The old man was very happy.

Ye Qing looked at those gossiping people and said, "I know the boatman I found."

"Thank you for your concern."

After that.

He quickened his pace and walked towards the fishing boat.

Li Shi followed closely, and he couldn't help grinning.

Qingzai is still the same Qingzai as before.

That's great.

Seeing Ye Qing's attitude, those gossipers shook their heads and said, "If you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer."

"Qingzi is getting cocky."

"You want to catch yellowfin tuna with such a troublesome person? You really think you are the illegitimate son of Mazu."

Ye Qing was indifferent to these gossipers, but Kangzi glared at them. If the other party was not an elder, he would definitely say a few words.

Some people say bad things, and some people say good things.

People's hearts are unpredictable. Some people may be kind reminders, while others say one thing and another behind the scenes.

Just listen.

You can't stop someone from talking nonsense.

Get on board.

Zhang Jun walked into the cabin and quickly started the fishing boat.


With billowing black smoke, the fishing boat set sail and headed for the vast ocean.

Some fishing boats also went out to sea and scattered. Uncle Li and Uncle Jiang, who were close to them, followed not far away and also planned to try their luck.

Through the radio, everyone talked about how to catch yellowfin tuna.


The key lies in three points.

The first is the fishing spot.

There is nothing to say about this. The yellowfin tuna school hunts in that sea area. It may be troublesome for others to find a fishing spot, but for Ye Qing, as long as he has hands, it will be fine.

The electric eel for working fish is ready.

The second is the equipment.

The giant fishing rod and electric reel are second-hand. I bought several sets. This was bought by Kangzi. There is no decent fishing tackle store on Longwei Island.

I hope the yellowfin tuna can be gentler and not explode.

The third is the bait.

Uncle Li and Uncle Jiang complained the most about this. They used shrimp, crab, octopus, fish and other baits, but the yellowfin tuna were not interested.

Kangzi joked, "This group of yellowfin tuna must be picky eaters."

The speaker may not mean it, but the listener may take it to heart.

If that's the case, it would be simple.

He only needs to let the electric eel quietly observe what the yellowfin tuna eats, and then he can prescribe the right medicine.

What exactly is going on, we have to get to the place to know.


At this moment.

The villagers who did not go out to sea on the dock were still talking about Ye Qing.

Village chief Li Fu walked slowly with his hands behind his back. Hearing everyone's gossip, he snorted coldly, "You are the only smart ones."

"Don't Qingzi know about Shizi's situation?"

"You are all elders, so please be more kind."

"Qingzi is helping Shizi's family."


He told the story of Li San and his father and son being asked for debts by A Biao last night. After listening, everyone was silent.

Some people gave a thumbs up: "Qingzai is really this."

"Qingzai is indeed the best young man in our Nancun."

Some people were worried: "If he does this, Da Jinya will not let him go."

There were also a few people who looked jealous, thinking that Ye Qing was pretending to be stupid, and he was the only one who stood out.

Why is Ye Qing so outstanding, and they are so useless?

"Just wait for good intentions to go unrewarded."

"It's money to burn."

They dared not say it, but could only be sarcastic in their hearts.

Some people also asked the village chief Li Fu about what to do with the vacant land in the west. Da Jinya pressed them step by step, and they couldn't sleep well at night, fearing that Da Jinya's men would come to their door in the middle of the night.

Li Fu sighed: "I'm thinking of a way."

"The iron must be strong before it can be forged."

"If Da Jinya hadn't held a handle on him, Da Jinya would not have found a chance to build a factory in our village even if he wanted to."

Many people looked gloomy.

They also know this, but what can they do? If they have no money, they can only think of ways to deal with it. Big Gold Teeth will take advantage of the situation.

Li Fu comforted: "Okay, things will turn around."

"Wait a little longer."

As he spoke, he looked at the horizon, expecting Ye Qing to come back.

On the side.

Lao Feng was smoking, and his cell phone rang in his pocket.

He took it out and saw that it was the big boss who wanted to buy yellowfin tuna.

He quickly answered the call.

The big boss's voice came from the microphone: "Lao Feng, how is it, is there any accurate news? I have been waiting for so long, and I haven't seen a yellowfin tuna yet!"

Lao Feng said: "Tomorrow, no, the day after tomorrow, at most the day after tomorrow

I will definitely give you a definite answer tomorrow."

After chatting for a while, he hung up the phone, and estimated in his heart that no matter how long Ye Qing delayed, he should be able to return to the dock the day after tomorrow.


Two hours later.

The fishing boat has arrived at the deep sea area of ​​50 nautical miles.

The sun is high in the sky, the sea is endless, there is no shelter, and it is directly exposed to the sun. No one stands outside to appreciate the beautiful scenery at this moment.


There is actually nothing beautiful in the deep sea.

Except water, it is still water.

Ye Qing stood in the cabin, looking out through the window, and occasionally saw scattered fishing boats.

It is not a trawler, but a fishing boat.

Kangzi sighed: "The news of the recovery of resources in our Longwei Island waters has spread. There have been fishermen driving fishing boats to play during this period."

Zhang Jun drove the fishing boat and said: "It is said that the harvest is not great. It is said that the seafood in our Longwei Island waters has become smart."

Li Shi also said: "My father also said that the fish in the sea are smarter than me. "

Ye Qing seemed to be thinking about something.

It's not that it has become a spirit, but it's possible that the seafood is a little smarter and better at seeking benefits and avoiding harm.

The dragon ball is mysterious and powerful, and has many great powers. Before he ate it, it had existed in the waters of Longwei Island for a year. This year must have had an impact on the ecology and seafood.

The more seafood knows how to seek benefits and avoid harm, the harder it will be to catch.

But for Ye Qing, the impact is not great.

Just now, the electric eel informed him that there was a reef coral group just below the fishing boat, and a group of swimming crabs were hiding in it.

Generally speaking, swimming crabs are usually in shallow waters, usually living in muddy bottoms, and swimming crabs hiding in reef coral groups are really rare.

This is probably because swimming crabs have also learned to be smart and know how to protect themselves.

Ye Qing said: "Brother-in-law, stop the boat."

Zhang Jun hurriedly stopped the boat.

Ye Qing turned his head and said to Kangzi: "How many crab cages did you buy before? ”

Kangzi said: “More than 40.”

“All bought at low prices from villagers who no longer go out to sea to fish.”

Ye Qing said: “Take them all out, we’ll catch them.”

Kangzi was stunned: “Here?”

Ye Qing nodded and said: “Yes. "

Although we went out to sea for yellowfin tuna, since we encountered high-value seafood, we couldn't just pretend we didn't see it.

After saying that, he walked out of the cabin.

Kangzi hurriedly followed him out.

He found the crab cage and took the lead in working, taking out the prepared shrimp and squid meat and putting them into the crab cage, and then throwing them into the sea. There were floats on them, so there was no need to worry about losing them.

After he threw one, Zhang Jun immediately started the boat and threw another one after sailing ten or twenty meters.

Ye Qing followed suit.

Li Shi also learned quickly, mainly because there was nothing to learn. He was responsible for throwing the crab nets down.

Soon, all 45 crab nets were thrown into the sea, basically covering this reef coral group.

"Let's go. "

Ye Qing called out.

You can collect the crab nets when you return, no need to guard them. There are not many fishing boats out at sea now, no need to worry about "kind people" helping to collect the nets.

Kangzi put his hands together: "Mazu, please bless us and let the nets burst."

Ye Qing smiled.

It's almost the same as asking him for help.

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