Go Crazy! You Call This Level 1 Civilization?

Chapter 453 This Learning Ability Surprises People

When he came to a big tree, Chen Xuan was surprised to find that there was still a fruit on the top of the tree, although it was a little far away and covered by leaves, he didn’t know what kind of fruit it was.

But this couldn't hold back Chen Xuan's curiosity.

Immediately, he rubbed his hands, and slowly climbed up the tree trunk. From a distance, Chen Xuan looked like a monkey.

However, compared to the monkey's speed, it was slower, after all, Chen Xuan was not very familiar with this skill.

This kind of scene made the audience in the live broadcast room laugh out loud. There was no way, they were used to seeing Chen Xuan's particularly powerful side before, but today climbing 413 trees is indeed Chen Xuan's weak point.

"Hahaha, it turns out that Chen Dada still has such a cute side. The way he climbs trees is a bit clumsy, but he is better than me."

"Chen Da is mighty, I didn't expect that our Chen Da still has a hidden hand and can climb trees. This tree climbing posture is absolutely master.

"Is Chen Dahuang so relieved of Rhubarb? The Rhubarb I saw over there is fighting with a little snake blocking the way? What if I accidentally get bitten?"

"Let's put this kind of worry in your stomach. Who is Rhubarb? This is a tiger (cccd), and it's still a tiger that follows Chen Dada. It's so smart that I can't even compare it to myself, so it should be Don't worry."

"That's right, who might be unlucky, it's better to worry about that little snake than worrying about the rhubarb.

But it’s also to blame for that guy’s lack of eyesight. When he sees Dahuang coming, he should run away quickly. Wouldn’t it be safe? Now it’s all right, tit-for-tat, and won’t give up if you don’t fight for victory or defeat. "

"By the way, the anchors who participated in this show are really hardworking, for example, our Da Da Chen, who did not hesitate to use his milk for a piece of fruit.

And I have to keep learning new skills. Looking at Chen Dada's unfamiliar appearance in climbing trees, I knew that this must be his first time climbing a tree. "

"My God, can you do this for the first time climbing a tree? Do you still have to live? If it were me, let alone climbing a tree, I'm afraid you can't even touch the trunk. Chen Da is really amazing!"

"I can't use words to describe it anymore, I can only kneel down first, Chen Dawei is mighty!"

The audience in the live broadcast room kept discussing, and gradually realized that Chen Xuan's unfamiliar movements might be the first time he climbed a tree.

If this is the case, then I have to admit that his learning ability is really amazing.

Sure enough, as soon as the audience's discussion in the live broadcast room fell, Chen Xuan muttered to himself.

"My God, I didn't expect this tree climbing to be really tiring."

Chen Xuan finally climbed to a branch on the tree trunk, and just sat down and took a breath.

There is still some distance from the top of the tree, but at least it won't take too much effort.

It was only after climbing up the tree that Chen Xuan realized that it was an apple tree. If nothing else happened, the fruit on the tree would be apples.

Apples may not be a rare fruit in other places, but it is different in this very strange environment.

And in an environment where food is scarce, you can still have some fruit. Isn't this a very happy expression?

I am afraid that only Chen Xuan can have such good luck. .

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