Go Crazy! You Call This Level 1 Civilization?

Chapter 529 You Still Have To Face It After All

Chen Xuan didn't bother with the rhubarb either, but hurriedly and carefully took the bamboo tube over, opened the lid and took a look, fortunately there was a little water to nourish the spirit grass and it was still fresh.

Especially under the sunlight, you can even see the appearance of a little bit of starlight on the leaves,

Seeing that the spirit grass is safe and sound, Chen Xuan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. This spirit grass is of good grade, at least compared to other spirit herbs here, this spirit grass is completely rare, so it must not be It's wasted.

Since the spirit grass is safe and sound, what is Chen Xuan thinking about planting this spirit grass?

Or there is no suitable place to plant it around, and according to the living characteristics of this spirit grass, it must be exposed to sunlight, so planting it indoors is not acceptable.

Just as Chen Xuan was looking for the best place to plant spirit grass, two figures slowly broke into Chen Xuan's sight.

At this moment, Fatty and Su Xiaobei were walking towards Chen Xuan's shelter with some wild vegetables in their hands.

Especially these two guys would look left and right from time to time, as if they were worried that some ferocious animals would suddenly rush out nearby.

But soon, these two timid guys instantly understood a truth.

With Chen Xuan and Chen Xuan's tigers around, there should be no other animals that dare to approach this place easily.

So in this way, Chen Xuan and the tiger became the most dangerous.

The fat man tugged on Su Xiaobei's sleeve nervously, swallowing his saliva from time to time to hide his nervousness.

As for Su Xiaobei on the other side, he is also not much better. He is holding several wild vegetables tightly in his hands, completely ignoring the stems of those few wild vegetables, all of which are crumpled by Su Xiaobei. group.

"Su Xiaobei...I...I'm still a little scared...Look, Chen... Chen Xuan is looking towards us, isn't he been waiting for us!

Could it be that you dislike us for coming too late? You know, we didn't even eat lunch, so we rushed here!"

The fat man said tremblingly, he was hesitating even when he spoke, there was no way, the appearance of Chen Xuan's small universe explosion before was still circling in his mind, "I can't let people forget it at all.

Originally, Su Xiaobei wasn't that nervous. Hearing Fatty's words, he immediately thought of Chen Xuan beating him up. This chain reaction made him feel that his wound was still aching.

...asking for flowers O......

After a night of rest, I had already recovered a lot, but now I started to feel very severe pain again.

Of course, Su Xiaobei knew that this was all due to a kind of psychological fear.

There is no way, what should be faced still has to be faced, after all, it is useless to escape.


What's more, Chen Xuan's eyes have already noticed, if they still run away at this time, then Chen Xuan will definitely find them to settle the score, this time it is impossible to turn over the matter so simply.

And the drone that was following them above their heads was still taking pictures. If they escaped, wouldn't they become a joke in the eyes of others?

So neither of the two situations is of any benefit to them.

On the contrary, it may be better to face Chen Xuan head-on, at least it proves that they have courage, insight and responsibility!

Thinking of this, Su Xiaobei instantly made a decision. Although he continued to move forward reluctantly, it was better than retreating. .

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