Go Crazy! You Call This Level 1 Civilization?

Chapter 570 This Appearance Is More In Line With The Image Of A Clown

When Chen Xuan saw someone walking towards his direction, he didn't even raise his head, he was still playing with the cloth bag with his hands, the sun was shining on him, and he looked calm and calm, There is a feeling of indifference to the world.

"Hey boy, is this what you found?"

The tall man stopped immediately after he came to a place a few steps away from Chen Xuan, and then said "two one zero" to Chen Xuan arrogantly.

He wasn't sure what Chen Xuan's name was at all, so it was most appropriate to describe it directly as hello.

Chen Xuan ignored the tall man, and treated him like air, still playing on his own.

Especially when he didn't even look in this direction.

"Didn't you hear me talking to you? Are you deaf?"

The tall man was a little annoyed by Chen Xuan's neglect, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and there was a hint of impatience on his face.

He hasn't met such an arrogant person for a long time, so this arrogance has to pay a price.

It is inevitable for a capable person to have some arrogance, but if a person without strength shows arrogance, he will be beaten.

So when the tall man said these words, he was already close to his bottom line.

"Heh, jumping beam clown..."

What surprised the tall man was that Chen Xuan didn't treat him like air this time, but compared to the voice humming from Chen Xuan's mouth, the tall man wished that he hadn't spoken.

In particular, Chen Xuan's haughty expression coupled with his snorting look was simply a great insult to the tall man.

"You kid actually dare to laugh at me, don't you? Okay, today I will let you have a good taste of my power. Also, if I look at the things in your hands, I think highly of you. I advise you to be more sensible, kid, lest ask for trouble!"

The tall man was originally a grumpy person, so he clenched his fists and was about to swing towards Chen Xuan's direction.

Although the tall companion who was walking behind felt that this was not very good, he stood behind very wisely, thinking to wait and see what happened before talking.

Just when the tall man's fist was about to land on Chen Xuan's shoulder, Chen Xuan tilted his head slightly and successfully avoided the fist that the tall man swung.

At the same time, the foot that was placed on the ground was lifted slightly, and because of the inertia of punching the tall man, the whole body jumped forward...

In addition, Chen Xuan tripped on purpose, only to hear a bang, and the tall man fell directly to the ground and fell like a dog eating shit.

Especially when his nose hit the stone on the ground, the tip of his nose became red and swollen in an instant, and he really looked like a clown in a circus with a red nose.

"That's right, I said you were a clown just now and it doesn't quite look like you, but now your appearance fits your image and your temperament even better!"

Chen Xuan looked coldly at the tall man who got up from the ground with a disconsolate face, and the words he said made the tall man half dead with anger.

Especially now that his nose hurts and he is being ridiculed by Chen Xuan, when did he receive such a 3.9 ridicule.

So because of the extreme anger, the whole face was flushed, and the eyes seemed to burst into flames at any time.

"How are you doing?"

The tall companion saw that his friend had fallen, and ran over quickly.

But that guy said he cared about his companion, but more of his eyes fell on Chen Xuan. .

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