Go Crazy! You Call This Level 1 Civilization?

Chapter 72 Another Way, All-Round Crushing From Gu Wu

at the same time,

Baijia Village,

After several days of training, Bai Ziqi directly connected the first meridian completely,

Although the strength of the body has not increased as much as before,

but he found,

I can actually activate the remaining mysterious factors in my body, and cooperate with the thirteen moves of Tai Chi Pao Hammer,

Terrible destructive power erupted!

Originally, he could only break wood with a diameter of no more than five centimeters with one punch.

But after triggering the mysterious factor,

It actually directly cut off a big tree with the thickness of a bowl from the middle in an instant!

Whether it is strength, or the bearing capacity of muscles and bones, it has increased by at least three times at that moment!

"It is indeed a mysterious factor that can only be absorbed by ancient warriors. Before I have finished opening up my meridians and opening up my dantian, I can directly let my strength explode and increase again!"

Bai Ziqi was amazed,

It really is worthy of the legendary ancient martial arts,

This is only at his current stage, he can only use the remaining mysterious factor in one meridian,

If he gets through the second, third, or even more meridians later on,

Wouldn't this power increase several times?

Even dozens of times?!

Even if the destructive power will not continue to increase, his endurance will definitely increase a lot,

That is to say,

The mysterious factor remaining in a meridian can support an attack with three times the power of a punch,

After penetrating the second meridian, he can make a second punch!

Although the stamina is much worse than that of qi and blood, the improvement of strength is even more powerful!


The role of the mysterious factor has no effect on Qi and blood,

With the mutual support of the two, his strength can even be directly increased to nearly four times!

This seems to have surpassed the previous 2,600 catties, nearly doubled!

"In two days, sir, the next live broadcast will start, and before that, I should go and do what Master ordered.

Bai Ziqi let out a mouthful of turbid air, and the blood in his body completely recovered at this time,

However, the remaining mysterious factor in his body was exhausted in that punch just now,

If you still want to perform a quadruple attack, you must absorb the mysterious factor group again!

But Bai Ziqi found a bug,

That is the meridian in the body, although it has reached a state of fatigue, there is no way to continue opening it,

But he can absorb the mysterious factor floating in the air and store it in the meridian that he has penetrated.

Although a little troublesome,

But it can replenish the mysterious factor at any time, so that you can always maintain the peak state that can burst out four times the power star!

"Mom, I have to go out first, and I will come back in a few days..."..."

Bai Ziqi packed up his things, took the letter, and greeted his mother,

"What are you going to do? I just discussed with your aunt and arranged a blind date for you. Why don't you go and have a look before leaving?"


Bai Ziqi was bewildered,

A great expert with half of his feet at the level of ancient martial arts actually wants to go out on a blind date?!

What if word got out?

Wouldn't that make people laugh out loud?

This can't work!

Bai Ziqi said nothing,

Take your own things and walk out of the yard.

When Baimu came to the yard, there was no sign of him.

"Phew, I was so scared to death, I was almost caught on a blind date..."

half an hour later,

Bai Ziqi breathed a sigh of relief after boarding the plane,

But it seems that the matter of asking for a wife has to be put on the agenda.

As the saying goes, there are three kinds of unfilial piety, the greatest is to have no descendants,

At any rate, I am also a master who stepped into the ancient martial arts realm, how could there be no one to pass on the mantle?

And it was hard for me to leave my teacher and go home, so I was so scared by the blind date that I couldn't go back home, wouldn't that be a little too embarrassing?

"Forget it, let's go through what Master explained first, and then we can talk about it...

Then Bai Ziqi began to close his eyes and meditate,

It was not until the next morning that he came near the address mentioned in the letter.

"Twenty miles to the south of Nanyong Mountain, and ten miles to the east along the small river..."

The place is very remote, you need to walk thirty miles to get off the car,

But this is no problem for him,

Whether in Laojun Mountain or Baijia Village, the mountain roads were the ones he walked the most.

And with his physical fitness beyond the realm of a master, there is no difficulty in this mountain road at all!

"Hello, is this Bajiquan Zhang Weimin's home?"

Bai Ziqi knocked on the courtyard door,

Soon a woman came out, about thirty years old,

Although she was wearing loose long sleeves, she couldn't hide her family-like aura at all.

Be a master!

Bai Zi instantly concluded,

This woman has at least reached the level of breaking the arm of a wooden dummy with force,

Although he has not stepped into the realm of a master yet, it should not be far behind.

Up to twenty years, should be able to achieve!

"Who are you? Why are you looking for my father?"

woman wondering,

He looked up and down Bai Ziqi's body, but found that this person did not have the aura that a martial artist should have.

"I am Bai Ziqi, the descendant of Tai Chi Pao Hammer. Master Wang, I am here to close a letter for Senior Zhang."

Bai Ziqi said,

At the same time, he took out the letter the old man gave him when he left Laojun Mountain.

"The successor of Tai Chi Pao Hammer? Then come in with me." "

The woman looked at the address on the letter, and then opened the courtyard door to let him in.

Bai Ziqi nodded, followed the woman to the inner courtyard,

But as soon as you come in,

An old man in his fifties or sixties quickly approached from the house.


Bai Ziqi subconsciously mobilized the mysterious factors in his body, and punched the man forcefully,

Then the figure on the opposite side retreated directly to the rear,

On the contrary, Bai Ziqi, who was attacked by surprise, only took half a step back.


The woman ran towards the figure,

Only then did Bai Ziqi see clearly that the person who attacked him just now was actually an old man who was about the same age as his master.

"It's okay, it's just a little skin trauma...

The old man waved his hand,

The woman worried: "I'll get you some medicine, you can see that you're bleeding!"

Then he ran to the back hall (Qian Wangzhao),

The old man coughed twice, and walked towards Bai Ziqi,

"I didn't expect that the successor of the old man Chen has stepped into Huajin, and his skill is stronger than my old bone..."

Only then did Bai Ziqi come to his senses, and scratched the back of his head in embarrassment,

"Sorry senior, I couldn't control it just now, and I used Gu Wu's moves..."

Because he has often practiced the method of drawing qi into the body recently, his body has been completely used to mobilizing the mysterious factors, and it has gradually evolved into an instinct.

So just now I went to the toilet in a hurry,

Only then would he accidentally activate the mysterious factor in the meridian, instantly bursting out with three times the force.

Therefore, only the old man in the realm of the master will be directly blown away by him.

But the old man on the opposite side was stunned after hearing what he said,

There was a hint of suspicion in the eyes,

"Ancient martial arts moves? Aren't you practicing Chinese martial arts?!"


He asked a little strangely. .

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