Go Crazy! You Call This Level 1 Civilization?

Chapter 461 Accidentally Fallen

When Da Huang opened his eyes, he only felt that his eyelids were very heavy, and it took a lot of effort to open his eyes.

The face of Chen Xuan was in sight, Da Huang quickly got up from the ground, and even took a few steps back.

Facing Rhubarb's abnormal appearance, Chen Xuan still stared at this guy intently, thinking that maybe Rhubarb hadn't completely woke up yet.

After all, he was awakened in a daze.

"Rhubarb, are you awake? Let's move on when we wake up, this is not a place to stay forever!"

Chen Xuan continued to speak after seeing Da Huang's bewildered expression.

22 Could it be that this guy has inhaled too much miasma and his brain has become less flexible?


Da Huang yelled at Chen Xuan after hearing what he said, as if he was asking Chen Xuan why he came here, or is this place in a dream?

"You guy really fell asleep and fell asleep, didn't you? You also wasted my spiritual herb, so hurry up and leave!"

Chen Xuan walked over, and slapped Da Huang's head unceremoniously, this slap completely wiped out the dreams in Da Huang's mind.

And directly after the slap, he walked straight forward, regardless of whether Da Huang would choose to follow.

But it was obvious that Chen Xuan's slap was really effective. After confirming that the Chen Xuan in front was the real Chen Xuan, Da Huang hurriedly followed, and even shook his head vigorously.

He wanted to completely shake off the unconscious state in his mind.


Rhubarb quickly took a few steps forward and came to Chen Xuan's side, only then asked Chen Xuan what happened in a little confusion.

"You, you, did you really relax your vigilance after coming here? Didn't you look at where this place is, or is it wrong that you didn't notice the breath in the air?

Seeing that Da Huang really didn't seem to notice anything, Chen Xuan couldn't help but continue talking.

It can only be said that this guy Rhubarb is really careless.

How could it make such a low-level mistake in the past? It seems that its ability has decreased a lot after time travel.

"Didn't you notice that the fog here is getting thicker and denser, it should be emitted by something, this kind of breath can cause people to hallucinate or even coma. "You should have read the Tao just now."

Chen Xuan continued to explain patiently, and then kept looking for something that could break the miasma in this environment.

All things in the world are inter-generated and restrained by each other. As long as you search carefully, you will be able to find the existence of things that are not affected by this miasma.

The drone is also flying low, and it even took a thorough and clear picture of the entire forest at 810°.

Of course, except for the figures of Chen Xuan and Rhubarb, there are only some outlines of trees around, there is no way, the fog surrounds it, which greatly reduces the clarity of vision.

It was also Rhubarb who ate a spirit herb just now, otherwise Chen Xuan would have no doubt that Rhubarb would still be affected by the breath and have hallucinations.

After walking forward for a certain distance, Chen Xuan Mingrui discovered that there seemed to be something under the soil.

But every time he stopped to listen carefully, he would find that the sound was as if it had never existed before.

He repeated it several times, making him wonder if he was affected by the air. .

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