Go Crazy! You Call This Level 1 Civilization?

Chapter 445 Eyes Can Be Deceiving Sometimes

"I also found this problem, and you see, there is a mark made by Lin before.

Ling Yun nodded and agreed with what the bald head said. At the same time, he raised his head and pointed at a tree not far away with a sign of the cross.

Lin looked in the direction where Ling Yun's finger was straight, and as expected, he saw the mark he made.

There is absolutely no mistake about this point. Lin has a habit of "zero eight seven" when making a mark. When making a cross, he will draw the remaining stroke longer, and even have some curvature.

This is his habit, so there is no chance that others will follow suit or that what they see is someone else's mark.

"There must be something interfering with us, that's why we walked in a straight line, but unnaturally walked back to the original path. Now the most urgent task is to find the factor that interferes with us.

"Otherwise, let's try another method, for example, use a tree as a reference and keep moving forward along a certain tree."

"No, some trees in this jungle are all similar in shape, which can easily cause visual disturbance to us, and it is not acceptable to use grass as a reference, so this method is not feasible."

"I still don't believe in this evil. They say that three cobblers are the best of Zhuge Liang. I still don't believe that the three of us, who are all smart, can't come up with a good idea."

"If it doesn't work, we can try to let the person leading the way choose to close his eyes and walk, and we will follow him, so that we can see the road and see where the problem is."

"This method is feasible. I read a book before, which said that people's eyes can sometimes deceive people.

You clearly see that you are moving forward, but you can't help but deviate from the route when you walk, but you still think that you are going straight forward. "

"We can give it a try, so that we don't need to use our eyes to judge, but feel with our hearts."

The three guys kept discussing the plan with each other, from the method that didn't work before to the one that could be tried in the future. All in all, this discussion has worked.

You Qi sat down and rested for a while, and the previously impetuous mood gradually calmed down after some discussions.

The body is no longer so tired, Lin has always been an impatient person, now that he has figured out a way, he can act...

"Na Lin, let you walk in front, and Ling Yun and I will follow you, remember, you must not be disturbed by our guidance, just go straight forward, follow the straight line in your heart.

After much deliberation, it is most suitable for You Lin to lead the way. After all, Bald Head and Ling Yun are really lacking in field exploration.

"Okay, you just need to remind me if there are obstacles in front of me."

Lin nodded, only to hear a squeak, and Lin directly tore a piece of cloth from his clothes.

Then very neatly tied the strip of cloth over his eyes.

In an instant, the originally bright environment directly turned into a 1.0 pitch blackness. Lin directly used his sense of hearing to judge the surrounding things,

I can only walk forward slowly.

With Lin leading the way, Bald Head and Ling Yun only need to follow behind.

Ling Yun, on the other hand, kept thinking about the stone and bamboo shelter that he had encountered before as he walked forward, wondering whether it was built by the program team or by someone who came to participate in the program. .

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