Go Crazy! You Call This Level 1 Civilization?

Chapter 240 Maybe The Current Aquamarine Is Just The Epitome Of A Certain Super Civilization

"Dear Commander, I am about to contact you..."

As soon as Ens' figure was projected from the control room, his eyes turned to Mai De.

And Mai De raised his hand, motioning for him to stop first,

Then he continued: "Ens, put your question aside for now, I got another very important piece of news from my husband, maybe I already know the origin of those bugs..."

"About the origin of the Zerg?" Ensi's face showed a hint of curiosity.

"That's right!" Maid nodded very seriously,

"This is the latest thing that Mister announced. Take a look at the content first, maybe you will know what I think."


Through Skynet, Maid sent the Soul Imprint Condensation Method downloaded from the virtual world to Ens.

Ensi, who was a little confused, quickly opened the information he had just received,

But the next moment,

There was an unbelievable look in his eyes!

"This, how is this possible?! Animals, animals can also use mysterious factors to strengthen their bodies and change their genes and blood vessels?!"

"And what does this low-level spirit beast mean? Is it just the lowest spirit beast?"

There was a trace of doubt in Enns' eyes.

But even more shocking!

Elementary spirit beasts can only be compared with the works of cultivating immortals in the Qi training realm,


This completely exceeded his expectations!

Before starting this research, he went to the virtual world and made up some related information.

There are things like "five forty zero" for introducing qi into the body and cultivating immortals and practicing qi.

That kind of non-human existence can be compared with only a low-level spirit beast?

"How about it, Ensi, after reading this document, what do you think in your heart?" Maid's voice awakened Ensi who was in a daze.

"Your Excellency Commander, what do you mean to say that those Zerg races are most likely a kind of spirit beast mutated from bugs?"

Ensi took a deep breath, and then slowly expressed the guess in his heart.

Mai De nodded: "That's right, otherwise, how would you explain that the bodies of those bugs contain the mysterious factors we need?"

"But Commander, if those Zerg races are spirit beasts, isn't their strength a little too weak? After all, in this document, only elementary spirit beasts are weaker than immortal cultivators at the Qi training level." Want to be even stronger?!" Ensi asked with some doubts,

After all, according to his understanding, it seems that the immortal cultivators who have reached the Qi training state on the water blue star can already compete with the bugs in the I-level elite form.

If you use that kind of thing called natal spirit weapon, it is not impossible to kill bugs in the IV form!

"That's right, but don't forget that there are records about mutant beasts in that document! Before ordinary animals can grow into spirit beasts, they still need to undergo mutations.

"And the mutation stage is exactly divided into three parts [corresponding to the I-level, V-level and II-level forms in the Zerg!"

There was a look of wisdom in Mai De's eyes,

At this time, he seemed to be transformed into a wise man, quickly analyzing the similarities between Zerg and spirit beast in his mind.

And as his analysis continued to deepen, he found that these seem to be very easily related and explained clearly!

"Then, Commander, according to your opinion, the Zerg's level I, II and form can overlap with the three stages of the mutant beast, so is the Zerg too strong?" Ensi said the collected The data were compared,

The tiger in that man's yard seems to be a mutant beast that has undergone two or three transformations.

The strength is not much worse than the genetic warrior injected with the fourth-level genetic medicine,

But with its physical strength, it seems that it is a bit difficult to deal with ordinary I-level bugs.

How can it be comparable to bugs?

But before his words fell, Commander Maid said: "Ens, maybe you have forgotten their racial differences, this is like the ordinary human race and the Titan human race among us humans.

"Compared with our Kryptonian Tabars in strength, what chance do you think we have of winning?"

"And what do you think, after the Titans start cultivating immortals, how far will they have from us?"

In Ensi's eyes, there was also a look of sudden realization at this moment.

just human,

There are huge differences between them, not to mention those bugs and ordinary animals.

After all, if the bug's strength and exoskeleton are placed at the same size, it is almost the most invincible existence among all living organisms.

After the tiger has evolved three times, it can be compared to a second-level bug, which seems to be considered very remarkable.

"Your Excellency Commander, according to your analysis, wouldn't those bugs also be able to use this soul imprint, contract them into our spiritual pets, and fight with us?" Ensi's eyes instantly revealed A touch of madness!

Mai De nodded: "Yes, this is also the main reason I am looking for you this time!"


As early as just now, this idea had already emerged in Mai De's heart,

Contract those worms into their contract beasts, and then let them fight each other through the battle between worms!

And they humans can sit back and enjoy the benefits without spending any extra troops!

"I know Your Excellency, Commander. I will study the feasibility of this method in the next time. In addition, Professor Wade and Professor Victor have also made great achievements in this research. breakthrough!"

Erns nodded, copied the information and saved it in his private database.

This is a recorder made of special materials, as long as the contents are stored in it, nothing will be lost.

Even if the recorder is damaged, there will be no problems with the contents inside!

"Very good! Ernes, the future of our Krypton Tabal, the future of our mankind depends entirely on you!" Maid's face showed a serious look.

Ens also raised his right hand to his chest and shouted: "For all mankind!"


Only then did he send his own research results, as well as the progress of Wade and Victor to Med.

"It turns out that under the action of the mysterious factor, the Tianyuan shield can continuously replenish energy, as long as the energy inside is not completely consumed in a short period of time, it can absorb the mysterious factor by itself to replenish and repair the supported energy field. …”

A trace of surprise was instantly written on Mai De's face,

But soon he reacted again,

These things are all reasonable, otherwise, he didn't see that the man arranged the formations in the yard, and he didn't see anything like adding true energy into them.


Mai De looked at another piece of information,

The above records are some researches of Erns on the Zerg,

First of all, regarding artificially cultivated insects, their bodies do not have the mysterious factors they need,

As for the reason, Erns also made some simple guesses and analysis.

Matt agrees with this very much.

"Those bugs should be able to extract mysterious factors from other substances through special digestive organs. y

"However, since they are spirit beasts mutated from bugs, it is not surprising that they have a method of extracting mysterious factors."

"As long as Ens successfully researches the method of contract announced by Mr. this time, then we humans can use the Zerg race.

There was a look of anticipation on Matt's face,

He hoped that the method of this contract would allow humans to master the method of taming the Zerg,

Even if it is nothing more than pulling all the bugs into their camp, it can also reduce the loss of humans when starting a war with the Zerg!


The entire Krypton Tabal star field began to fall into a storm about spirit beasts.

Many people are waiting, hoping that the guess that the Zerg is a spirit beast will be confirmed.

And in Erns' lab,

Professor Wade and Professor Victor, after reading the document and listening to Ens explaining Commander Med's plan, they couldn't help being stunned.

"So, the reason why those Zerg corpses contain strong mysterious factors is because they themselves grew up with the help of mysterious factors?"

Professor Victor's face was full of shock,

This news completely exceeded his expectations, and he never thought that those bugs were actually related to what the man announced.

"Wait, could it be that the origin of these bugs is actually because of the water blue star?" In Professor Wade's mind, an amazing idea involuntarily emerged,

and he,

It seems that I also know something about the reasons why the civilization of cultivating immortals on the water blue star will gradually decline in ancient times...

"But this seems to be inconsistent with the history of Aquamarine, and there is no way to correspond to the time when the Zerg appeared..." Victor frowned,

According to the information he obtained on Water Blue Planet, the civilization of Water Blue Planet originated more than 5,000 years ago.

Although there were some tribal civilizations that could not be studied specifically before this, it is impossible to extend the specific time to the era of the origin of the Zerg.

Just the time they know about Krypton Tabal, the existence of those Zerg has exceeded tens of millions of years!

"Professor Victor, maybe the current Aquaplanet is just the epitome of a certain super civilization? For example, after they had a war with the Zerg, that powerful super civilization went to decline and destruction, but their surviving The tribe found this planet and started a new life..."

"And the Zerg has also suffered a huge blow, and only now has it become stronger again, expanding to other star fields?"

Wade expressed his guess in his heart,

Although there are still some loopholes in it, compared to the previous errors, it has been reduced to an area that can be controlled artificially.

For example, in the legend of the water blue star 5,000 years ago, the ancestors of human beings created characters under the guidance of immortal gods, and then stepped into civilization step by step.

And from the previous myths and legends, it can be seen that there are terrifying monsters such as demon gods outside the territory, and they are in the opposite camp with those fairy gods.

That is to say,

The fairy gods in those myths and legends are the survivors of the ancient civilization of cultivating immortals.

And the current Shuilan people, although they are native-born civilizations of later generations, they have obtained the guidance of some immortal gods and began to move forward on the road of cultivating immortals.

It just seems like they all failed,

As a result, the art of cultivating immortals has declined, and the civilization of Shuilanxing has also developed in the direction of technology.

Until that man appeared,

The originally deviated evolutionary route began to be pulled back to the original plan little by little.

on the route.

"In other words, Mister may be the backhand left by that ancient civilization? To guide the Aquamarine civilization that deviated from the route?" Victor couldn't help opening his mouth,

The whole brain is in a buzzing shutdown state!

Although this is just their guess, there is no doubt that it has a very high degree of authenticity!

Otherwise, how could the civilization on the water blue planet have those legends about immortals and gods?

And under the leadership of that man, some things that only existed in legends began to appear one after another?

It's just that what makes them a little confused is that,

Why did such a powerful civilization gradually decline and be destroyed in the battle against the Zerg?


At that time, the Zerg race was 4.8 times stronger than it is now, in order to fight against the civilization with the Immortal, and destroy that civilization,

Let them eventually go to destruction and decline!

"If this is the case, doesn't it mean that both the former Zerg race and that powerful cultivating civilization have reached the height of a god-level civilization?"

Ernes couldn't help muttering to himself,

Otherwise, it is just some things left over from the two civilizations, and it has the technology and technology to completely crush the entire human federation!

And among those things, there are many that are directly detached from technology, which cannot be explained by pure technology!

"I, I feel as if I saw that terrifying battle..." Wake breathed out heavily,

And in his mind, there was a lingering speculation about this,

Even in a trance, he saw some scenes about that mine war!

galaxy crumbles,

Space and time have also begun to appear chaotic!

That's why that powerful civilization will decline in the battle with the Zerg, and even be nearly destroyed!

As a result, the Zergs suffered heavy losses, and they have not fully recovered in such a long time!

"But judging from the current results, it seems that the Zerg has won the final victory, and the powerful civilization of cultivating immortals has fallen to the point where only the weak inheritance on the water blue planet is still alive."

Continuation..." Victor felt a little bit emotional,

Some feel sad for that civilization, and some feel lucky for themselves.

Without that powerful cultivating civilization, the war waged against the Zerg,

Perhaps they Krypton Tabal, or even the entire human federation, may have long since ceased to exist?

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