As Chen Xuan led Rhubarb towards the wild boar that Rhubarb had killed before, John and Lao Bai, who managed to regain their senses, quickly supported each other and stood up, as if they were being chased by a wolf, wanting to hurry up escape from this land of right and wrong.

But I don't want that sometimes when this person is unlucky and doesn't get up, he drinks water and gets stuffed between his teeth.

John walked in front, and Lao Bai walked behind. The two guys couldn't care about anything else, let alone Chen Xuan. They only knew that running for their lives was the most important thing.

So it completely stimulated the desire to survive in my heart, and the speed of escape was not slow.

But at this moment, a petite scorpion was crawling towards this side.

John was only concerned about running for his life, completely ignoring his feet, so he stepped on it and successfully blocked the way of the scorpion.


In an instant, a cry like killing a pig resounded in the entire jungle, even disturbing the birds in the jungle.

After feeling a sharp pain, John looked at his feet, and found a scorpion with its tail viciously pointed at him. The appearance seemed to warn John that he had better stay away from it~ .

It's a pity that it's too late to see it now, as we all know that the tail of a scorpion is highly poisonous......

"It hurts...Old Bai, save must save me!"

At this moment, John felt a faint uneasiness in his heart, and he even felt dizzy when he was looking at something.

And more importantly, the piercing pain made the cold sweat on John's forehead keep coming out.

He never imagined that after escaping the tiger and escaping the harsh environment, he was finally defeated by a scorpion. This really capsized the boat in the gutter.

"John... It's not that I don't want to save you, but that I can't do anything about it. You know, the medicines we have are limited, and there is no detoxification, otherwise... otherwise you will Accept your fate, quitting this show is not a bad thing for you!"

Lao Bai stepped back a few steps, and was relieved when he saw that the scorpion on the ground had finally left.

But in the face of John's entreaties, Lao Bai was particularly indifferent, just like they were with Chen Xuan before.

"Old Bai, how can you do this? We are partners. Didn't we agree that we will we want to go to the end together?"

...asking for flowers......

Faced with Lao Bai's sudden ruthlessness, John was also a little speechless, but more helpless.

Who let him be stung by the scorpion now? If he can't detoxify in time, his life will be in danger.

But if he turned to the program group for help, he could only be eliminated.


And the old Bai in front of him, once thought he was his close partner, but now he is looking at him helplessly and indifferently. Could it be that those words are all deceitful?

John couldn't hold on any longer, and fell to the ground directly. John looked at Lao Bai pleadingly, hoping that Lao Bai could think of a way for himself.

Among the emergency medicines given to them by the program group, there should be an antidote medicine, they have been useless, isn't it just right now?

"Partner? go to Chen Xuan, isn't that kid very powerful now? As for me, how can such a weak person like me be worthy of being your partner!"

Lao Bai snorted coldly, and was completely indifferent to John's pleading, and even sneered at him. .

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