Go Crazy! You Call This Level 1 Civilization?

Chapter 248: Weapon Of War! The Main Force Of Future Mankind!

"Have you completed the intermediate mental oppression formation so soon? It seems that I need to speed up my research!"

In Enns' research room,

Originally, Ens was busy, but after receiving the communication request initiated by Professor Wade and Victor,

There was a look of surprise and amazement on his face.

When the two guys were here before, they were still saying that they had only completed the production of the primary formation.

The primary jade stones required by the intermediate formations will have to wait for a while before they can be conceived.

Then they can make the formation base needed for the intermediate formation.

As a result, not long after they left, the primary spiritual jade needed for this intermediate formation has already been sent to their research room?

And it's already finished?

"Zero, inform the mecha troop and ask them to send an ear-level bug to the research room of Professor Wade and Victor."

"Okay, Ernes take it!"

Brain Zero in the scientific research room answered next to him,


The two mechas that were originally staying in the mecha area of ​​the laboratory came over from there,

Go straight to the scientific research room, that ear-level worm! 650

And after opening the force field barrier, use super metal nets to completely bind its worm feet.

It was not until it was completely tied up like a zongzi that the iron chain was dragged and moved to the spaceship used for transportation!


The insects screamed sharply,

But its voice didn't get any response,

In the entire scientific research room, the few worms that survived are now imprisoned by the super metal,

Even the Zerg Queen in the IV form, under the double power of the super metal net and the electric current,

Had to lie on the ground, unable to move at all!


The worm in super form was dragged into the transport spaceship,

Fly over to the research room of Professor Wade and Victor!

"Professor Victor, the worms in the second-level form have been sent over, what instructions do you have?"

not long time,

The transport spaceship came to the scientific research room of Professor Wade and Victor,

Two mech warriors also dragged the bug out of the spaceship.

"Send it there, but you need to be careful not to enter that area."

Professor Victor raised his hand and pointed to the area of ​​the middle-level mental oppression formation,

The formation there is still running continuously,

It's just that the metal pillars that originally protruded above the ground have shrunk back below the ground at this time.

In this way, even if the bug is dragged by two mecha fighters and pulled directly over there, it will not have any impact on the formation!


The super-form bug seemed to feel something, and crazily struggled in the metal net even more violently!

But the net made of super metal is not so easy to break free,

Along with the friction between the super metal net and the ground of the scientific research room,

Its body was pulled into the middle-level mental oppression formation!


The speed at which the bug struggled became even more intense!

But its body was soon oppressed by the power of the formation, unable to move at all.

He could only make a sharp cry, and twist his insect feet stiffly!

"So strong, is this the power of an intermediate formation?"

The two mecha fighters who were pulling the bug also showed a look of shock in their eyes at this time,

It was the first time they saw the body of a level II bug shaking involuntarily.

this picture,

It also seems to only appear when facing those Tier IV Zerg Queens.

But there is only one formation here, and there is no Zerg queen in the form of IV,

It can be seen that the oppressive power generated by this formation has at least reached the point where it can be compared with the Zerg queen of level IV!

"That's right, bugs in the I-level form (ccec) will be greatly affected. If this is a war, those bugs in the I-level form will definitely be greatly weakened!"

Professor Victor carefully checked the changes in the data on the monitoring instrument,

Although it seemed that the worm was still struggling, the mental shock it suffered had significantly weakened its physical functions and reaction speed a lot!

"That's right, and according to the information records released by Mr., the location of this intermediate mental oppression formation can easily cover an area of ​​more than ten kilometers..." Professor Wade nodded,

"It's a pity that we don't have mid-level spiritual jade here, otherwise we can try the high-level spiritual oppression array, maybe even the IV-level Zerg Queen among those bugs will be directly suppressed." Professor Victor's face showed A trace of regret.

But they didn't have any solution, and they couldn't find any solution,

"We must learn to be content. The function and effect of this intermediate spirit oppression formation has surpassed the primary formation by ten times, and we can also create other intermediate formations to enhance our mecha combat capabilities!"

After sighing slightly, Professor Wade spoke slowly.

"That's right, just these intermediate formations are enough for us to study and use." Professor Victor subconsciously nodded.

"I have already contacted Professor Kerry just now, and there should be two or three days before the second batch of Lingyu can be conceived." Professor Wade's eyes "showed a touch of longing.

As long as they can understand all these formations, they will be able to create weapons of war that surpass the current level of technology!

Create the main combat force of future mankind!


When they were carrying out the next experiment, in the dragon frame of Shuilanxing,

Chen Xuan followed the brown bear to a dense forest,

The trees here are very tall,

Compared with the peripheral area, it is obviously higher by almost two-thirds!

And there are many vines in the forest, climbing up the trunk to the branches, and hanging down to the ground.

From a distance, it looks like forest anacondas one after another!

"woo woo woo woo....

The brown bear looked at the big mountain in front of it, then turned its head and whimpered with Chen Xuan next to it.

And the little squirrel, who was originally very lively, now stayed on the brown bear's head very obediently, without any unnecessary movements at all.


Perhaps it should be said that after leaving that courtyard, this guy's body tensed up like now, which looks very unnatural!


The little squirrel's eyeballs glanced at Chen Xuan,

The man's breath was still the same as before, very weak, even reduced to the point where it was almost inaudible.

But it is not to be underestimated at all!

Just that weird way of rushing on the road made the little squirrel feel a strong sense of powerlessness in his heart!.

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