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Chapter 106: Abandoned Temple

The bat sat motionless in the tomb, did not move for a long time, and seemed not to leave for a moment.

But Kongkong knows that he must find a way to escape, otherwise the unpredictable light and shadow in front of him will soon become a big airtight net, a lost city with overlapping layers, and he will be firmly imprisoned. Among them, one or two years, ten or twenty years, or longer.

He rarely hates his greed. Why does he have such a strong yearning for Xuezuan and Mingyue Tomb, so that as soon as he approaches the jade coffin of Mrs. Baiyu, his whole body will be hot, and countless sharp little hands stretch out from the bottom of his heart, and every scratch is Itching makes people go crazy, and it seems that only by reaching out to get the snow drill can you feel more comfortable.

A blood-sucking golden bat fluttered its wings, circled for a half circle in the tomb, and finally stopped firmly beside him, continuing to hang upside down. The body covered with dark hairs constantly exudes a stench. The golden nails are the most beautiful weapons, and the blood seals the throat.

Miaoshou held his breath empty and calculated in his heart the possibility of knocking out the bats, bypassing these bat groups, and then escape safely-as long as the people in Mingyue Tomb are not disturbed, then he is not considered bad for Xiao Lan. plan.

The idea was settled, he took a deep breath, and a thin steel blade fell silently between his fingers. Just about to start his hand, the top of a big pillar that he was climbing with his right hand shook suddenly.

"Who!" The bat sensed the strangeness and suddenly raised his head, but only saw dozens of huge bats hovering in the air with their wings spread out, blocking their sight tightly. After waved away the bat groups, the sky was empty above the roof, only dust was flying in the light of the pearl.

The bat fixedly stared at the pillar for a moment, and was sure that everything was the same, before sitting on the ground again, his cheeks against the jade coffin of Mrs. Bai Yu, and he did not feel cold.

In the darkness, Kongkong's hands were lying on the ground, feeling tight and painful in his chest and smelling of rust.

He didn't know where it was, or how he got here.

Just when the wooden pillar in his hand loosened, he instinctively grabbed it with his other hand, but he didn't know where the mechanism was touched. The whole person was thrown out by a huge suction force, hitting the wall like a sandbag, and being bounced back. To the ground.

Darkness, silence, and coldness.

If ordinary people are imprisoned here, even if they can't hit the ghosts, 80% of them will be frightened out of illness by themselves, but the empty hand is different. After the pain in his body subsided, he wiped the blood from his nose and stood up. If there is light at this time, then you can definitely see the ecstasy in his eyes-this is a brand new place, and there has never been a grave robber before, he is the first.

And this secret passage connecting with the tomb of Madam Baiyu is most likely the passage leading to the main tomb. Thinking of this, Kong Kong's wonderful hand had already left everything behind. He first listened for a while, and confirmed that there was no sound around him, before fumbling for the pearl from the cloth bag, and illuminating a bright light.

At a rough glance, this undercover road is winding and winding, and I don't know where it leads to. And just now, the entrance had disappeared without a trace, the mechanism was cleverly fitted, and even the smallest gap was hidden.

Wukong Miaoshou was so excited that he walked forward step by step.

In the Red Lotus Hall, Xiao Lan was sitting at the table, staring at a tea stalk in the tea bowl, first heaving up and down, then sinking into the bottom of the cup, until finally the heat dissipated, the tea turned dark brown, and he did not drink it. A bite.

The subordinate stood aside, not knowing what he was thinking, and did not dare to interrupt.

Xiao Lan closed his eyes and continued to think about things in the silence. There is no one around him to discuss, he is used to thinking alone.

"Young Master." After a long time, someone knocked on the door quietly.

Xiao Lan opened his eyes.

The person here is the maid beside Aunt Gui, saying that she is asking the young master to go over.

Xiao Lan asked, "What's the matter?"

The maid shook her head: "I don't know."

Xiao Lan got up and went to the front hall. This time, there was only Aunt Gui. If he wanted to come, the pharmacist should still be preparing medicine to disperse the vampire golden bat.

"Auntie." Xiao Lan asked, "Is something wrong with me?"

"Not far from Fuhunling, a barren mountain named Yanxian Mountain, you shouldn't remember now." Aunt Gui said, "but I took you to practice kungfu under the waterfall there."

Xiao Lan said: "Auntie is going now?"

Aunt Gui nodded: "But this time it was not for practicing. Speaking of Mrs. Bai Yu, I remembered that there was a temple in the barren mountain. It is rumored that there was a statue of a white jade beauty in it in the early years."

Xiao Lan frowned slightly.

Aunt Gui said: "It will take a few days for the pharmacist to dispense the medicine. Let me go to the mountains again. Maybe there will be gains."

Xiao Lan nodded: "Okay."

He remembers the mountain that hides the immortal mountain, a lonely dangerous peak, and many centuries-old trees are intertwined, covering the entire mountain. There are no paths to the top of the mountain, and even woodcutter rarely get involved. After all, there are many differences in the radius. In the hills, no risk.

In such a deserted place, there will be a temple? If so, who built it?

At this point, Xiao Lan was sure that Lu Chai’s previous thoughts were not wrong. The reason why Mrs. Bai Yu was able to make a huge wave in the army was not only because of her stunning appearance, but also more likely. It was used as a sacrifice for sacrifice.

"These are all rumors about Mrs. Bai Yu, I have sorted out some, you can take it yourself." Aunt Gui handed him a stack of yellowed books.

Xiao Lan promised to take it in his hand, and took a rough look at the place where he lived. It was all the rumors that had been heard before, and there was nothing new. Among them, he mentioned Lu Mansion quite generously. It seemed that he was extremely confident in Poison Gu, and felt that he had completely forgotten everything before.

In the early morning of the next day, the two rode their horses to leave the Mingyue Tomb, and went all the way to Mount Immortal Mountain. Not far away, they arrived in the afternoon.

Standing at the foot of the mountain and looking up, the clouds and mist are lush and lush, and the whole mountain is the most vigorous green.

Xiao Lan said, "On such a big mountain, there are only two people, my aunt and me. I'm afraid it's hard to find the ruined temple. Should I call more people to help?"

"Just follow me." Aunt Gui walked in, not intending to explain more.

So Xiao Lan didn't ask much, and followed her all the way up the mountain. In midsummer, the sky is scorching, but there is no sultry heat in the mountains and forests. The lush tree canopy blocks most of the sunlight, and only a thin light flows from the gaps.

The roots of the trees stretched out of the ground, and looked like a dead python from a distance, and the sound of the birds were harsh and hoarse, like howling. Xiao Lan said, "Is this mountain haunted?"

Aunt Gui stopped: "Why, are you afraid of ghosts?"

Xiao Lan smiled and said: "If you are not haunted, I am sorry for these trees and birds. Looking at the thickness of the branches, this mountain is probably desolate for hundreds of years. If you want to build a temple here, it will cost a lot of manpower. You can't do it without a solid foundation."

Aunt Gui said: "In Yueerwan."

Xiao Lan said, "What?"

"The location of that temple is in Yue'er Bay." Aunt Gui said, "Although I don't know where it is, but nursery rhymes have been sung, the place where the moon rises every night is Yue'er Bay."

Where does the moon rise? Xiao Lan said, "Then go to the left."

Aunt Gui nodded: "You lead the way."

Xiao Lan cut through the vines with a dagger, and said: "Auntie doesn't want to bring more people, is it because I can't believe it?"

"It's about the secrets of Mingyue Tomb. Naturally, the fewer people know, the better." Aunt Gui said.

Xiao Lan asked again, "Where is the pharmacist? Aunt can be trusted by her?"

Aunt Gui said: "I don't have to believe her, and I don't have to believe her."

Xiao Lan puzzled: "What does Auntie mean?"

"She will not betray the Mingyue Tomb, nor will she betray me." Aunt Gui said, "I and her life are connected."

Xiao Lan said: "How to connect?"

"She and I are sisters." Aunt Gui said.

Xiao Lan was surprised. Since he remembered, the pharmacist looked old and rickety. There were even rumors that she had been alive for hundreds of years-although it sounds exaggerated, she never thought Will and aunt are the same.

"I was poisoned when I was a child, and the master connected me and her life together." Aunt Gui said, "Use her blood to detox my poison." Since then, the blood of the two has blended wonderfully. At the same time, the pharmacist suffered from the cannibalization of poisons, and his appearance quickly grew old.

"I am grateful to her." Aunt Gui said.

Xiao Lan said, "Auntie forgive me, Lan'er took the liberty to ask, would the pharmacist hate aunt?"

Aunt Gui shook her head and slowly said: "Hate it, maybe you still hate it now, but so what? We have become one person long ago. We are the same person, and what is the point of hating ourselves."

Xiao Lan said: "That's it."

"It should be Yue'erwan here." Aunt Gui stopped.

"It's already the highest point of the Immortal Mountain." Xiao Lan looked around and jumped to the top of the tree.

It was already dusk, and the half-worn moon was slowly lifted up into the sky by clouds, looking up, it seemed to be close at hand. The gorgeous sunset has not completely disappeared, and the golden red light illuminates half of the sky, in sharp contrast with the waning moon and sparse stars on the other end.

The world was chopped in half with a knife, half of the light and shadow floating, noisy and warm, shrouded the small villages and towns at the foot of the mountain; the other half was silent and cold, and reflected the broken tiles in the mountains and the mottled red pillars.

Xiao Lan said, "I found it."

Aunt Gui followed his direction and saw the crumbling building that was eroded by the years.

The spider web almost covered the entire temple. Xiao Lan inserted the dagger in and severely cut it, and even made a sound similar to that of the cloth being torn. I really don't know how many layers have been closed.

The cobwebs on the door were finally removed, and the wooden door shattered when touched, exposing the black doorway behind it. I don't know how many years later, a cold wind finally blows into the house, the veils on the beams rustle into dust, and the broken and suspended wooden beams are crumbling, seeming to fall to the ground in the next moment.

There is no white jade statue above the god.

Aunt Gui said: "It is said that soon after the war, the statue of Mrs. Bai Yu was pried away, and his whereabouts have never been known.

"Will it be built by the master of Lu Mansion?" Xiao Lan asked again.

"Maybe." Aunt Gui stepped into the temple. Xiao Lan also lit a torch to follow, and the beating light illuminated the dilapidated wall. Perhaps there were paintings on it, but it has long since disappeared. There is nothing but dust.

It's just a tattered empty temple.

After all the hardships, the only gain was to confirm that there was indeed a person who built a temple for Mrs. Bai Yu in Yueerwan. As for who that person was, what the purpose was, in what year and month and how it was built, and where the statue of Mrs. Bai Yu went, it is unknown.

Xiao Lan said: "Listening to the wind outside, it seems like it's going to rain. Let's go back tomorrow morning." Although the temple is a little broken, it is better than being frozen in a barren mountain. The two lit a bonfire and sat around to keep warm.

Aunt Gui looked at him for a while and asked, "Where did you feel uncomfortable when you practiced qigong recently?"

"No." Xiao Lan shook his head, "The pharmacist also said that there is poison in my body, but I really can't detect anything. Could it be a mistake?"

"How could it be wrong?" Aunt Gui said, "You can't notice it now, because it's not yet time for the re-poisoning."

Xiao Lan asked, "When will the poison happen?"

Aunt Gui shook her head: "If you have been like this, then this poison will never be sent."

Xiao Lan didn't understand: "Like now?"

"I've already said that amnesia is a good thing for you." Aunt Gui said, "It will be like this from now on, be good, don't be stubborn, just do it right with me."

Xiao Lan said: "I used to--"

"You don't have to mention your previous things again." Aunt Gui closed her eyes, as if muttering to herself, "I will take care of all the previous things. You only care about the immediate things and the future."

Xiao Lan smiled, but did not continue to ask after agreeing. After eating the scones he brought, he put his arms back and lay on the ground looking at the roof that was about to fall off.

The sound of rain outside changed from slow to urgent, and a series of thunder rumbling across the sky, like gunpowder exploded in the courtyard.

It rained all night, and didn't stop until dawn. Standing outside, Xiao Lan looked at the red sun gushing out in the distance, and sighed: "It's worth seeing this beautiful scenery."

"Do you like the sun?" Aunt Gui asked behind him.

Xiao Lan said: "Naturally like it."

After speaking, he asked, "Aunt will not be angry, right?"

"Why should I be angry." Aunt Gui came out, "You like the sun and don't like the dark underworld. Just take your brothers out of the tomb and set up another door, but before that, you have to make sure you have Enough wealth and great martial arts will not be bullied after going out."

"Lan'er just said it casually. Why should aunt take it seriously? The tomb of Mingyue is pretty good. I don't want to go out." Xiao Lan shook his head and said casually.

Aunt Gui was unhappy, just about to speak, but there was a dull sound behind her.

The broken beam, which had been hanging for an unknown number of years, finally couldn't stand the wind and frost of the years, and fell heavily to the ground, torn apart. At the same time, more wooden pillars rushed to the ground, and the entire temple turned into a pile of broken timbers almost in the blink of an eye.

The two people standing in the courtyard saw that at the moment the thickest pillar broke, a shiny object landed on it at the same time and was deeply buried in the dust.

Xiao Lan said, "I'll go."

Aunt Gui nodded and watched him standing in the ruins searching, and finally took out a bright object--the size of an egg, and the shape was not very regular, like a stone.

Aunt Gui frowned: "This is it?"

"Only this." Xiao Lan said, "Does my aunt recognize it?"

"Zitian stone, although it is not common, it is not rare." Aunt Gui said, "not to be so costly and hidden in the beam of the house."

Xiao Lan said, "Perhaps it was to improve Feng Shui, or perhaps Madam Bai Yu really likes this stone. I'm not sure."

This argument is far-fetched, but there is no other reason to explain it. Aunt Gui picked up the purple field stone in her hand, still full of doubts in her heart.

And in the back mountain of Fuhunling, there was heavy rain all night. Standing on the soft grass, Lu Zhui stretched his waist and closed his eyes to bathe in the gushing sunlight. It was a refreshing morning.

Before Yue Dadao spoke, Ah Liu said first: "I know, my father looks good."

Yue Dadao said: "You look good too."

A Liu chuckled and took her to the kitchen for breakfast. Lu Zhui flexed his muscles and bones, then turned around and asked, "Has Senior Miaoshou not come back yet?"

"No." Ahun shook his head, "I have been guarding the mountain road, there is no one."

He didn't know where he had gone, Lu Zhui muttered in his heart, at least he would come back and say it.

Seeing that he seemed to be in a bad mood, Ahun took the initiative: "The son is waiting, I will get you good things."

Before Lu Zhui had time to ask what a good thing was, Ah Hun had disappeared at the mountain pass. After a long while, he brought back a small box, mysteriously that the young master had found it before, and was going to give him as a gift.

Lu Zhui: "..."

Lu asked, "Your young master is going to give it to me in the future. What are you planning to do now?"

"Looking at the young man frowning, please be happy first." Ahun handed the box to him, grinning very much, "Anyway, it will be given away sooner or later, it's the same."

Lu Chai patted him on the shoulder, sympathetic. If you are like this, 80% of you will not be able to marry a wife in the future, but you will not be able to marry if you do not marry.

Now that the things were dug out, Lu Zhui didn't want to send him to bury it again. I found a deserted hill and opened it, but he laughed out loud. There are colorful stones in it. Although they have different shapes and are not polished, they can flash in the sun. It is estimated that there are some of them dug by themselves or bought from the town.

The sweetheart gave it, naturally everything looks good and I like everything. Lu Zhui picked up a piece of emerald-colored stone, and while basking in the sun, he slowly carved it with a small dagger. The right time was to kill time—after all, the formation method would make his head hurt if he looked at it for a long time.

When Ah Hun saw it, he sighed that the young master would really give gifts. Knowing that Young Master Lu would be bored, he gave him a big box. This was enough fun for months.

Tao Yuer was curious as she passed by: "What is a person doing here?"

Lu Zhui smiled and said, "A Hun gave me a few stones, which looks pretty good. Why should I carve a jade pendant for my wife?"

"That's good." Tao Yu'er sat beside him, and accompanied him with a smile.

Daxia Lu felt dizzy.

Xiao Lan and Aunt Gui went back to the tomb of Mingyue, thinking that the empty hand would be waiting in the Red Lotus Hall again, but the door was empty, and there was no one.

Thinking that he was going to the back mountain, Xiao Lan didn't think much about it. After closing the door, he listened for a while and made sure that there was no one outside. Only then did he shake a gleaming jade from his sleeve-when the temple collapsed. With the fastest speed, he replaced the object that had fallen from the beam of the house with the purple field stone that was originally intended to be given to Lu Chai. He deceived Aunt Gui and brought it back smoothly.

But the things were brought back, but I still don't know what to use. No matter how you look at it, it is just a transparent ball with no words or paintings on it. For some reason it appeared in the temple of Mrs. Bai Yu.

It would be great if Senior Master was here. Xiao Lan put the jade ball away, planning to ask when he came back, what is expected until dusk the next day, he still disappeared.

In the secret tunnel, Kongkong brilliantly brightened his hands, looked at the patterns on the surrounding walls, and laughed hoarsely. He thought it was a martial arts secret book, but it didn't look like it again. There are carriages, horses and pedestrians, stalls and shops, and beautifully decorated carriages. The curtains are half hanging, revealing the appearance of a peerless beauty inside.

It should be Mrs. Bai Yu's trip, and further forward, Mrs. Bai Yu enjoys the moon, eats, plays the piano, dances... Each picture is vivid and bright in color.

While watching empty-handed, he warned himself to pay more attention and not to be confused. But this time maybe because there was no Snow Diamond, he didn't feel in a trance, his brain was always sober.

At the end of the long scroll, there is another painting about several feet high. Mrs. Bai Yu was sitting in a big ship with a weird shape, surrounded by hundreds of maidservants, drinking and having fun and reveling. The most bizarre thing was that the ship was not floating in the sea, but flying in the sky.

This...wonderful hand rubbed his eyes and looked at it again, and found that the last painting was not only painted on the wall, but also supplemented by reliefs. Standing underneath, it looks very vivid. It is a great effort. of.

Is there really such a ship? Kong Kongmiao stroked the wall with his palm, feeling as if he had heard the rumors related to it, but couldn't remember what it was for a moment.

Going further in, the road gets narrower and narrower. Based on years of experience traveling through the tomb, this should have come to an end.

Kong Kong Miaoshou was a little disappointed, thinking that this road could go to more places, but it turned out to be a short passage opened up to be able to paint on both sides.

The portraits of Mrs. Bai Yu in this tomb are not too few, so why do we need to make another move and dig a secret tunnel here? The clever hand is empty and puzzled, or is there any key clue that I have ignored?

After thinking about it, he intends to walk this secret path again.

But at the moment he turned around, he never expected that he would meet a pair of eyes.

A pair of human eyes, red, glowing in the dark.

Even the experienced hand was astonished as an empty hand, but was startled by this sudden change. He quickly stepped back two steps, raised his hand and shook out two darts, only to hear a "pouch", the sharp blade sank into the flesh, but the opponent didn't move, even the red eyes did not blink.


Empty hands carefully approached the opponent.

The pearl in his hand exudes more light, and he finally sees clearly that the other person is a dead person, his eyes are empty and loose. Most of the exposed skin has been weathered, revealing the white skeleton. It seemed that he should have been tall before he was alive, but he crossed his legs and sat curled up in the groove dug by the underpass, maintaining this posture for hundreds of years.

Kongkong Miaoshou followed the direction of his sight, and it was the largest portrait of Mrs. Bai Yu at the end.

Another poor man who was bewitched? Kongkong shook his head, turned and left, secretly sighing in his heart that I don't know how many men are wrapped into a pair of dry bones by this so-called allure beauty. It is also pitiful.

After a night, Xiao Lan still did not wait for an empty hand.

He finally realized what was wrong, and found an excuse to leave Mingyue Tomb and went straight to the back mountain.

"Senior Master?" Lu Chai said, "Isn't it in Mingyue Tomb?"

Xiao Lan shook his head.

"Where will you go?" Lu Zhui hesitated, "Where is Xuezuan?"

"Before I came, I had visited Mrs. Bai Yu's tomb." Xiao Lan said, "The Snow Diamond is still there."

Lu Zhui looked at Tao Yuer again.

Tao Yuer guessed: "Did you break into Mingyue Tomb privately?"

Xiao Lan frowned.

Now the entire Mingyue Tomb is guarded by himself. It is impossible for others to break in, but that person is an empty hand—any tomb is half a home to him. It is not difficult for God to break in without knowing it.

Xiao Lan sighed, "I'll go back and look for it again."

"What's going on in Mingyue's grave now?" Lu asked.

Xiao Lan roughly talked about the matter of hiding the fairy mountain.

"Madam Bai Yu still has a temple?" Lu Zhui heard it curiously, "Even if he is spoiled again, he won't be so fanciful, right?"

"And it's built in the deep mountains where there are few people. It sounds like there is another conspiracy." Tao Yuer asked, "What about the beads?"

Xiao Lan poured out of her cloth pocket, and was more dazzling when she was illuminated by the sun at this time than the pulsating light under the candlelight.

Lu Zhui said, "I don't know."

"You don't know it, so no one guesses here will know it." Xiao Lan put the beads on his hand, "eyes are swollen, did not sleep well last night?"

People around: "..."


Lu Zhui held the big bead and asked, "Give it to me?"

"I don't know the root cause, I don't dare to give it to you." Xiao Lan shook his head and took it away again, "I have to rush back to Mingyue Tomb to find Senior Master, don't really have an accident."

Lu Zhui took the opportunity to say, "Can I go to cover the fairy mountain?"

Xiao Lan said: "No."

Lu Zhui: "..."

Otherwise, you think about it again. My father is still there. You refuse me so simply, the bride price will be doubled in the future.

Lu Wuming also said, "You are not allowed to go."

Lu Zhui: "..."

At this time, you two are very close.

Lu Zhui said, "I want to go."

Xiao Lan glanced at Lu Wuming.


Lu Wuming looked back fiercely.

Why don't you say it yourself!

Xiao Lan had to turn his gaze to Tao Yu'er again.

Tao Yuer nodded: "I will accompany you."

Lu Chau smiled and said, "Thank you, Madam."

Lu Wuming's chest became nauseous: "I said, not allowed to go!"

"Speak well, what's so fierce." Tao Yuer glanced at him, quite disgusted, "Mingyu is a master of skill and cleverness, so I went to the mountain to see what happened to the ruined temple. Without you, he is also a rising star in the world, you What's he doing with him, next time I go home, do I have to add a lock?"

Lu Wuming: "..."


Lu Zhui looked at Xiao Lan, "I want to go."

Xiao Lan helpless: "Okay."

Lu Wuming almost succumbed to his anger, whoever said that he would rebel.

Xiao Lan warned again: "Although it's just a ruined temple, you have to be careful, you know?"

Lu Chai nodded: "Yeah."

Daxia Lu was in a complicated mood, both crowned and sad.

Raising a son is more tiring than raising a girl.

There is nothing so much about Broadsword.

The next morning, Lu Chai stepped on the dead branches under his feet and walked slowly up the mountain.

Yue Dadao tweeted: "I still saw such a high mountain for the first time."

Lu Zhui said, "If you are tired, let Ah Liu carry you on his back, he can't ask for it."

"I won't let him carry it." Yue Dadao asked as he walked, holding a handkerchief in his hand, "When is the son going to get married?"

Lu Zhui smiled: "Why do you suddenly ask about this?"

"I'm even ready for the gift." Yue Dadao narrowed his eyes, like a child who couldn't hide the secret, "I've shown it to A Liu, and he said it looks good."

"Aliu said it looks good?" Lu Zhui smiled, remembering the colorful silk and satin he had bought before, the gilt teapot, a bright red vase that was cloisonné, and an old tree stump that he wanted to cook as Lingzhi. I can't wake up even if I drink water.

Lu Zhui said, "For this gift, I have to get married earlier."

Yue Dadao whispered: "I also want to prepare a gift for Ah Liu. I have known each other for so long, and I have never given her anything."

Lu asked, "What are you going to give?"

"I don't know, I came to ask the son." Yue Dadao said, "Except for eating and martial arts, he seems to have no other hobbies."

Lu Zhui laughed out loud with a "pouch".

Yue Dadao was a little embarrassed: "Am I wrong?"

"He likes you, he likes whatever you give him." Lu Chai said, "Even if you just say a few nice words, it's OK."

Yue Dadao waved his hand: "That can't be done. He gave me a small turtle dove studded with gems, and I have to send a similar one."

Lu Zhui: "..."

The turtle dove is mine, so I don't say hello.

"Forget it, I'll think about it again." Yue Dadao shook his handkerchief, "I'm going to chase Ah Liu, the son is walking slowly, don't fall."

Lu Chai smiled and nodded, watching her figure far away, fluttering, like a small bird.

Lu Wuming stepped forward and asked, "What are you talking about, so happy?"

Lu Zhui said: "Speaking of her marriage to A Liucheng in the future, I'm going to do a dowry, and my dad is going to prepare a dowry." Care about these.

It had just rained the day before yesterday, and the ground was a little slippery. Lu Chai held Lu Wuming. It is rare for the father and son to be so close.

Lu Wuming shook his head: "Your father, I'm not seven or eighty." This is still on.

Lu Zhui said, "Yeah." He didn't let go.

Lu Wuming was disgusted and beautiful in his heart. After taking his son for two steps, he noticed something was wrong: "What's wrong with you?"

Lu Chai frowned: "It's a bit cold."

It is like the kind of cold that an ice blade breaks through the flesh and blood, and the cold wind penetrates the bone marrow.

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