Go Crazy! You Call This Level 1 Civilization?

Chapter 598 The Embarrassment Of Two Idiots

The tall man couldn't make a sound after falling, so he could only bear the severe pain abruptly.

Because once he makes a sound, he will definitely attract Rhubarb's attention. At that time, the ferocious tiger will not care so much. Maybe it will be easier to find the tall man's location if he smells the smell of blood.

So now he can only swallow all his emotions into his stomach no matter how difficult or painful it is.

At the same time, he silently prayed in his heart, hoping that the situation on Douzi's side was not bad, so that his hard work here would not be in vain.

Naturally, the slight sound from that side was not hidden from Dahuang's ears. You must know that it is a tiger, not a big cat.

It's still difficult for that 083 guy to hide from its eyes and ears, but Rhubarb didn't care as much as him.

The tall man quickly got up from the ground, ignoring the pain in his body, and kept crawling forward with both hands and feet.

Now he can no longer go any further, he can only go to the jungle on the right, and he has to find a way to get rid of the rhubarb.

Just getting out of this trouble is tricky.

I don't know if Rhubarb's patience is almost exhausted, it can't help speeding up its steps, and quickly walked towards the direction where the tall man made the movement, which made the guy's forehead sweat continuously, and his face was full of tears. He was even pale with fright.

Wanting to calculate it and Chen Xuan didn't weigh how much he weighed himself.

Otherwise, would you really treat them as mud?

"My God... what's going on with this guy? I'm not attracting its attention anymore, why is it still walking towards me? Could it be that it really discovered my existence? ?"

The tall man was crawling on both hands and feet, while muttering to himself, of course, the sound was very small and it was about the same as the sound of a mosquito.

While speaking, he did not forget the situation he was in now.

All in all, I can only use one sentence to describe it as very embarrassing.

Of course, all of this should be blamed on themselves. If they hadn't thought of plotting against Chen Xuan in advance, they wouldn't have fallen into such a (ccah) situation.

Well now, the two fools plotted themselves into the trap. Apart from being embarrassed, it was Chen Xuan who was leisurely and leisurely in the jungle alone, and had already started looking for other items left here.

After Rhubarb walked forward for a certain distance, he lost interest in the game for an instant, and turned around and went in another direction.

Rather than staying here and wasting time with them, it's better to find Chen Xuan.

It's just that the tall man didn't realize that Rhubarb had left, and he was still crawling like a bug.

At this moment, he seemed to have lost the strength to walk on both feet.

Or in other words, lying on the ground and crawling close to the ground at this moment can hide yourself better.

But he just forgot that if he was really like this, facing Rhubarb's pursuit, he would only delay the best time for him to escape.

"Why is there no movement? Did the tiger leave by itself?"

I don't know how long it took, the tall man only felt that except for some branches and soil and fallen leaves in front of his eyes, he had forgotten where he was in the environment.

It wasn't until he was so tired that he couldn't move anymore that he lay down on the ground and carefully listened to the movement behind him with his ears up.

But after listening for a long time, I didn't hear the tiger's footsteps at all, so I said happily. .

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