Go Crazy! You Call This Level 1 Civilization?

Chapter 522 Let Everything Come Naturally, Don't Force It

Chen Xuan looked ahead, and the desert in front of him was covered with endless yellow sand. There were a few stones or some branches blown over from nowhere, but there was nothing unusual about it.

Could it be that he was doomed to make another trip in vain this time?

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan felt a little helpless, but this was something he couldn't help.

After all, he was just trying to come here to look for clues, to see if he found anything. If there was nothing, then he could only give up.

"Alright Rhubarb, since we haven't gained anything, let's go back. Anyway, we probably still have a long time to stay here, so don't be in a hurry!"

"This may be like this sometimes. If you persist in looking for something, you will return empty-handed. If you follow along, there may be unexpected gains.

It's like the spirit grass we found just now, so let's be more casual!"

Chen Xuan said with some emotion, although he still wants to continue to search, but the sun is really too uncomfortable for people, and if he continues to walk, he may really suffer from heat stroke.

After all, this is where the power of nature lies, and human power cannot compete with it.

If it were Chen Xuan before, maybe he would not have any fear at all, but now it is different.

Now he is just an ordinary person with good physical fitness, and he still can't bear the scorching heat of the sun.

Even rhubarb is the same, so instead of wandering here like looking for a needle in a haystack, it's better to go back to the shelter and lie down and rest for a while.

Wait until the mood is better, or the sun in the sky is not so strong, and then come here for a stroll.

As for what can be found, everything is left to fate.

When Da Huang heard Chen Xuan said that he was going back to the shelter, he breathed a sigh of relief, mainly because the sun-baked person was really uncomfortable.

This kind of feeling is not painful like being injured, but the mood of the sun is very irritable, and I don't want to move on at all.

In particular, sweat kept dripping down, and some even fell into the eyes, affecting the sight of walking forward.

The reason why Rhubarb and Chen Xuan are able to continue to move forward against such a big sun is partly due to their willpower and unyielding heart.

If it were an ordinary person, it would be too hot to lie on the ground after walking a few steps.

If you can reduce the amount of activity, you will try your best to reduce it. Even lying here and basking in the sun is better than walking forward under the scorching sun.

So, Chen Xuan took the rhubarb and walked towards the forest. Sure enough, after changing the route, he could see the green forest not far away.

Instantly, it felt like a cool down in the heart.

Especially when Rhubarb saw the green leaves, he just felt that he wished he could grow a pair of wings and lay down under a towering tree to enjoy the shade as quickly as possible.

Then drink some water and sleep well, so that when you wake up, you will naturally feel refreshed.

It's a pity that the distance seems to be quite close, just not far ahead.

But only when I walk by myself can I feel its remoteness.

Especially after walking for so long just now, every time I move my legs and take a step forward, I can feel the weight of my legs as if filled with lead.

Sweat had even wet Chen Xuan's clothes. .

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