Go Crazy! You Call This Level 1 Civilization?

Chapter 443 Chen Dada Is The Hidden Powerhouse

And then Chen Xuan only gave them three days, so they had to hurry up.

Finding plants may be relatively simple in this jungle, especially digging a piece of land for Chen Xuan is the most strenuous task, at least it will take two days

Thinking of this, Su Xiaobei felt a little headache, but compared with the pain in his body, he was unwilling to let Chen Xuan appear by his side like a ghost.

So after thinking about it, let's just obey Chen Xuan's arrangement honestly, maybe this guy was sent by God to punish him.

Therefore, Su Xiaobei dragged his still aching body and had no choice but to embark on the road of finding plants for Chen Xuan. 003

To be honest, even he himself didn't work so hard when looking for their own items before, but now he has to bow his head.

The audience in the live broadcast room were hooked after watching such a scene naturally.

"Hahaha, it's absolutely amazing. Chen Dada is worthy of being Chen Dada. Once this method is used, he can get some things for free, and it doesn't waste his energy. It's amazing!"

"Now Su Xiaobei and Fatty know how powerful Chen Da is, and we, Chen Da Da, can make these two guys cry." (ccfd)

"Chen Dawei is mighty, kneeling, kneeling, please accept my knee, first kneel in respect."

"Have you seen Su Xiaobei's appearance, it's like eating a fly, the whole body has become different.

After this time, I'm afraid he will be like Lao Bai before, he will never provoke Chen Dada again, he will just hide away. "

"Yeah, how arrogant Su Xiaobei was before, and how embarrassed he is now, only Fatty fell asleep, as if nothing had happened, not on the same channel at all .”

"Yeah, let me say that Fatty is the luckiest one, if the plan he and Su Xiaobei had planned before was really successful, then Fatty would be the one who went to the shelter first.

Then it would be Fatty who was beaten by Chen Da, but Su Xiaobei saw that the situation was not good, he didn't have to show up and run first, but it turned out to be good, Fatty didn't have anything to do but he was beaten, it was completely I suffered for the fat man. "

"Oh my god, I'm laughing to death, this is just calculating, trying to calculate others, but I didn't expect to include myself in the calculation.

Or let them know that our Chen Dada is no longer the old Chen Dada who was bullied by others, but now he is a hidden strong man. "

"I'm so excited to see it. If you want me to say, Mr. Chen should beat up those two guys again, and it's better to make them into a big pig head,"

The audience in the live broadcast room were very happy to discuss, which confirmed a sentence, some people are happy and others are sad, but there is no way to do it, it's all their own fault.

As for Ling Yun, Bald Head, and Lin on the other side constantly wandering around in the west forest, to be honest, the west forest is actually quite big, like a maze, if you are not careful, you may go back to the original path.

At this moment, Lin took a small knife in his hand and carved marks on the tree. They had been walking in this bush for about 10 minutes, but they found Wen Xiang here.

It's really weird.

As for the bald head on the other side, he also frowned tightly, and at the same time felt that this forest was really interesting. .

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