Go Crazy! You Call This Level 1 Civilization?

Chapter 510 Wandering In The Desert Calmly

Anyway, Su Xiaobei and Fatty didn't underestimate Chen Xuan at all, they only knew that this guy should not be provoked easily, otherwise they would definitely regret it.

When it was almost time to rest, Su Xiaobei resigned to his fate and continued to search for wild vegetables with the simple hoe he made in his hand. Since he had to face it sooner or later, he might as well be calm.

And after finding the wild vegetables that Chen Xuan needed, his "580" had to find time to go outside Chen Xuan's shelter to open up a piece of land for him to use as a vegetable garden. Unavoidable.

I can only blame myself, who is not easy to mess with, but I went to mess with someone who shouldn't be messed with.

So under the sun, these two guys worked hard again, especially carefully pawing and pulling in the grass. People who looked like they didn't know thought they were looking for some treasure.

As for Chen Xuan and Rhubarb on the other side, they finally passed through the forest. As far as the eye can see, the sun is full of yellow sand.

But because the time is still early, the sun in the sky is not so hot, and the sand will not feel hot when walking on the desert.

In fact, it is said that it is full of yellow sand, but in fact it is just a small piece of desert.

After crossing this desert, other places also have other scenery, maybe an oasis, maybe a forest, or maybe a village, who can say clearly, after all, the people who came to this program have never walked out of the desert.

So no one knows what kind of scenery is on the other side of the desert.

Chen Xuan looked at the messy rocks all over the desert, among which there were some branches that had been dried by the weather, and it seemed that they were quite depressed or even completely devoid of any signs of vitality.

But Chen Xuan understood that there would definitely be some hidden crises under this seemingly calm desert.

Just like those ants that came towards him one after another when lying in the woods before, and the black snake that was provoked by Ling Yun and the others for some reason.

This thing is like this, it seems that there is no sense of crisis, but in fact it is an existence that cannot be ignored. If I accidentally ignore this point, it may bring irreparable harm to myself.

Of course, these situations are impossible to happen to Chen Xuan....

"Let's go, Rhubarb, anyway, it's still early, let's visit this desert and see what kind of charm it has?"

Chen Xuan looked at the yellow sand all over the ground, and with the slight breeze blowing, a piece of loess was blown up, and when Chen Xuan said these words, he directly walked down from Da Huang's back.

When he stepped on the soft sand, he felt that it was different from the flat ground.

Only then did he take the lead in walking in front. As for Da Huang, he only looked around for a few times, and quickly followed behind Chen Xuan obediently. To Da Huang, the desert was no different from the flat land.

Perhaps the only difference is that the scenery seen in the eyes is different.

However, it is also a new feeling to see a little bit of grass and woods occasionally and suddenly see the yellow sand in this place.

So one person and one tiger walked leisurely on the desert like this. Their figures looked a little thin, but only those who knew Chen Xuan's strength could understand that only Chen Xuan could be so calm when walking on the desert. idle.

If it was someone else, it is estimated that when seeing this kind of picture, there will be an unnatural sense of despair in the heart. .

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