Amy's scientific research room on the other side, Lilith and Villiers couldn't help laughing happily,

"Villiers, this reversal is too big, isn't it? The angel who was believed and praised by people just now became that man's person the next moment?!" Lilith exaggerated

big mouth,

Compared with those ignorant guys, she knows who the gentleman in the mouth of the "angel" is,

Even when the Amy satellite spacecraft was shot down, she knew the man's name,

Chen Xuan,

And many people will respectfully call him Mr.

And she heard from the friend she asked to inquire about that the man possessed the same power as in oriental myths and legends.

Totally beyond the human level!

Now it seems,

Isn’t that man beyond the human level?!

Even this super (excellent) life form who looks like an angel should respectfully call him Mister!

"It's a good thing we didn't act rashly, but that old Welsh guy is too stupid to be fooled by a new scientific researcher, believing that it's a gift from the Lord..." Wei

Lear also breathed a sigh of relief at the moment,

The same gentle smile appeared on his face again,

But a female assistant next to her couldn't help but roll her eyes,

I didn't know who it was just now, so I was so nervous there?

Even the hands are clenched tightly, almost losing any blood color?

But she was also surprised,

Forget about the angel and the so-called Lord's Hallows,

Now comes another Mr. What?!

this world,

What the hell is going on???

at the same time,

in space,

Nali was stunned by what Fran said,

"Xia Guo dialect?! Why did the angel speak Xia Guo dialect?"

She couldn't believe her ears,

It is also full of incredible looks,

but unfortunately,

As a native of the United States, she couldn't understand the words passed by the miniature mechs!

And Fran in the distance didn't pay attention,

Because of Zhanxian Flying Knife, the camouflage force field of the miniature mecha has been disturbed,

He must leave here as soon as possible to avoid exposing himself to the eyes of the Shuilan people for a long time,

Otherwise, once his identity is exposed, he may cause some unnecessary troubles for himself,

As for the fair-skinned woman,

as human beings,

Naturally, he wouldn't do anything to her, but he wouldn't send her back to the spaceship either.


Fran's figure quickly turned into a ray of light, and flew back in the direction of the subspace,

Nali was left alone, alone in the universe,

Looking at Fran's disappearing figure at a loss, he finally disappeared into the void in the distance.

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