Go Crazy! You Call This Level 1 Civilization?

Chapter 447: The Key To Solving The Puzzle

It is not a big problem to find some wild vegetables in this jungle, no, Ling Yun and Bald Tou found a plant not long after squatting on the ground,

This is a dandelion, a plant that can be used as medicine or wild vegetable.

And it is not so harsh on the living conditions, especially the seeds fly with the wind, and they will take root and germinate wherever they fall, so it is a very common wild vegetable.

It is not enough to find only one, so you have to find others.

Especially after walking around in this forest for a long time, their stomachs are already rumbling with hunger, and their physical strength will be exhausted if they continue like this. is very disadvantageous.

"Fortunately, there are quite a lot of wild vegetables growing here. I really didn't find any others, so I had to resign myself to picking some wild vegetables and go back. What do you call this?"

The bald head seemed a little speechless. Originally, they planned to go to the forest to catch prey, but fortunately, except for the tiger they saw before, they didn't see anyone else at all.

This makes them have a lot of plans but they can't be used, so they are naturally a little angry.

"Don't worry, maybe we just haven't met, please keep your voice down, but don't disturb Lin's judgment of the route."

Ling Yun was originally squatting on the ground looking for wild vegetables, anyway, they just need to follow Lin's back, and they will go in any direction where Lin is.

It's just that I don't know if it was influenced by what they said. At this moment, Lin gradually deviated to the right direction, so from the appearance, it seemed that they were speaking in a different way from Lin's completely determined original path.

That's why Ling Yun quickly stopped talking, and motioned for the bald head to look over.

Are they now following Lin's lead, or are they following the path they see with their own eyes?

On this point, it is in a state of difficulty.

"What should we do? Should we go left or right? By the way, the route Lin took seems to be full of thorns, so it's not easy to go."

Ling Yun stood up from the ground, and then quickly bombarded the general environment of the road that Lin was heading towards.

What he said was also very reasonable. The road seemed to be full of thorns and the bushes were luxuriant. It seemed to be full of vitality, and at a glance, it was clear that there were no people or animals passing by in normal times.

"Aren't you talking nonsense, how many people are here? It's just a few of us who are brave enough, okay, let's follow the direction of Lin, don't forget, we have been going around for a long time But they are all running around in this forest."

"It's true, let's let Lin close his eyes and walk in a straight line according to his intuition. It seems that our eyes may have deceived us. Hurry up, let's follow!"

Ling Yun felt that what the bald head said made sense, so he nodded involuntarily, and then hurriedly followed.

As for the person walking in the front, it was as if the two people behind him were talking and discussing (money) without hearing, he still walked in a straight line according to his intuition

Moreover, Lin seemed to have made a rough judgment from the baldheads and their discussions.

The route he was taking was completely different from the one they had taken before.

Perhaps this is the key to solving the puzzle.

Immediately, he couldn't help speeding up the pace of his feet, but at this moment, he directly tripped over a vine, and the whole person lost his center of gravity and fell straight to the ground. .

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