"Cough cough...cough cough..."

The tall companion was lying on the ground, feeling like he couldn't even move.

Not only was he punched, but he was also severely thrown, and he felt the pain of being torn apart in his internal organs.

At the same time, his pupils were still wide open, and he couldn't believe that this was something he had personally experienced.

And the tall man on the side was also taken aback, because when his companion fell just now, he landed right next to him and almost hit him.

At the same time, my heart was shocked, and I was sent flying by Chen Xuan's punch? Oh my god, what kind of calendar is this?

You must know that Chen Xuan doesn't look tall and mighty, and even looks a little thin, that's why 233, who is so tall and unscrupulous, wants to provoke Chen Xuan.

It turned out to be better now, he lifted a rock and shot himself in the foot, and he never expected that he wanted to grab other people's things, but in the end he caused himself a lot of trouble.

"Ouch... Ouch..."

The tall man was lying on the ground moaning constantly, he never dreamed that he would end up in such a situation.

All this happened so quickly that he didn't recover from it at all.

I don't even know which link is wrong.

"I told you a long time ago, let you leave quickly or you will regret it, this is the end of not listening to (ccah) advice!"

Chen Xuan sat back on the stone again, with a kind of superior indifference in his expression, coupled with his contemptuous expression, it made people feel surrendered.

The tall man and the tall companion got up very slowly from the ground, and they supported each other.

Obviously they are young guys in their twenties, but their current movements look like old people in their seventies and eighties, and every movement seems so gentle and clumsy.

Compared with the arrogance and complacency before, they seem to be completely different people now.

After these two guys stood up with great difficulty, their legs were still dangling uncontrollably, as if they would fall to the ground again at any time.

"Just like this, you still want to grab my things, heh, to say that you are overbearing is flattering you!"

Seeing the appearance of these two guys, Chen Xuan couldn't help becoming more and more disdainful, so he said coldly.


At this moment, Rhubarb, who was looking for something at the stone pile, ran towards this side directly.

While running, there was still a little roar in his mouth.

This sound successfully made the tall man and his companion tremble again, and fell back to the ground with a snap.

At this moment, the two guys could no longer care about the pain caused when they fell to the ground, and they looked at the tiger running towards this side with fear in their eyes.

I even kept shouting in my heart.

Is it about to end here? Tiger, is it really a tiger?

Perhaps before they were not beaten, they could run quickly and have a chance to survive, but now they are hurt and hurt, and every step they take takes a breath of pain, let alone running for their lives. like running.

Especially the tall companion's eyes showed a touch of despair.

Originally, they came here with great enthusiasm to find things, but they didn't expect that things backfired. Instead of finding things, they were full of crises everywhere.

Compared with the despair of his companions, the tall man was just praying in his heart. .

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