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Xixi toasted Ye Qing: "Mr. Ye, can I go to the reservoir with you tomorrow?"

Ye Qing held the wine glass and asked: "Why go with me?"

"Don't you think it's dangerous?"

Xixi said: As long as I can follow you, the danger is nothing. "

"Publicly, you are Mr. Wang's friend and a VIP customer of the hotel. I have the responsibility and obligation to take care of your food, clothing, housing and transportation. "

"Privately, I want to follow you. Go and see for yourself."

"I actually like fishing very much. I have always been fascinated by your Magikarp fishing."

"If you can catch a crocodile, it will be another miracle. I dream of witnessing it with my own eyes." "Please promise me."

These words can be summed up in four words: I admire you!

For any man, a woman's admiration is the most difficult sugar-coated bullet to resolve.

Ye Qing drank the glass of wine with a smile and said: "Okay."

Seeing that he had agreed, Liu Yudie tactfully said nothing more.

After the business was over, the three of them started drinking.

At first, Liu Yudie and Xixi were competing with each other. They kept drinking, and the whole bottle of wine was drunk by the two of them. The girl finished the drink.

Seeing this, Ye Qing quickly said, "Add me one."

Liu Yudie was very touched. Ye Qing must have seen that she was already drunk, so he helped her out.

He was so partial in front of Xixi. She, this also shows how different she is in Ye Qing's heart.

Xixi was just a little drunk, and said with a sly smile: "Mr. Ye, this is a matter between the two of us women, you'd better not interfere."

" If a woman doesn't get drunk, a man has no chance."

"I'll help you get her drunk."

Liu Yudie was not convinced: "It's hard to say who gets drunk."

"When I get you drunk, I'll Throw it out."

"Don't even think about being a third party here!"

Xixi poured wine: "Come and drink."

Ye Qing was anxious.

There were only a few bottles of wine to begin with, and these two women were still drinking like this, so what else should he drink?

The dragon ball energy was just a little short of being fully replenished, and he had a hunch that this time the dragon ball energy would definitely undergo a qualitative change after being fully replenished.

Maybe There were some unexpected gains.

He was about to go crocodile fishing, which was dangerous after all, and the more cards he had, the more secure he would be.

He said, "Okay, drink less, and don't get anyone drunk. "He shouted in his heart, "Drink less! This little bit of wine is not enough for him, why are you two women joining in the fun?" Liu Yudie was moved when she heard Ye Qing say this. Ye Qing did this for her. Talking like that means that Ye Qing only cares about her and doesn't care about Xixi's feelings at all.

Xixi stared at Ye Qing straight, her eyes almost tearing.

She had just said it so bluntly, but Ye Qing didn't hesitate at all The rejection shows that Ye Qing had no bad intentions from beginning to end.

What a good man.

In ancient times, there was Liu Xiahui who remained calm even when a woman sat on his lap. Today, there is Ye Qing who is unwilling to have sex after drinking.

Who wouldn't want a man like this?

Having seen many bad men, Xixi feels like she has found a treasure when she looks at Ye Qing. .

She must find a way to catch it!

The two women looked at each other, stopped drinking, and drank with Ye Qing.

They drank to the end.

"Ye Qing, don't stop me, I can still drink!"

"I I'm not drunk."

"I'm very clear-headed now, keep drinking."

Ye Qing was helpless.

Drunk people usually don't know they are drunk, and sober people will never emphasize that they are not drunk.

For example, he .

He stood up and opened the door of the master bedroom. Inside was a very large bed.

How big was it?

It was big enough for seven or eight people to sleep on it without feeling crowded.

It was more than enough for Liu Yudie and Xixi to sleep on it!

"Ye Qing, stop shaking. Why are you twisting your body while walking?"

"Yes, and you twist it so beautifully."

Liu Yudie and Xixi shouted in succession.

Ye Qing helped the two girls up.

"Twist together."

" Ouch, get excited. "

Ye Qing's scalp was numb and his blood was boiling. He didn't twist, but Liu Yudie and Xixi really twisted and twisted in his arms. Who could bear this?

Anyway, he was I can't stand it.

He rushed into the master bedroom and threw the two women onto the bed. Because he used too much force, the two women bounced up after landing on the bed.

At first, the two women were still twisting and turning on the bed, but Soon he fell into a deep sleep.

Ye Qing waited until

After they were quiet, he went over to help them cover the quilt.

It was necessary to cover them.

After drinking, they were hot all over, and they had just taken off most of their clothes.

After doing all this, Ye Qing walked out of the master bedroom, closed the door and breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the mess in front of the sofa, Ye Qing took a bottle of wine and simply walked to the French window.

Sit down by the window.

After the noise, only tranquility remained.

Ye Qing enjoyed the moment.

Wang Ye treated him to food and drinks, took him to consume, and the lights were bright and the wine was extravagant.

Especially those young ladies, who were beautiful and spoke nicely, but all that was just a show.

As for Liu Yudie and Xixi.

These two women were very beautiful and seemed to be interested in him.


Don't get close to me.

He doesn't want to fall in love now!

Ye Qing warned himself not to indulge in it.

Drinking wine and looking at the lights outside, the originally restless heart gradually calmed down.

Unconsciously, the sky brightened.

After drinking, Ye Qing fell asleep on the floor.

This sleep lasted until noon.

When Ye Qing woke up, Liu Yudie and Xixi were still sleeping in each other's arms, and Kangzi was also sleeping on his back.

He took a shower and just changed into clean clothes.

Liu Yudie and Xixi were woken up by him. Seeing Ye Qing taking a shower, they chose to watch quietly.

After Ye Qing finished washing, the two women got up.

Ye Qing walked out of the master bedroom, and the doorbell rang.

Opening the door, Wang Ye walked out holding his waist.

Wang Ye saw Ye Qing and said with a sly smile: "Brother Ye, you look like nothing happened. You must have been bored yesterday."

"Unlike Brother Ye, I worked hard yesterday."

Ye Qing said calmly: "I'm busy."

Wang Ye asked: "What are you busy with?"

Just as Ye Qing was about to speak, Liu Yudie and Xixi came over in hotel robes and said: "Please buy us two clothes later."

Their clothes were taken off in abnormal circumstances yesterday, and some places were torn and could not be worn again.

Ye Qing shook his head: "I don't want to."

"You tore them, why should I buy them for you?"

"Find a way yourself."

It was not that he was unkind to refuse, but their clothes were all for girls, and some were close-fitting. How could a big man like him buy them?

It's not like they were boyfriend and girlfriend!

It was natural for him to refuse.

Liu Yudie and Xixi were rejected and walked back to the master bedroom depressed.

Until the door was closed.

Wang Ye was stunned with shock, and gave Ye Qing a thumbs up: "Brother Ye, I'm convinced!"

"You really looked busy last night."

He was testing.

If Ye Qing denied it, then there was a high probability that nothing happened last night.

If he didn't refute it.

That would be a big deal.

It was mainly Liu Yudie and Xixi. They saw him standing next to them, but they still came out and asked Ye Qing to help buy clothes.

It was hard not to think too much.

Ye Qing glanced at him, knowing that he had misunderstood, and said lightly: "I'm convinced."

You can pretend.

Why not!

Wang Ye was completely dumbfounded when he saw that he didn't deny it, and hurriedly asked what happened last night.

Ye Qing asked him to guess, and said: "Call some food over."

Wang Ye saw that he couldn't get anything out of him, so he stopped struggling and asked: "Aren't you going to your class reunion?"

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