The fishing boat in charge slowly moved away.

Kangzi grabbed Ye Qing and said, "Qingzi, you are a little impulsive."

"No matter how lucky you are, you can't always say what you want."

"The fish on will definitely come and ridicule you later." Zhang Jun also said: "Yes, just find a way to make Guan You apologize."

"Brother, you can't scare Guan You with those words."

"Wait until Guan You catches the fish, and then you want him to apologize. It's even harder."

Ye Qingyun said calmly: "I'm not trying to scare him."

"It's not just for us, but also for Cai Ya, he's also a victim of being used."

"It's not just for the sake of saving face."

" Today, Guan You must learn a lesson. "

"Let's get off the Internet too."

Zhang Jun was stunned: "Follow Guan You?"

Ye Qing nodded: "Yes, give him a taste of his own medicine."

Zhang Jun He hesitated to speak, as he felt that there was no point in doing this. It would only waste time fishing, except for fighting. But he didn't say anything in the end, and walked into the cabin with a sigh.

Start the fishing boat.

Kangzi didn't say anything more, and he and Li Shi started working immediately.

Cai Ya stood aside, watching silently, muttering to himself: "Ye Qing is not only doing this for himself, but also helping me to get revenge. Ah. "

Thinking of this, his eyes reddened and he almost cried with emotion.

From childhood to adulthood.

He had never been treated like this before.

At home, he was often beaten and scolded by his father. He endured the grievances and was bullied. He had been suffering for a long time, and he got used to it.

But now.

Ye Qing was helping him to vent his anger.

Family members.

Who understands.

He was really very touching.

Thinking of this, he grabbed Ye Qing and said, "I have a way to deal with Guan You. When I found out that Guan You was going to steal your cage, I secretly hid my phone in a corner and took a photo."

Ye Qing's eyes lit up: " Do you still have this brain? "

Cai Ya rolled his eyes: "Who are you looking down on?"

"I could compete with you for first place in elementary school."

"It was only later that I couldn't do it."

Ye Qing looked at Guan He looked at the fishing boat of the post and said, "If I can get your phone, Guan You will be ruined."

He asked, "Will you not be discovered?"

Cai Ya shook his head He raised his head and said, "I'm hiding very secretly. Unless you look for it specifically, it's impossible to be found."

Ye Qing smiled and said, "Well done."

"You can stay on my ship from now on."

"Just like Li Shi , guaranteed 1,000 yuan a day, plus 1% commission. ”

Cai Ya was overjoyed: “You trust me so much?”

Ye Qing asked back: “Shouldn’t I trust you?”

Cai Ya nodded vigorously, then cheered He shouted: "Kangzi, I am also a boatman."

"We will be the same in the future."


Kangzi looked at Ye Qing.

Ye Qing nodded.

Kangzi didn't say anything, but shouted: "Then Don't hurry up and work! "

As for Li Shi, he just does his own thing.


The fishing boat opposite.

Lao Wu shouted, "Boss, Ye Qing's fishing boat is approaching."

"He wants to steal our catch!"

"What should we do?"

After seeing this, Guan You snorted, "He's playing this trick on me. "Is it a set?"


"Then give it a try!"

"I don't believe it can be the same as before!"

The other boatmen also held their breath and worked as hard as they could.

As long as they could catch fish, it would be great. We won!

This is just like playing!

A sure win!

If we can still lose, we can really change our career.

At this time.

The captain shouted in the cabin, his voice was extremely excited: "The radar shows that there are fish schools below!"

" And it's not small."

"This net can not only catch fish, but also burst the net!"

Guan You and others were very excited.

Not only a sure win.

A big win!

Guan You touched the scar on his face and shouted excitedly: "It looks like my luck is changing!"

"Could it be because he stole Ye Qing's catch and stole his luck?"

Lao Wu immediately flattered him: "Congratulations Boss, congratulations, Boss."

Guanyou slapped the side of the boat hard with his hand, stared at Ye Qing with his eyes, and shouted: "Boy, this time I will slap you in the face!"


Ye Qing noticed Guan You's eyes made him smile slightly. He was probably thinking about how to slap him in the face.

I have to say.

Guan You was lucky.

When he put the cage down, there were no fish in this sea area.

But now, this sea area happened to have a school of mayou fish, also known as noon fish, swimming over.

Mayou fish is called the most delicious sea fish by many people. There is also a proverb in Longwei Island: "One noon fish, two pomfret, three croaker".

This shows that the freshness of mayou fish is definitely far beyond most sea fish.

The price range of mayou fish is also very large. A catty of about one catty costs dozens of yuan per catty, two or three catties cost more than one hundred yuan per catty, and more than ten catties can be bought for three or four hundred yuan per catty!

If he hadn't come, Guan You could have caught a lot of mayou fish by just casting a net here.


He came!

Then Guan You would never catch another mayou fish.

There is a will of heaven in the dark.

What does it mean to bring disaster upon oneself?

This is it!

If Guan You had fished properly, he could have made a fortune, but he did something sneaky, and ended up with nothing. He got nothing for nothing.

This is fate!

You have to admit it!

Ye Qing sneered secretly, and blessed the electric eel with the energy of the dragon ball, so that the electric eel intercepted the horse fish halfway and released a danger signal with electric current.

The horse fish felt the danger, of course they would not stupidly hit it.

With this change of lane, it just avoided the trawl net under Guanyou fishing boat, and then rushed into the trawl net he put down.

Ye Qing watched from the perspective of the electric eel.

So happy.

This group of horse fish are very big. When the net is raised, when Kangzi sees it, he will definitely be very happy.

Kangzi dreams of catching fish weighing three or four hundred kilograms.

His dream is about to come true.

Time passed by minute by minute.

When night fell and the lights were turned on, it was time to raise the net.

Guan You stood at the bow, holding a loud speaker and shouting: "Ye Qing, let's raise the net together!"

"Didn't you say that I couldn't catch any fish?"

"Why don't we make a bet?"

"If I really don't catch any fish, I'll apologize to you."

"If I catch more than you, you'll let me take all the seafood in the cage."

Ye Qing said: "Not only give it to me, but also apologize to Cai Ya, then I'll bet with you."

Guan You laughed: "Okay, let's bet!"

Kangzi and Zhang Jun's faces changed drastically, and it was too late to stop them.

Not to mention the two of them, even Li Shi frowned.

Cai Ya was also stunned, his eyes instantly red: "Ye Qing, for me, even make such a bet?"

"I... How can I repay you?"

He quickly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

Fortunately, everyone was looking at Ye Qing at the moment, and no one noticed his loss of composure.

Ye Qing shouted: "Raise the net!"

Guan You also shouted.

The trawl nets of the two fishing boats were pulled by the winch almost at the same time. With a "creaking" sound, under the gaze of everyone, the trawl net of Ye Qing's fishing boat was slowly pulled out of the sea water with violent shaking.

Suddenly, someone shouted excitedly: "It's out of the water!"

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