Go Crazy! You Call This Level 1 Civilization?

Chapter 534 Noisy Voice Is Also A Kind Of Torment

Su Xiaobei and Fatty, who were digging with hoes outside, naturally heard the voice from the kitchen.

The two guys couldn't help but look at each other, and they both saw bewilderment in each other's eyes?

They didn't know what Chen Xuan was doing, but the voice really sounded uncomfortable.

And from time to time, there are some clanging and clanging sounds, which makes people even more confused.

As for Rhubarb, who was guarding under the eaves, he didn't have the heart to care so much, and even jumped off his ears, as if he wanted to block the noise.

However, Rhubarb is more used to these sounds. Compared with Chen Xuan's sound when he was blacksmithing, this sound is completely pleasing to the ear.

After about 10 minutes, the sound from the kitchen gradually stopped.

For Su Xiaobei and Fatty, it was a lot quieter.

Originally, the weather was hot, and there were noises in the ears, which was an extremely tormenting torture.

"Su Xiaobei, what do you think Chen Xuan is doing? It sounds like he is developing some kind of weapon. Could it be used to deal with us?"

When the fat man said this, he secretly glanced in the direction of Chen Xuan's shelter out of the corner of his eye, as if he was worried that Chen Xuan would hear what he was muttering.

As for the tiger, it's fine as long as it doesn't get close, anyway, tigers can't understand what people say.

So their whispering in private is not a problem as long as they are not discovered.

"I don't know, the sound seems to be the sound of iron plates on stones, but it may also be that Chen Xuan is making something.

You can see that his shelter is decently built, although it is built with stone and bamboo as the main body, but doesn't everything have to be carefully designed and created?"

Doubts are doubts, but the work that should be done is indeed not sloppy at all,

So even though Su Xiaobei was saying these words, he was still working hard to loosen the soil with the simple hoe in his hand.

But this soil is like a rock, it looks very solid, but it took a lot of effort to dig a piece of soil loose.

Combined with the sad look on the fat man's face just now, it is indeed tiring enough.

I was tired, thirsty and hungry under the sun, but I couldn't relax at all.

...asking for flowers...

This is only three days away, tomorrow and one day.

This vegetable field doesn't look that big, but if we really dig it up, we might not be able to finish it tomorrow.

Now that he has decided to face it properly, Su Xiaobei must not just give up halfway.

"What's wrong with you boy, suddenly I feel like a different person, as if I have become mature, not as childish as before. Before, I was like a newborn calf not afraid of tigers, not afraid of heaven and earth!"


Fatty only felt that Su Xiaobei in the past two days seemed to be a little different from before, but only for his views on certain aspects,

As for the other ones, it's pretty much the same, after all, compared to Chen Xuan's completely reborn change, it's not worth mentioning at all.

"Can it stay the same? If I don't change it, I'll probably be beaten again. I'm here to participate in the show, not to be beaten!"

When Su Xiaobei said this, he couldn't help showing a wry smile. Indeed, as he said, Chen Xuan's fat beating yesterday made him understand a lot of truths, and at the same time, he was not as arrogant as before. .

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