Go Crazy! You Call This Level 1 Civilization?

Chapter 209 The Farce Is Over! That Man's Power Is No Longer Within The Grasp Of Humans!

"Ron! I regret to tell you that because of your deceit, the reputation of our scientific research room has plummeted! Starting today, you are no longer a member of our scientific research room!"

After watching the video released by Keyboard and Fran, Wales became a bit decadent.

Although he was reluctant to believe it, he sent the video to his friend who specializes in special effects,

After careful research and analysis, he finally got a reply from that friend,

All videos are real,

without any falsehood,

And on a photo given by his friend, he also saw the word - Amy,

That is Amy's scientific research laboratory affiliated to the United States,

Like their Jack Research Laboratory, they specialize in the research and development of satellite and aerospace technology,

The Amy satellite spacecraft is said to be their latest scientific research product.

"No! Mr. Wales! You listen to my explanation! This is all a hoax! These videos are all synthesized by them!" Ron roared crazily,

It seems that under the stimulation of those videos, some people are going crazy!

"No need to explain, are you going out by yourself? Or should I call the security to ask you out?" Wales shook his head directly,

Now, this guy actually wants to continue making up lies?!

Although he wanted to believe it was true,

But all the righteous masters have come out,

What can he do?!

Especially the strength displayed by that man!

It just condensed a mass of white flames, and directly ignited a meteorite with a diameter of nearly ten kilometers.

And burned into nothingness!

that power,

It is no longer within the grasp of human beings!

And there is that angel-like life,

Though shrouded in white light,

But the satellite camera can vaguely capture that the man was not wearing any protective equipment,

Just wearing a rather weird costume.

"Stop! I don't want to leave! This is my research room! I am the Lord's spokesperson! You can't drive me away!"

Pulled by the security guards, Ron was kicked out of the scientific research room.

Even as soon as he was thrown out on his front foot,

A communication from the bishop appeared on the screen,

"Ron Cage! Pretend to be an envoy! Offend the gods! Excommunicate the bishop from now on! Eternal life will never return!"

Wales glanced at the contents,

Like his decision,

After watching those videos, the bishop's people could easily discern who was real and who was fake in what Ron said to the mysterious false angel.

"However, how did that man shrouded in light do it?! He was able to cross the universe just by relying on his physical body without using any protective equipment? Could it be that he is really the fairy god in the Xia Kingdom myth?"

Wales thought with some doubts,

Although he doesn't know much about Xia Guo, but from his chats with those friends in Xia Guo, he knows more or less some legends about immortals and gods.

"By the way, maybe I can personally contact the people in Amy's research room about the satellite spacecraft and ask them for confirmation..."


Wales picked up the phone and called Amy's research office,

Lilith, who was eating melons, was soon interrupted by Villiers' voice,

"Lilith, Wales from Jack's lab called and said he has something to discuss with you."

"Come in..."

Lilith looked away from the screen, and then spoke to Villiers.


Welsh voices sounded in the observation room,

"Miss Lilith, I'm sorry to disturb you so early, I have a question to ask you, do you have time?"

"Dear Mr. Wales, we are all scientific researchers engaged in satellite and aerospace technology. Speaking of it, we can be regarded as a person who eats a bowl of rice. If you have anything to say, you can just say it. I will know everything and say everything.. ..." A slight smile appeared on Lilith's face,

Not that she meant to curry favor with Wales,

But she understood in her heart why this old guy would choose to call to visit at this time,

"Thank you very much Miss Lilith, it's like this, I saw a satellite spacecraft with Amy on it in a video on the Internet...

"And I just heard that you seem to be starting research in this area, so I want to ask, is there any relationship between that satellite spacecraft and your scientific research base?"

Wales asked very tactfully,

It didn't even clearly point out that the satellite spacecraft was in Lilith's scientific research room.

But Lilith didn't hide anything, she nodded generously and said, "That's right, that satellite spacecraft belongs to our scientific research room, and it's the same one that shows BJ-# on the screen..."

"Our satellite spacecraft was destroyed by a stone wrapped in flames, and no wreckage has been found yet..


next moment,

Lilith clearly heard Welsh gasp from the loudspeaker,

After a long while, he slowly came back to his senses and said: "Thank you very much Miss Lilith, I will visit the old man another day and thank Miss Lilith personally.

"Mr. Wales, you are being polite. This is what I should do." Lilith still kept a smile on her face,

She waited until the Welsh communication was cut off before she couldn't help laughing,

"Hehehehe...Wales' expression must be very funny just now, right? It's a pity he made an audio communication, otherwise we can still take a look at his shocked look..."

Villiers next to him also smiled and said, "That's right, it was so funny to see him being tricked by Ron before, and he took that liar as the God's envoy."

"But now he can't be arrogant anymore. Ron's lies were exposed by the video of the oriental man. Now even if he drives Ron out of the scientific research room, it will not help their reputation loss."

"That's right, but that man in the east is really mysterious. He was able to throw a flying knife with flames near the moon? I really don't know how he did it..." Lilith's eyes widened with a smile. It's almost turning into a crescent moon,

At the same time, her eyes continued to look at the man in the picture,

in addition,

She also finally knew where their satellite ship went,

Sure enough, as she had guessed before, it was destroyed by the stone thrown by the man.

And the broken fuselage was also burned into nothingness by that blue flame,

Not even a speck of residue was left behind!

"I really don't know what is the relationship between the living body covered in this white light and this man? Why do you call that man Mr.?"

Lilith thought curiously of the figure shrouded in white light she saw in the satellite image,

Although it looks like it has a pair of wings and is covered with holy light,

But what flew out of his mouth was fluent Xia language,

But she was a little puzzled,

How did the words of that strange person spread in the vacuum?

And it also spread from the moon to the vicinity of the water blue star?

And where did he go in the end?

Why did the space above the atmosphere suddenly disappear so suddenly?!

But at this moment,

The chat between Fran and Zhou Xiaotong is about to end,

"Xiaotong, I think you have also seen it. I brought back Mr.'s Immortal-Chopping Flying Knife in the universe. I will send it back with a collector later. When the time comes, I will trouble you to make a trip and give it to me." Mister send it back..."

"No problem, this matter is on me." Zhou Xiaotong agreed very happily,

for no other reason,

Because only in this way, can she justifiably go to Shenlongjia and meet that man!

Although Chen Xuan did not say clearly,

But this is the default rule of the Chen family all along,

Even those audience fans on the Internet are very conscious not to disturb that man's life,

because they are afraid,

Worried that after suddenly appearing there, it will arouse the disgust of that man,

In the end, the science popularization live broadcast of "Into Science" was stopped.

At that time, once the pot is taken away, even the senior brother of the Chen Clan, Bai Ziqi, may not be able to bear the consequences!

After all, the anger of hundreds of thousands of people, even an immortal cultivator at the Qi training level, has no way to resist it!

"Okay, you will open the window later, and I will send the collector through the window..." Fran nodded,

Holding the Immortal Slaying Flying Knife in his hand, he carefully put it into the collector next to him,

After making sure everything is safe,

He turned his head and said to Alpha who was floating next to him: "Alpha, send the collector to Xiaotong..."

"Good sir, the target coordinates have been entered, and we will arrive in an hour..." Alpha flashed red,


The collector lying flat on the metal table automatically flew up from the control room,

Leave the spaceship under the control of the internal chip, break through the subspace barrier, and fly in the direction of the water blue star,

"Fortunately, after the Master's Immortal Slaying Flying Knife was placed in the collector, it did not cause any interference or influence on the anti-detection device on the collector."

After watching the collector leave the subspace, Fran showed a look of relief on his face,

...asking for flowers...

If there is a problem with the anti-reconnaissance device on the collector, it is afraid that it will be discovered by the satellites all over the water blue star just after it leaves the subspace.

"Fortunately, their technology is only at level 0.7, otherwise my subspace would have been exposed long ago..." Fran sighed slightly,

But he felt that the subspace he opened up may have been written by Chu Yao,

Otherwise, how could he help himself twice in a row when he was fighting against the Zerg?

"I hope one day, I can also personally say thank you to Mr. in front of him..." Fran sighed slightly,


He took his natal spiritual weapon to set the sun,

Driving the miniature mecha, flew out of the subspace,

Next, he will use the cohesion method at the core of the inscription to improve the quality of his natal spiritual weapon,

But as before, certainly not in the region of the atmosphere above the Amazon Basin,

After all it was thunder,

If the core of the condenser pattern is above the atmosphere, once the thunder strikes down,

It is estimated that even he has to fall from mid-air!

The power of thunder is not inferior to the electromagnetic shock waves emitted by electric insects,

Can easily disable technical equipment!

But if he chose the moon as the place to upgrade his natal spiritual weapon,

That way, even if six lightning strikes fell down in a row, he and the setting sun would not fall towards Shui Lanxing!

"let's start!"


Fran took a deep breath,

Then pour the aura of heaven and earth in the dantian into the blade of the setting sun!

A meridian!



Three Meridians!

As time goes by,

After Fran completely exhausted the aura of heaven and earth in his meridians,

The core of the pattern in the setting sun can be condensed and formed!

"Huh? These heaven and earth auras are..."


In the void on the moon, Fran felt an aura of heaven and earth flying over from behind the hill not far away.

One after another, they approached the natal spiritual weapon he placed on the ground.

But just when he was about to check it out,

In the void area above the moon, a roaring sound of thunder suddenly appeared!

And with a click,

Blue arcs illuminate the ground nearby!

In order to avoid being photographed by satellites near Aquamarine, the area he chose was just on the back of the moon,

It's dark here,

You can only see the universe and stars in the distance!

But this flash of lightning, like a continuously flowing electric light, illuminates this area!


The power of Thunder collided head-on with Fran's natal spiritual weapon standing on the ground, and countless blue electric currents erupted in an instant!


Fran's mouth was sweet,

A wisp of red blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, making him feel his internal organs were a little hot,

At the same time, he felt as if his head had been hit hard by a heavy hammer.

Let him almost fall to the ground!

"Fortunately, the thunder tribulation of the setting sun has finally survived safely. Although my spirit has suffered some shocks, there is no major problem......"

Fran wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth,

Then he gritted his teeth and walked towards the sunset knife!

A faint arc flickers,

But when he walked over, the sand on the moon had completely returned to normal,

And there is no residual arc!


Fran snorted,

The sunset knife standing on the surface of the moon flew up from the ground in an instant,

And after flying around him for a while, it fell into his hands!

That's right!

After experiencing the thunder disaster, the sunset knife not only improves the quality of the core of the pattern, but also

Even the connection with his opinion has faintly increased!

Although there is no way to fly in the air for too long, but at least it can turn in mid-air now!

"Let's go, let's go there to see what is there, it can actually exude the aura of heaven and earth......"

Fran took a break,

Then he stroked the blade of Luo Ri Dao, and approached the small hill where he felt the aura of heaven and earth just now.


The metal wings behind the miniature mecha flap,

His figure swept over a distance of hundreds of meters in an instant, and appeared above that hill,

It's just that when his eyes looked towards the nearby ground,

His body seemed to be struck by lightning, he was frozen in mid-air, and even his heartbeat couldn't help but slow down by half a beat!.

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