Go Crazy! You Call This Level 1 Civilization?

Chapter 313 Could It Be The Creator?

"What?! Officer Vettel, what process are you talking about?"

The silicon-based life form next to him asked with some doubts,

Vetter said: "The origin of mechanical life, the core space of the mother star, have you forgotten how you were born?"

"How were we born? Officer Vettel, what do you mean to say that the process of this guy's fiddling with human-shaped talisman puppets is related to our birth?" The giant-bladed silicon-based lifeform's eyes widened in disbelief.

The eyes of the heavy-shield silicon-based life and the silent silicon-based life also focused on Vettel.

"That's right!"

Sensing everyone's gaze, Vettel nodded solemnly,

"When we were born, there were many and complicated patterns in the place where we were born, and in the area where silicon-based life was born, there were also densely packed metal spheres."

"It is the same as the vessel owned by this man, its appearance is covered with mysterious lines, and at the same time, there is also a kind of flame inside, which can purify all metals and substances, and make them have vitality similar to life...... "

Although Vivitel was a little unwilling to believe it, but this was almost very similar to the picture he saw in the mechanical planet.

That is to say,

The way this man makes humanoid puppets is almost exactly the same as the way mechanical planets conceive (ccdb) these silicon-based life forms!

Just a few small differences!

"Then that means, our mechanical planets, and even our home star mechanical planet, are all created by humans?"

The giant blade silicon-based lifeform and the heavy shield silicon-based all opened their mouths wide,

The silent silicon-based life beside him felt even more top-heavy, and had the illusion that he was in a dream.

it can't believe it,

In the entire universe, they belong to the silicon-based life of advanced civilization, but they are only products of human beings.

And it is still made of ordinary metal through special methods!

"Boss, according to what you said, wouldn't this man become our creator?" Red Bee said exaggeratedly,

Vettel said: "Yes or no, although he has mastered the power to create our mechanical life, but judging from his current technology [the possibility of completing the automatic breeding of the parent star is still very low!"

"Although that humanoid puppet has many characteristics similar to our mechanical life, it still has many defects. It cannot have completely independent thinking like our mechanical life, and has a flexible and changeable mind. Body."

"Then what do you mean?" Red Bee wondered,

Vettel continued: "At best, he can only be regarded as the same family as the creator of our mechanical life, at least for now, he is not qualified to be called the creator of our mechanical life!"

Several other silicon-based life forms also nodded subconsciously,

Although the strength displayed by this man produced mechanical life forms that are close to them, it does not mean that this man created their mechanical life forms!

"Over there, have you found what you're looking for?" Red Bee shook her head, trying to keep herself as calm as possible, and then asked from the communication group,

"I found it, but it can be said that I didn't find it..." Wirth said,


The red bee scratched the back of its head in confusion, not understanding what it meant. .

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