Go Crazy! You Call This Level 1 Civilization?

Chapter 288 Zerg Has Absolute Destructive Power Against The Planet On Which Carbon-Based Life Depend

at the same time,

Inside another nest,

Nubis also completed the decapitation of the Zerg Queen!

The queen's head, which is more than 20 meters long, looks very big in front of the evolutionary phantom array mecha!

"Kill me! Except for the unhatched eggs, all other insects will be killed on the spot!"

Just now, he also received a message from Philip,

Professor Ernes needs unhatched insect eggs to conduct some related experiments and research,

So their idea is to keep as many of these unhatched eggs as possible. 680

And transport it back to the Krypton Tabal star field with the entire insect nest!

"Yes! Colonel Nubis!"

The Kryptonabals who followed Nubis into the worm's nest shouted at the same time, picked up their weapons, and searched around the worm's nest with well-developed passages.

As long as they are movable bugs, no matter whether they grow into mature individuals or not, they will be ruthlessly killed by the weapons in their hands!

War is cruel, either you die or I die!

Especially the Zerg is extremely aggressive! For all kinds of energy and materials, they all adopt the devouring policy!

In addition to those ordinary earth and rocks, even minerals with metal elements will be completely excavated and swallowed by them!

Especially for the planets on which carbon-based life depends, the Zerg has absolute destructive power!

A complete living planet, under the attack of the overwhelming Zerg, will be completely destroyed in a short time!

Just leave some useless debris like earth and stones!

Animals and plants will all be killed or injured. No life form can be safe and sound under the attack of the Zerg!

Even silicon-based life forms whose bodies are made of metal elements cannot escape the hunting of the Zerg!

"Officer Vettel, still!"

the other side,

Near the two insect nests that Fili and Nubis invaded, several silicon-based life forms were in the insect nests, fighting a very difficult (ccda) battle.

this time,

Those bugs seemed to be crazy, and launched a very crazy attack on them!

Especially those lava worms, directly opened the indiscriminate attack mode, even the worms in the Zerg were burned to death by the high-temperature molten liquid they spewed out!

This made Vettel and the others feel very bad!

But it's okay,

The silicon-based lifeforms with two giant blades on their backs successfully found their mission target from this insect nest after a fight!

A fist-sized black box!

"The stuff is here! We can retreat!"

After the giant blade silicon-based life put away the black box, it immediately communicated with Vettel and the others,

"Okay! You go out first, we will take care of the back!" Vettel responded!

After all, their first mission here is to find this black box, so no matter what, they must send that black box out as soon as possible!

"Okay, Chief Vetter!"

The giant-blade silicon-based life didn't stop there, and while waving the two giant blades in his hand, he rushed out of the insect nest!

And the spaceship-type silicon-based life that stayed outside to respond, and the taciturn Weiss, also received the instructions from Vettel at the same time.

The two immediately started to speed up, cleaning up the bugs near the entrance and exit of the nest,

In order to prevent the giant blade silicon-based life from being blocked by these bugs outside when it comes out of it!.

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