The van passed by Ye Qing's house and stopped in the open space on the left.

Under the gaze of Ye Qing and others, the door opened and A Biao got out of the car first. He touched his bald head, noticed the gaze of Ye Qing and others, and showed an arrogant smile without hesitation.

Zhang Xiaoyu was so scared that she quickly hid in Ye Qing's arms, and her small body was trembling slightly.

Before, A Biao brought his accomplices to collect debts, which left a deep psychological shadow on Zhang Xiaoyu.

At this moment, she suddenly saw A Biao, and she was still instinctively afraid.

Ye Qing hurriedly comforted him softly.

The next moment.

A wheelchair was pushed out of the car and fell on the sandy ground, shaking. The person sitting on it almost fell down, but fortunately he stabilized at the last moment.

After Kangzi saw it clearly, he exclaimed: "It's Uncle Sanhe."

The middle-aged man sitting in the wheelchair is called Li Sanhe. He was injured while fishing at sea in the early years. Because the medical facilities on the island are very poor, he eventually became disabled and sat in a wheelchair all day.

Most families in Nancun have the surname Li, which is a big surname. Anyone with the surname Li on Longwei Island has the same ancestor hundreds of years ago.

Although Kangzi and Li Sanhe are five generations apart, their fathers have a very good relationship. So when he saw Li Sanhe coming out of the van, his face suddenly changed and he was extremely anxious.

But facing A Biao and others, he didn't dare to say anything.

Ye Qing asked, "A Biao, what are you doing?"

A Biao took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth. His subordinates lit the cigarette for him quickly. After taking a long puff of the thick smoke, he said with great dignity, "What can I do? Of course, I am collecting debts."

"It is only natural to pay back debts."

"Even if the king of heaven comes, he can't control me."

"Ye Qing, this has nothing to do with you. Don't meddle in other people's business."

Ye Qing's face sank and he said nothing.

A Biao and others act arrogantly, but they don't do anything reckless. Since they are under the name of paying back debts, it is estimated that Li Sanhe does owe money.

If the money is not paid back, it is reasonable for A Biao to find a way to collect the debt. As long as he doesn't do anything out of the ordinary, what can these outsiders do?

Help pay the debt?

Even if they are from the same village or the same clan, it is unlikely that they will have a good relationship.

Kangzi asked in a low voice: "Qingzi, what should we do?"

A Biao and others drove vans around Nancun all day long and made trouble everywhere. In the current situation, it is obvious that they are reaching out to Li Sanhe.

Ye Qing said: "Don't worry."

"Let's see what happens first."

If A Biao dares to collect debts violently, as a villager, Ye Qing will naturally not sit idly by.

He will take action when necessary.

He is not timid.

Kangzi heard him say this, coughed, lowered his voice, and said in a panic: "We can't just watch."

"Why don't we go to the dock to find my dad and others, or find the village chief."

Ye Qing shook his head: "Don't go."

"It's useless for you to find them."

"With me watching here, A Biao dare not mess around."

Before, he could punch A Biao away with one punch. As long as A Biao still has a brain, he will not do anything too extreme in front of him.

Unless A Biao likes to be beaten.

Kangzi was speechless, thinking that Ye Qing must have drunk too much. A Biao and his people don't even take the village chief seriously, so why should they be afraid of you?

He didn't know that Ye Qing had paid off his debts and beat A Biao away before, so he thought Ye Qing was too pretentious and had no idea how cruel A Biao and his people were.

He turned his head to look at Zhang Jun and Ye Lan, and whispered: "Sister Lan, Brother Jun, what do you think?"

Zhang Jun said: "Listen to A Qing."

Kangzi was helpless and looked at A Biao and his people nervously, thinking in his heart that if there was a conflict later, should he go or not?

Seeing that Ye Qing and the others did not intervene, A Biao became even more arrogant. He glanced at the empty space, suddenly kicked the wheelchair, and cursed: "Li Sanhe, you want to use this broken house foundation as collateral for 30,000 yuan?"

"Are you crazy because of poverty, or do you think my boss is doing charity!"

"Sell the homestead and the house you live in to my boss. When my boss's factory is built, let your son work in the factory. The debt can be paid off in seven or eight years at most."

"Here is the agreement, sign it!"

Just then.

A tall and thin young man rushed over and shouted: "Let go of my dad, don't bully my dad, you bad guys come at me."

Kangzi saw it and said: "It's the big fool."

The big fool is called Li Shi.

He is a miserable person.

His mother was mentally retarded and lost when he was a child. No one knows

Whereabouts, some people say that he died in the sea.

Later, his father Li Sanhe became disabled, and the family almost lost its source of income.

There is also a grandmother in the family, who is now old and sick all year round.

And Li Shi's brain is like her mother's, not very smart, a little stupid, honest, and tall and thin, so over time he got the nickname of a big fool.

Ye Qing also watched, and sighed in his heart that bad luck only picks the unfortunate, and hemp ropes only break at the thinnest.

Fortunately, the current policy is good, there are subsidies, and there are also villagers' help. Although life is not easy, at least the family has no problem surviving.

But in the past year, the villagers have had a hard time, and Li Shi's family is even worse.

Li Shi rushed over with a shout, but was slightly dodged by A Biao, tripped by his feet, and fell directly to the ground with a "thump".

Seeing this, Li Sanhe was so anxious that he shouted for his son and accidentally fell off the wheelchair.

The father and son struggled on the ground, and Ye Lan turned her head away, unable to bear to watch.

Ah Biao laughed out loud, the boss wanted to build a factory in Nancun, and wanted to kill a chicken to scare the monkey.

After searching for a long time, the best chicken to kill was Li Shi's family.

As long as the people of Nancun saw the miserable situation of Li Shi's family, those villagers who were still watching would naturally obey.

Seeing this, Kangzi asked anxiously: "Qingzi, is this considered messing around?"

Ye Qing nodded: "Yes."

At this time, Zhang Xiaoyu in his arms was no longer so scared. He bent down and said softly: "Xiaoyu, uncle will beat the bad guys, okay?"

Zhang Xiaoyu nodded and said: "Uncle, you have to be very strong, don't get hurt."

Ye Qing smiled and rubbed her little head: "Okay, uncle promises Xiaoyu."

Zhang Xiaoyu was very sensible and let go, hiding in Ye Lan's arms again.

Ye Qing walked over.

Ah Biao was wrong for doing this. He couldn't stand watching Li San and his father and son being bullied like this. Besides, he couldn't let this homestead fall into the hands of Da Jin Ya.

Seeing this, Kangzi hesitated for a moment and followed him. Although he was afraid, he believed that good brothers should go through life and death together. At worst, they would be beaten together!

As he thought so in his heart, he walked forward, and his body trembled more and more.

On the other hand, Ye Qing.

He held his head high and strode forward.

Ah Biao and others looked over in unison and tightened the sticks in their hands.

In Kangzi's opinion, Ah Biao's signs of taking action were so frightening that he almost hugged his head.

In fact.

Ah Biao and his men were panicking. Even with weapons in their hands, they still didn't feel safe when Ye Qing came over.

Ah Biao shouted fiercely: "Ye Qing, what do you want to do?"

Ye Qing ignored him and just walked and looked at him.

A Biao swallowed his saliva, feeling the pressure. The place where he was hit before was still aching. He didn't want to feel Ye Qing's fist again.

He chose to retreat.

As I said before, for the sake of salary, he would not risk his life.

To put it bluntly, he was a bully.

The thugs following him also retreated hurriedly.

Kangzi was stunned.

What happened?

A Biao and his men retreated again?

Are they scared?

Are they afraid of Ye Qing?

It turned out that Ye Qing said that A Biao didn't dare to do anything with him around, and he was not bragging.


No matter what the reason, my brother is awesome!


Kangzi was so excited that his face was not panicked, his body was not shaking, and his back was straight.

Ye Qing didn't do anything, but bent down and reached out to help Li Sanhe up from the ground and sit back in the wheelchair. Kangzi followed suit and pulled Li Shi up from the ground.

Li Sanhe thanked him immediately and looked at Ye Qing in great surprise.

It was really surprising that Ye Qing could calm down A Biao and others.

After Li Shi got up, he shouted: "Kangzi, Qingzi, thank you, you are all good people, I don't want to implicate you."

"These bad guys are bad, they will bully you."

After doing all this, Ye Qing said: "I don't want to do anything, but I just can't bear to see you bully people like this."

"If you want to collect the debt, collect it properly."

"How much money does Uncle Sanhe need to pay back now, including the principal and interest?"

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